Duncan research files of |
1830 Hamilton Co. FL Census Pg.172 James Duncan 2100,01 - 0210,11 (MAD: from Tattnal and Stewart Co. GA) 1840 Hamilton Co. FL Census Pg. 90 James Duncan 2111,001 - 0100,101
1850 Hamilton Co. FL Census
Pg.236, #177, James DUNCAN 55 NC farmer $1000
Jane 50 SC
William J.J. 26 GA sheriff $500
Wiley 22 GA farmer $200
Mary 16, Alexander 16 FL
Moses 10, Francis (f) 8 FL
(MAD: Wiley W. Duncan in 1860 Levy Co. FL census; one Wiley W. Duncan had pension SC-13561 5/25/1887 for service in Mexican War in Coffee's Co. FL Vols.)
1860 Hamilton Co. FL Census
P.O. Jasper
Pg.570, #73-73, James DUNCAN 64 NC farmer $800-$20 (alone)
Pg.574, #96-96, William J.J. DUNCAN 36 GA farmer $6000-$9000
Rebecca 28 FL
Alice 8, Zenobin (m) 6 FL
Idilla (f) 5, James 3 FL
Moses L. 20 FL school teacher $0-$400
(MAD: one Moses L. Duncan mar. Martha Bryan 6/28/1864 who mar. 2nd Harley Lee; from "Pioneers of Wiregrass, GA; Some of the Early Settlers of that portion of Wiregrass GA embraced in the Original Counties of Irwin, Appling, Wayne, Camden and Glynn" by Folks Huxford, Vol.4, pg.36, biog. sketch of Milton James Bryan 1813-1865 of Wayne Co. GA; FHL book 975.8 D3h)
1870 Hamilton Co. FL Census (pg.29 also from Kathy Cawley 2/2002)
Outside of Jasper, P.O. White Springs (each page starts #1-1)
Pg.29, #4-4, DUNCAN, Jackson 46 GA (white) farmer $8,000-$2,000
Phillis (f) 43 FL keeps house
Alice E. 18, Virginia (f) 16 FL asst. in house
Idella (f) 14, James 12, Rebecca 9 FL
DUNCAN, John G. 6 FL
(MAD: William J.J. Duncan in 1860 census)
Pg.31, #8-8, DUNCAN, Esther 32 SC BLACK keeps house
Agnes (f) 12 FL BLACK asst. in farm
Lucius (m) 2 FL BLACK
Pg.36, #6-6, DUNCAN, Moses 31 FL (white) farmer $600-$600
Martha 26 FL keeps house
Horace A. (m) 4 FL
Mary J. 5/12 FL b.Jan.
Pg.59, #3-3, DUNCAN, Wiley 40 GA (white) farming $3000-$2000
Margaret 35 FL K.H.
Americus (f) 17, George 14 FL
(MAD: 1860 Levy Co. FL census)
Hamilton Co. FL Index to marriage records (books) reverse & direct, 1830-1934, circuit court (FHL film 1,015,478 item 2; SLC 2/2009)
4-320: Duncan, Heloise, to Reuben A. Altman, Feb. 2, 1882, by N.W. Marion JP
6-45: Duncan, Mary A., to Charley O. Hill, Dec. 3, 1885 by Brantford Gill, MG
Quit unless before 1874
3-139: Duncan, Mary to Duval, Selph, Feb. 8, 1852, by Ira S. Rouse JP
Hamilton Co. FL Index to marriage licenses, steel file (FHL film 1,015,478 item 3 or 4; SLC 2/2009)
Duncan, W.J.J. to Angeline P. Jeffers?, file 74, 1863
Duncan, Mans. L. to Mattie S. Bryan, file 6A, 1864 (MAD: probably Moses L. Duncan)
Next 1880, not copied
Hamilton Co. FL General index to marriages and estates, 1828-1922, county judge (probably to steel file records) (FHL film 1,015,478 item 1; SLC 2/2009)
Estate index:
1853, Duncan, W.J.J. guardian for Jackson Lee, file 17B
1858, Duncan, J.J. Sheriff, account, file 69
1863, Duncan, W.J.J. for A.D. Johnson, file 12B (& for others, not copied)
1864, Duncan, Jane, estate of, file 12B
1875, Duncan, M.L., estate of, file 11B, 86-87
1881 - quit
Hamilton Co. FL Steel File Estates, vol.12B (FHL film 1,017,156; SLC 2/2009)
No estate found for Jane Duncan or any Duncan; no A.D. Johnson estate, W.J.J.Duncan, etc.
