Duncans in Florida Misc. Counties


Duncan research files of
Mary Ann (Duncan) Dobson
the Genealogy Bug

Last revised June 23, 2010

Formed 1824 from Duval, St. John
Columbia formed 1832 from Alachua
Hillsborough formed 1834 from Alachua, Monroe
Benton (renamed Hernando 1850) formed 1843 from Alachua
Marion formed 1844 from Alachua, Hillsborough, Mosquito
Levy formed 1845 from Alachua, Marion
Putnam formed 1849 from Alachua, Marion, Orange, St. Johns
Gilchrist formed 1925 from Alachua

1830 Alachua Co. FL Census
Pg.46  George W. Duncan      0000,1  -  0      Tampa Bay

1840-1860 Alachua Co. FL Census
      No Duncan indexed

1870 Alachua Co. FL Census
Gainesville P.O.
Pg.144, #2612-2612, DUNCAN, Bena (f) 40 SC BLACK keeps house $0-$0
                  Richard 20 SC BLACK works on farm
                  Duncan (m) 18 SC BLACK works on farm
                  Jones (m) 14 SC BLACK works on farm
                  Hester 13 SC BLACK
                  Linvorie? (m) 10 SC BLACK
                  (MAD: also indexed Linevric and Luneric)
Pg.198, #3566-3566, DUNCAN, Capt. (m) 65 SC BLACK farm hand $0-$0
                  Agness 45 SC BLACK house keeper
                  Peter 16 FL BLACK farm hand
                  Fanny (f) 14 FL BLACK farm hand
                  FOUKS, Sam 20 GA BLACK farm hand
                  (MAD: Capt. Duncan indexed female; indexed in 1880 Bradford Co. FL census)

Lauderdale Co. AL Deeds (FHL film 1,022,574)
      11-60: 20 Oct. 1843, Mary Duncan of St. Joseph [Alachua or Benton Co.], FL, to Hugh Thompson, $1000, 10 acres, part of lot #346 in town of Florence, by her attorney W.F. Duncan who appeared in Lauderdale Co. AL. (MAD: see 1850 Calhoun Co. FL census and 1860 Franklin Co. FL census)
      11-61: 20 Oct. 1843, Hugh Thomson (sic) of Lauderdale Co. AL to Mary Duncan of St. Joseph, FL, promissory notes for $1000; mortgage of above land; paid.

Formed 1861 from Bradford

1870 Baker Co. FL Census
P.O. Sanderson
Pg.226, #167-167, SMITH, Lillie (m) 26 SC BLACK farm laborer $0-$0
                  Rebecca 23 FL BLACK keeping house
                  JENKIN, M. (m) 31 SC BLACK timber laborer
                  DAVIS, Edmon (m) 29 GA BLACK timber laborer
                  DUNCAN, Sam 28 FL (Fla) BLACK timber laborer

Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office Records; Newnansville, FL, Land Office, Act/Treaty of April 24, 1820, Entry Classification: Sale-Cash Entry (Internet address as of 6/3/2001)
      Name, Acres, Date land document signed, County
      Duncan, Wiley W, 40.06a, May 01 1855, Baker (MAD: 1850 Hamilton Co. FL census; 1860 Levy Co. FL census)

Formed 1858 as "New River" from Columbia and Alachua
Name changed 1861 to Bradford

1860 New River Co. FL Census
      No Duncan indexed

1870 Bradford Co. FL Census
P.O. Sanderson
Pg.247, #241-241, DUNCAM, Margaret ("m") 30 FL (white) farm laborer $0-$0
                  Lucion (m) 8 FL
                  Martha 6 FL

Formed 1858 from Duval

1860 Clay Co. FL Census
      No Duncan indexed

1870 Clay Co. FL Census
P.O. Sanderson
Pg.328, #294-281, DUCAM?, Wm. 45 GA (white) farmer $1500-$250
                  ?Deliah? (f) 46 GA keeping house (Eliliah? Ecliah?)
                  John D. 16 GA farm laborer
                  James E. 14 GA farm laborer
                  Marras E. (m) 12 GA farm laborer
                  William N. 10 GA farm laborer
                  Matilda M. 8, E.S. (m) 6, E.A.M. (f) 4 GA
                  Catherine D. 2 GA
                  (MAD: Marras also indexed Macras? and Mauras?)