Hamilton Co. FL Probate Records, Volumes B-D, 1848-1898 (FHL film 1,015,491; SLC 2/2009)
Vol.B, Indexed: Duncan, Jane, 299, 300
B-299: Bond of W.J.J. Duncan as admr. est. of Jane Duncan. State of Florida, Hamilton Co., bond of William J.J. Duncan, Duval Selph & William R. Tuten for $2,000, 4 April 1864. William J.J. Duncan applied for Letters of Administration, /s/ W.J.J. Duncan, Duval Selph, W.R. Tuten. Rec. Henry J. Stewart, Judge of Probate, H.C., April 5, 1864.
B-300: Letters of Administration issued.
Vol.C, Indexed: William J.J. Duncan, 104-108
C-104: Petition of Mrs. Ann P. Duncan for dower as widow of William J.J. Duncan decd. who died 5 Feb. 1881. Recorded 7 Sept. 1887. (MAD: land description not copied)
Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office Records; Tallahassee, FL, Land Office, Act/Treaty of April 24, 1820, Entry Classification: Sale-Cash Entry (Internet address as of 6/3/2001)
Name, Acres, Date land document signed, County
Duncan, James, 79.75a, Jul 28 1838, Hamilton (MAD: 1830-1860 Hamilton Co. FL census)
Duncan, James, 80a, Jul 28 1838, Hamilton and Suwannee (MAD: 1830-1860 Hamilton Co. FL census)
Duncan, James, 80.47a, Jan 09 1841, Hamilton
Duncan, James, 120.28a, Sep 01 1852, Hamilton
Duncan, James, 80.15a, Apr 02 1860, Hamilton
Duncan, James, 120.31a, Jul 02 1860, Hamilton
Duncan, James, 80a, Apr 09 1861, Hamilton
Duncan, Jane, 40.23a, Apr 10 1848, Hamilton (MAD: ? 1850 wife of James)
Duncan, Rebecca L, 40a, Jun 16 1856, Hamilton and Suwannee (MAD: ? 1860 Jefferson Co. FL census or 1860 Hamilton Co. FL census wife of William J.J. Duncan)
Duncan, William J, 80.53a, Nov 01 1848, Hamilton (MAD: 1850-1860 Hamilton Co. FL census)
Duncan, William J, 235.5a, Jun 16 1856, Hamilton and Suwannee (MAD: 1850-1860 Hamilton Co. FL census)
Duncan, William J, 80.31a, Apr 02 1860, Hamilton
Duncan, Wiley W, 40.26a, Nov 01 1848, Hamilton (MAD: 1850 Hamilton Co. FL census; 1860 Levy Co. FL census)
Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office Records; Newnansville, FL, Land Office, Act/Treaty of April 24, 1820, Entry Classification: Sale-Cash Entry (Internet address as of 6/3/2001)
Name, Acres, Date land document signed, County
Duncan, Wiley W, 40.06a, May 01 1855, Baker (MAD: 1850 Hamilton Co. FL census; 1860 Levy Co. FL census)
Hamilton Co. FL General index to deeds, grantor & grantee, v.B-T, 1838-1899; pg.101-106 (FHL film 878,030; SLC 2009; bottom of pages too dark to read)
MAD: did not copy reverse index if same parties
B-216: Duncan, Jas. to Patience J. Baisden, Feb. 4, 1842
B-182: Duncan, Jas. from Peter W. Law et al, Apr. 17, 1841
B-216: Duncan, Jas. from Patience J. Baisden, Feb. 4, 1842
C-285: Duncan, Jas. from Hamilton Co., Mch. 14, 1848
C-305: Duncan, W.J.J. from James Duncan, May 25, 1848
D-73: Duncan, W.W. to S.A. Michell, (blank date, 1851-1852)
D-94: Duncan, W.J.J. Shff to Elihu Morgan, Jan. 14, 1852
D-96: Duncan, W.J.J. Shff to F.J. Ross, Jan. 17, 1852
D-157: Duncan, W.J.J. to W.W. Duncan, (MAD: ca 1853)
D-158: Duncan, H.W.W. to D.J. Alderman, Jan. 3, 1853
D-161: Duncan, H.W.W. to Francis M. Selph, Jan. 3, 1853
D-201: Duncan, W.J.J. to A.S. S?mith, Sep. 26, 1853
D-204: Duncan, W.J.J. to A.S. S?mith (ditto marks), Sept. 26, 1853
D-225: Duncan, Jas. to W.J.J. Duncan, Nov. 11, 1853
D-226: Duncan, W.J.J. Shff to Pliney Sheffield, Nov. 30, 1853
D-42: Duncan, W.J.J. from Jno. Rushin, (blank date)
D-82: Duncan, W.W. from A.S. Smith, Nov. 18, 1851
D-142: Duncan, W.W. from Worthy S. Kitchens?, Nov. 16, 1852
D-143: Duncan, W.W. from A.S. Smith, Nov. 16, 1852
D-201: Duncan, W.J.J. from A.S. Smith "see above" (blank date)
D-203: Duncan, W.J.J. from H.R.W. Andrews, Return Receipt, Sept. 26, 1853 (twice)
D-223: Duncan, W.J.J. from Jno. J. Stewart, Nov. 3, 1853
D-266: Duncan, W.W. to James Duncan, Aug. 14, 1854
D-304: Duncan, W.J.J. tax coll. to Jas. H. McDonald, May 1, 1855
D-364: Duncan, Jas. to Jos. Rainy, Dec. 29, 1855
D-424: Duncan, W.J.J. to Haddock S. Frink, May 22, 1856
D-426: Duncan, Rebecca L. to Relinquishment of dower, (blank date, ca 1856)
D-255: Duncan, W.J.J. from Jno. P? Stewart, Aug 7, 1854
D-462: Duncan, Rebecca L. to Jno. Holton, Jan. 16, 1857
D-463: Duncan, W.J.J. to Jno. Holton, Jan. 16, 1857
E-30: Duncan, Rebecca L. from Duval Selph, Sep. 11, 1857
E-56: Duncan, Wm. J.J. to J.T. McBain, Dec. 3, 1857
E-101: Duncan, Wm. J.J. to Zenobin Haliley?, B.sale, Feb. 16, 1858
E-217: Duncan, W.J.J. to Jno. Q?. Stewart et al, (blank date, ca 1858)
E-274: Duncan, James to Duval Selph, B.sale, Feb. 21, 1859
E-367: Duncan, Wm. J.J. to Henry J. Stewart, July 25, 1859
E-191: Duncan, W.J.J. from Jas. H. Stephens, Nov. 2, 1858
E-283: Duncan, W.J.J. from L.B. McTyrer? Shff, Mch 8, 1859
E-387: Duncan, W.J.J. from Bryant Brown, Mch 9, 1859
E-478: Duncan, W.J.J. from N. Hall, constable, Feb. 7, 1860
F-116: Duncan, W.J.J. from Daughtry Hin? (Wm?), B.sale, Oct. 4, 1860
F-184: Duncan, Moses L. from James Duncan, Feb. 5, 1861
F-301: Duncan, Jas. from Moses L. Duncan, Mch. 15, 1862
F-376: Duncan, W.J.J. from Charms? Sellph, Sep. 18, 1862