Suwannee formed 1858 from Columbia

1840-1860 Columbia Co. FL Census
      No Duncan indexed

1870 Columbia Co. FL Census
P.O. Lake City
Pg.373, #571-571, DUNCAN, Wm. B. 40 VA (white) farmer $0-$0
                  Lucy P. 32 NC keeping house
                  Fanny W. 4 AR at home
P.O. Tustennuggee
Pg.377, #642-642, DUNCAN, Wm. J. 35 NC (white) farm laborer $0-$0
                  Narcissa 35 GA keeping house
                  Washington 12 GA farm lborer
                  Eugenia (f) 10 GA at home
                  James 8 GA at home
                  Olanga (m) 6 GA at home
                  Sissa? (f) 4 FL at home
                  (MAD: 1860 Wilkinson Co. GA census)

Formed 1887 from Manatee
Charlotte, Glades, Hardee, Highlands formed 1921 from DeSoto

1900 DeSoto Co. FL Census
Coker Precinct 3, S.D.2, E.D. 33, Sheet 48
Pg.336A, #952-958, DUNCAN, William N., head, w/m, Mar. 1868, age 32, mar. 9 yr, FL AL AL farmer
      Lueetha, wife, w/f, Jan. 1870, age 30, mar. 9 yrs, 5 ch, 5 living, GA SC GA
      Isla B., dau, w/f, May? 1891, age 8, single, FL FL GA
      George, son, w/m Jan. 1897, age 7, single, FL FL GA
      Lotta, dau, w/f, June 1894, age 5, single, FL FL GA
      Solan, son, w/m, Sept. 1897, age 2, single, FL FL GA
      Elan? Elvin?, son, w/m, Mar. 1900, 2/12, single, FL FL GA
Pg.336B, #959-965, DUNCAN, Zachariah, head, w/m, Aug. 1875, age 24, mar. 2 yrs, FL FL AL farmer
      Sarah J., wife, w/f, Nov. 1874, age 25, mar. 2 yrs, 2 ch, 2 lliving, FL GA FL
      Nora D?, dau., w/f, June 1897, age 2, single, FL FL FL
      Daniel H., son, w/m, Nov. 1898, age 1, single, FL FL FL
Pg.336B, #961-967, DUNCAN, Charity A., head, w/f, Mar. 1849, age 51, w(idow), 7 ch, 5 living, AL SC NC (blank occuption)
      Joseph E., son, w/m, July 1881, age 18, single, FL FL AL at school
      Ida S., dau. w/f, Aug. 1884, age 15, single, FL FL AL at school
      (MAD: Charity A. Duncan in 1870-1880 Manatee Co. FL census, bur. New Zion Cemetery, Ona, Hardee Co. FL; dau. Mrs. Ida S. Garret in 1910 Polk Co. FL census)

Formed 1822 from St. John
Alachua formed 1824 from Duval, St. John
Nassau formed 1824 from Duval
Hamilton formed 1827 from Duval
Clay formed 1858 from Duval