F-377: Duncan, W.J.J. from Nathanl. Taylor, Sep. 18, 1862
F-344: Duncan, W.J.J. from C.J. Jenkins, Capt. Subet Contf., Feb. 25, 1863
F-133: Duncan, W.J.J. to J.A.M. Alderman, B.sale, Nov. 5, 1860
F-313: Duncan, W.J.J. to Wiley Lee, June 1, 1862
F-351: Duncan, W.J.J. to A. Dougherty, Mch. 11, 1863
F-391: Duncan, W.J.J. to Bryant Brown, Sep. 23, 1863
F-394: Duncan, W.J.J. to Guilford Register, Dec. 1, 1863
F-420: Duncan, W.J.J. to Sam G. Robuck, Feb. 6, 1864
F-430: Duncan, Jas. to W.J.J. Duncan, Apl. 20, 1864
F-467: Duncan, W.J.J. to Guilford Register, Feb. 5, 1865
F-649: Duncan, W.J.J. to Arnold Yates, Aug. 26, 1867
F-415: Duncan, Moses L. from F.M. Selph, Jany. 16, 1864
F-468: Duncan, W.J.J. from A.E. Chandler, Feb. 18, 1865
F-489: Duncan, W.J.J. from A.E. Chandler, Jany. 20?, 1866
F-496: Duncan, W.J.J. from Duval Selph Shff, Feb. 19, 1866
F-520: Duncan, M.L. from Jas. Turner, Sep. 11, 1866
G-48: Duncan, W.W. from Wm. Yeates, Nov. 16, 1869
G-80: Duncan, W.J.J. from C.J. Jenkins, Jany. 28, 1870
G-149: Duncan, W.J.J. from Acknowledgement Dower Certf., Nov. 28, 1870
F-744: Duncan, W.J.J. to Jno. Holton, Sep. 23, 1868
F-745: Duncan, W.J.J. to Jno. Holton, Sept. 23, 1868
G-15: Duncan, W.J.J. to Mary J. Deas, Aug. 7? 1869
G-41: Duncan, W.J.J. to M.J. McBain, Gudn, Oct. 22, 1869
G-149: Duncan, W.J.J., to Acknowledgement & Dower Certf, Nov. 28, 1870
G-286: Duncan, W.W. to S.H. Williams, Dec. 9, 1871
G-292: Duncan, W.J.J. to Joanah Altman, Dec. 28, 1871
G-360: Duncan, M.L. to N.W. Marion, Apl. 30, 1872
G-400: Duncan, M.L. to Ellen McCridir?, Aug. 15, 1872
G-411: Duncan, M.L. to Rebecca A. Tutin (Futin?), (blank date)
G-437: Duncan, M.L. to John Hatcher, Jany. 13, 1873
G-437: Duncan, M.L. to Arabella Hatcher, Jan. 13, 1873
H-50: Duncan, W.J.J. to F. Peterson, Feb. 28, 1873
H-79: Duncan, W.J.J. to J.B. Smith Sr., July 9, 1873
H-106: Duncan, M.L. from Arabella & Jno. Hatcher, Sep. 19, 1873
H-107: Duncan, M.L. from Arabela & Jno. Hatcher, Sep. 19, 1873
H-108: Duncan, M.L. from E.S. Wiley, Sept. 19, 1873
Hamilton Co. FL Deeds
vol.B-D 1836-1857 (FHL film 1,015,468; SLC 2009)
B-182: Hamilton Co. FL, 4 Jan. 1841, the heirs to estate of Mary Baisden decd sold at auction a Negro man slave named Jack, the undivided property of the said estate, to James Duncan of Hamilton Co. FL for $810. /s/ Peter W. Law, John Bassette, Mathis (/s/ Mat.) Mickler, Patience J. Baisden (/s/ P.J.), Barbary R. Baisden (/s/ Barbara), Rosa H. Baisden, Josiah T. Baisden. Wit. John A. Whitehurst, Geo. W. Smith J.P. Rec. April 17, 1841.
B-216: 4 Feb. 1842, James Duncan of Hamilton Co. FL for $810, sell to Patience J. Baisden of same co., Negro man Jack aged 25 years. Wit. Robert L. Joey, Perry G. Wall. Rec. 4 Feb. 1842.
B-216: 4 Feb. 1842, Patience J. Baisden of Hamilton Co. FL to James Duncan for $810, following Negroes: woman named Pleasent aged 22 years and her three children Adam a boy age 7, Eve a girl age 4, and Cass age about 2 years. Wit. Robert L. Joey, Perry G. Wall. Rec. 4 Feb. 1842.
C-285: 4 Nov. 1844, David Bell, Joseph B. Watts, William M. Hunter Sr., Francis J. Ross and Henry Stephens, Comrs. for town of Jasper in Hamilton Co. FL, to James Duncan of same county and Territory, for $120, lots in Town of Jasper, Lots #1, 3 and 4 of Block #8, bid off by said James Duncan at public sale on 10 June 1839. Wit. John A. Sutton, Perry G. Wall, Clerk. Rec. March 14, 1848.
C-305: 29 April 1848, James Duncan of Hamilton Co. FL to William J.J. Duncan of same, for $75, lots in town of Jasper, Lots #1, 3 and 4 of Block #8. Wit. M. OBrien, Wm. Ponchise?, JP. Rec. May 25, 1848.
D-73: 9 Sept. 1851, Wiley W. Duncan of Madison Co. FL to Stewart A. Mitchell of Hamilton Co. FL, for $106, NW 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.35 Twp.1 Range 13N&E, containing 40-26/100 acres, refer to Receivers Receipt #9006. /s/ Wiley W. Duncan. Wit: Stephen S. Fraseth?, Robert L. Ivy, Clerk. Rec. Nov. 1, 1851.
D-74: Petition by Stewart A Mitchell to become a Citizen, 12 April 1831. Declared a citizen, 22 August 1851. (MAD: copied just because it looked interesting)
D-157: Hamilton Co. FL, 3 Dec. 1851, W.J.J. Duncan and wife Rebecca Lucretia Duncan to Wiley W. Duncan, for $175, SE 1/4 NE 1/4 and NE 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec.26 Twp.1 Range 13N&E containing 80 acres and 53/100. Wit. Joseph Rainey, H.B. Hill, Ira S. Rouse, JP.
D-158: 3 Jan. 1853, Wiley Duncan to David J. Alderman, both Hamilton Co. FL, for $175, SE 1/4 NE 1/4 and NE 1/4 SE 1/4 of Sec.26 Twp.1 Range 13N&E, containing 80 acres 53/100. /s/ Wiley W. Duncan, "Margare" E.H. Duncan. Wit: Israel M. Steward, John C. Tuton, Ira S. Rouse JP. Rec. Jan. 3, "1852."
D-161: 1 Jan. 1853, Wiley W. Duncan and wife Margaret Duncan to Francis W. Selph, all Hamilton Co. FL, for $50, their undivided right which is one half of four quarter acre lots of land in Town of Jasper, Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, in Block 2. /s/ Wiley W. Duncan, Margarett E.H. Duncan. Wit. T.T. Wright, Zebulon Robinson. Rec. Jan. 3, 1853.
D-225: 5 Oct. 1853, James Duncan and wife Jane Duncan of Hamilton Co. FL to William J.J. Duncan of same, for $2,000, the SW 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.27 Twp.1 Range 13N&E, containing 40 acres, also W 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.27, and NE 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec.28, and SE 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec.28 and SE 1/4 SW 1/4 and W 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.27, also SE 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec.28, all in Twp.1 Range 13N&E, containing 360 acres. /s/ James Duncan, Jane (X) Duncan. Wit. James (X) Mims Senr, James Mims Junr. Ack. 22 Oct. 1853, rec. Nov. 11, 1853.