1830-1860 Duval Co. FL Census
      No Duncan indexed

1870 Duval Co. FL Census
City of Jacksonville
Pg.455, #188-156, DUNCAN, George 47 MD (white) gardner $0-$0
                  William A. 18 MD (white) domestic servt.
                  Gene (f) 32 FL
                  David A. 21 MD (white) Grocers? Clerk?
                  John J. 14 MD
                  Virginia (f) 12 VA
                  (MAD: 1860 Nassau Co. FL census)
Pg.495, #914-794, WILLIS, Louisa (f) 32 NC MULATTO keeps house $0-$150
                  DUNCAN, Ann 21 NC BLACK domestic servant
                  Elizabeth 21 NC BLACK laundress
                  ARROW, Samuel 17 TN MULATTO works in saw mill
                  TRENTON, Jordan 20 MD BLACK carpenter
Suburbs of Jacksonville
Pg.508, #44-37, DUNKAM, William 40 FL BLACK dreyman $0-$125
                  Sylvia 42 SC BLACK
                  John 12 SC BLACK
                  George 9 SC BLACK
                  Robert 6 GA BLACK
Pg.522, #311-275, DUNCAN, Henry 32 GA BLACK carpenter $0-$0
                  DICKENS, Samuel 28 GA BLACK carpenter
Mandarin Voting Precinct
Pg.571, #463-392, FERRIS, Sarah P. 62 FL keeping house $3000-$450
                  David W. 21 FL farmer
                  McINTYRE, William H. 17 FL
                  DUNKIN, Isaac 90 AFRICA BLACK laborer
                  ZIEA?, William 40 VA BLACK farm laborer
                  HAGAN, Louisa 54 FL BLACK domestic servant
                  Bira (m) 11 FL BLACK

Formed 1826 from Jackson
Leon formed 1824 from Gadsden

1830-1860 Gadsden Co. FL Census
      No Duncan indexed

1870 Gadsden Co. FL Census
P.O. Quincy
Pg.798, #1404-1408, McDIVEMIDE (McDIORMIDE?), Duncan (m) 63 NC (white) farmer $1000-$1000
                  Sarah 44 GA keeping house
                  Sibbie (f) 18 FL
                  James 17 FL attending school
                  Albert 5 FL
                  Duncan (m) 5/12 FL b.Jan.
                  EVANS, Chorlea (m) 19 FL (white) farm laborer
                  WATLE, William 40 AL (white) farm laborer
                  (MAD: indexed as surname Duncan)
Pg.820, #1760-1764, DUNCAN, William 54 LA (white) farmer $0-$1000
                  COE, Mary 35 GA (white) keeping house $1040-$100
                  John M. 12 FL (white) attending school

Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office Records; Tallahassee [Leon Co.], FL, Land Office, Act/Treaty of April 24, 1820, Entry Classification: Sale-Cash Entry (Internet address as of 6/3/2001)
      Name, Acres, Date land document signed, County
      Duncan, Thomas, 39.78a, Apr 10 1848, Gadsden (MAD: ? 1860 Holmes Co. FL census)

Originally Benton Co.
Formed 1843 from Alachua; renamed 1850
Citrus, Pasco formed 1887 from Hernando

1850-1860 Benton / Hernando Co. FL Census
      No Duncan indexed

1870 Hernando Co. FL Census
P.O. Brooksville
Pg.91, #262-262, DUNCAN, Mary 50 GA (white) keeping house $0-$150 (alone)
Pg.98, #376-376, DUNCAN, William 30 NC BLACK job worker $0-$0
                  Martha 30 GA BLACK keeping house
                  Louis (m) 11 FL BLACK farm laborer
                  Hannah 8 FL BLACK

Lauderdale Co. AL Deeds (FHL film 1,022,574)
      11-60: 20 Oct. 1843, Mary Duncan of St. Joseph [Alachua or Benton Co.], FL, to Hugh Thompson, $1000, 10 acres, part of lot #346 in town of Florence, by her attorney W.F. Duncan who appeared in Lauderdale Co. AL. (MAD: see 1850 Calhoun Co. FL census and 1860 Franklin Co. FL census)
      11-61: 20 Oct. 1843, Hugh Thomson (sic) of Lauderdale Co. AL to Mary Duncan of St. Joseph, FL, promissory notes for $1000; mortgage of above land; paid.

Formed 1834 from Alachua, Monroe
Marion formed 1844 from Alachua, Hillsborough, Mosquito
Manatee formed 1855 from Hillsborough
Polk formed 1861 from Brevard, Hillsborough
Pinellas formed 1911 from Hillsborough

1840-1870 Hillsborough Co. FL Census
      No Duncan indexed

1900 Hillsborough Co. FL Census (HeritageQuest image 1/12/2010)
Precinct No.3, SD 2, ED 57 (image 29 and adj.)
Pg.29B, #722-722, DUCAN, John A?, head, w/m June 1859 40 mar. 14, CAN-EN CAN-EN CAN-EN fruit growing yes/yes/yes Own F/F #122
  Annie L., wife, w/f Apr 1867 33 mar. 14 6/6 NH NH NH yes/yes/yes
  Florence I/J?, dau., w/f Sept. 1887 12 single FL CAN-EN NH at school 6 yes/yes/yes
  Herbert F., son, w/m Aug. 1889 10 single FL CAN-EN NH at school 6 yes/yes/yes
Pg.30A, DUNCAN, John H., son, w/m Sept. 1891 8 single FL CAN-EN NH 6 yes/yes/yes
  Margrett? L., dau., w/f Sept.1893 6 single FL CAN-EN NH - - - /yes
  Faith, dau, w/f, Sept. 1896, 3, single, FL CAN-EN, NH
  Sarrah C., dau., w/f Mar.1899 1 single FL CAN-EN NH
Pg.30A, #723-723 BOYD, Clifford ?, head, w/m Apr 187(blank), 26, mar. 8y, GA GA GA farmer yes/yes/yes R(ent) ?
  Ada, wife, w/f Feb.1875 25 mar. 3y, 0, 0, FL FL FL yes/yes/yes
Pg.30A, #724-724, DUNCAN, Arthur ?, head, w/m, Aug, 1856, 48, mar. 5y, NH NH NH farmer yes/yes/yes Own F/F #123
  Effie, wife, w/f Oct.1876 23 mar. 5, 0, 0, FL, TN VA yes/yes/yes
  Clara, sister, w/f Sept 1851 48 single NH NH NH yes/yes/yes

Hillsborough Co. FL Indexes to Platted Lands, 1848-1902 (SLC 2/2009)
   Direct index (FHL film 978,219)
      H.W. Duncan, 1887 (not copied)
   Inverse index (FHL film 978,230)
      Wm. Duncan, Book W (late, not copied)

Hillsborough Co. FL Index to Unplatted Lands, 1849-1903 (SLC 2/2009)
   Direct index (FHL film 979,277)
      Duncan starts 1886, not copied
   Inverse index (FHL film 979,053)
      Duncan, Annie N. from Albert N. Duncan, WD, $3500, M-507 (MAD: book M, 1882-1884)

Hillsborough Co. FL Old Administration, 1847-1901 (FHL film 978,613; SLC 2/2009)
      No Duncan indexed

Hillsborough Co. FL General Index to Estates 1834-1944 (FHL film 978,218; SLC 2/2009)
      No Duncan indexed

Formed 1887 from Orange, Sumter

Florida CSA Pension Application Files Index; Record Group 137, Series 587 (Internet address as of 6/25/2000)
      ... The first Confederate pensions in Florida were authorized in 1885 ... The pension application files include both veterans' and widows' applications interfiled, although approved and denied claims are filed separately. ... Confederate pensions were awarded to residents of Florida regardless of the state in which their service was rendered. The index is arranged by application file number and includes the veteran's name, his unit of service, state of service (if other than Florida), widow's first and maiden name, county from which the application was filed, and the earliest year of application.
      A04601, DUNCAN, Henry H., Alabama, Marian (Peet), Lake Co, 1907, 13 pgs. (MAD: Henry H. Duncan mar. Maria Evans Pect 3/24/1880 in Sumter Co. FL; one Henry Holcomb Duncan was state legislator from Sumter Co. FL in late 1880's, to Sumter Co. from IL in 1870's, father of Carl Duncan who d. age 90 on Sunday bef. 7/25/1989, per obit in "The Lake [Co. FL] Sentinel" from Kit Smith 8/1989)

Formed 1823 from St.Johns

1830-1840 Monroe Co. FL Census
      No Duncan indexed

1850 Monroe Co. FL Census
Key West 2nd Div.
Pg.171, #411, Dennis DINCEN 20 IRE
                  on "Kevineel(?) Cutter, Crawford" with many others

1860-1870 Monroe Co. FL Census
      No Duncan indexed

Formed 1824 from Duval

1830-1850 Nassau Co. FL Census
      No Duncan indexed

1860 Nassau Co. FL Census
P.O. Fernandina
Pg.413, #87-86, Geo. DUNCAN 37 MD Gentleman $0-$100
                  Eliza R. 21 MD
                  Mary E. 13, Danl. A. 11, Geo. H. 9 MD
                  William E. 8, Sally N. 6 VA
                  John J. 5, Virginia 2-1/2 VA
                  (MAD: 1850 1st Dist., Baltimore Co. MD census; definitely "Danl", not "David" age 11; 1870 Duval Co. FL census)

1870 Nassau Co. FL Census
      No Duncan indexed

Formed 1861 from Brevard, Hillsborough
(boundaries changed 1871)

1870 Polk Co. FL Census
P.O. Bartow
Pg.481, #288-268, DUNCAN, Lemuel 53 GA (white) farmer $200-$400
                  Sarah 48 GA keeping house
                  Lucy 21, Alice 19, Mary 17 GA at home
                  Nancy 15 FL at home
                  Nellie 13, Carrie (f) 12, Allen 9 FL at home
                  John 7, James 3 FL at home
Pg.484, #339-313, DUCAN, Jesse 57 GA (white) farmer $300-$4,000
                  Sarah 50 GA keeping house
                  Jesse 21, David 18 GA at home
                  Samuel 16, Mary 14, Susan 12 FL at home
                  Nancy 10, Martha 8, Sarah 5 FL at home
Pg.484, #340-314, DUNCAN, Webster 28 GA (white) farmer $0-$100
                  Lizzie 28 GA keeping house
                  Webster 12 GA at home
                  Rufus 9 GA at home
                  Cain (m) 7 FL at home
                  Ada 2 FL at home
                  Ellen 3/12 FL b.March at home

1880 Polk Co. FL Census
      No Duncan indexed

1910 Polk Co. FL Census
Pierce Distrit Precinct 9, S.D.1, ED 137
Pg.14B, #128-128, GARRET, Preston, farm hand, m/w, age 27, mar. AL AL AL farm laborer
      Ida, cook, f/w age 27 mar. 1yr, 1 ch., 1 living, FL FL FL cook
      J.C., m/w, age 1,l single, FL AL FL none
      (MAD: ? Ida Silence Duncan, dau. of Charity Ann; see 1900 DeSoto Co. FL census)

Formed 1822, one of two original counties
Duval formed 1822 from St.Johns
Monroe formed 1823 from St.Johns
Alachua formed 1824 from Duval, St.Johns
Putnam formed 1849 from Alachua, Marion, Orange, St.Johns
Flagler formed 1917 from St.Johns, Volusia

1830-1860 St.Johns Co. FL Census
      No Duncan indexed

1870 St.Johns Co. FL Census
St.Augustine P.O.
Pg.606, #1-1, RYALL, Philip J. 34 NJ lawyer $25,000-$9000
                  Ellen T?. 35 NJ keeping house
                  Juliet S. (f) 2 FL
                  DUNCAN, Edward H. 30 NJ painter $0-$0
                  WILLIAMS, Mary 25 SC BLACK domestic servant
                  CLARK, Sarah 15 FL MULATTO domestic servant
                  BAKER, Caroline 30 FL BLACK domestic servant

1880 St.Johns Co. FL Census
      No Duncan indexed

Formed 1858 from Columbia

1860-1870 Suwannee Co. FL Census
      No Duncan indexed

Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office Records; Tallahassee, FL, Land Office, Act/Treaty of April 24, 1820, Entry Classification: Sale-Cash Entry (Internet address as of 6/3/2001)
      Name, Acres, Date land document signed, County
      Duncan, James, 80a, Jul 28 1838, Hamilton and Suwannee (MAD: 1830-1860 Hamilton Co. FL census)
      Duncan, Rebecca L, 40a, Jun 16 1856, Hamilton and Suwannee (MAD: ? 1860 Jefferson Co. FL census or 1860 Hamilton Co. FL census wife of William J.J. Duncan)
      Duncan, William J, 235.5a, Jun 16 1856, Hamilton and Suwannee (MAD: 1850-1860 Hamilton Co. FL census)


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