D-266: Hamilton Co. FL, 3 Jan. 1854, Wiley W. Duncan for $1200 to James Duncan of said county, 2 negro girls "(slaves)" Easter about 15 and Sally a mulatto about 15. Wit. Allen G. Johnson, James J. Polhill. Rec. Aug. 14, 1854, on oath of Allen G. Johnson.
D-424: (blank day and month) 1855, William J.J. Duncan and wife Rebecca L. Duncan to Haddock & Frink, all Hamilton Co. FL, for (blank) dollars, land, W 1/2 SW 1/4 and NW 1/4 Sec.30 Twp.1 Range 13N&E containing 120 acres. Wit. Mosses (MAD: Mofes) L. Duncan, Joseph Payne JP. Rec. May 22, 1856.
D-426: 8 April 1854, Rebecca L. Duncan, wife of Wm. J.J. Duncan, grantor on the foregoing deed, relinquish my dower right. /s/ Rebecca L. Duncan.
D-462: 15 Sept. 1856, John Holton and wife Martha (X) to Rebecca L. Duncan, for $500, tract, S 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.10 Twp.2 Range 12N&E, 80 acres. Wit. Dixon T. Cross, Jackson McSeese.
D-463: 15 Sept. 1856, John Holton and wife Martha (X) to William J.J. Duncan, $3,000, tract NW 1/4 SW 1/4 and SW 1/4 Sec.11 Twp.2 Range 12N&E and E 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.11 Twp.2 Range 12S&W, and NE 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec.10 Twp.2 Range 12N&E and NE 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec.10 Twp.2 Range 12N&E and NW 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.11 Twp.2 Range 12N&E, total 240 acres. Wit. Dixon T. Cross, Jackson McSeese.
vol.E-F 1857-1869 (FHL film 1,015,469; SLC 2009)
E-30: 2 March 1857, Duval Selph and wife Mary to Rebecca L. Duncan, all Hamilton Co. FL, $1500, land, SW 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.21 Twp.1 Range 13N&E, 39 acres and 99/100 acre, also 159 acres and 94/100 acre known as SW 1/4 NW 1/4 and W 1/2 SW 1/4 and NW 1/4 SE 1/4, all Sec.21 Twp.1 Range 13N&E. Wit. Moses L. Duncan. Rec. Sept. 11, 1857.
E-274: 12 Feb. 1859, receipt by James Duncan from Duval Selph for $1300 for negroes Sarah about 21 years and her child a boy of the name of Tom about nine months. Wit. W.J.J. Duncan. Rec. 21 Feb. 1859.
E-274: 12 Feb. 1859, bill of sale and mortgage, /s/ Duval Selph, for E-274.
F-184: 31 Jan. 1861, James Duncan to Moses L. Duncan, both Hamilton Co. FL, $1,000, for SW 1/4 SW 1/4 and E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.28 and SE 1/4 NE 1/4 and NE 1/4 NE 1/4 and W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.32, all Twp.1 Range 13N&E, 280 acres. (no wife). Wit. J.W. Underwood, Duval Selph.
F-301: 11 March 1862, Moses L. Duncan to James Duncan, both Hamilton Co. FL, for $1,000, SW 1/4 SW 1/4 and E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.28 and SE 1/4 NE 1/4 and W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.2, Twp.1 Range 13N&E, 280 acres. Wit. Wm. R. Futen, Duval Selph.
F-415: 12 Dec. 1863, Francis M. Selph to Moses L. Duncan, both Hamilton Co. FL, $400, tract in town of Jasper, lot 3 in block 4 and a strip 6 feet wide taken from lot 4 in said block on the eastern side, reserving a strip of 6 feet ... Wit. S.S. Smith, E.S. Wiley. Release by Mary A. Selph, wife of said Francis M. Selph.
F-430: 15th? Feb. 1864, James Duncan to Wm. J.J. Duncan, both Hamilton Co. FL, $100, SE 1/4 NW 1/4 and NE 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec.27 Twp.1 Range 13N&E, 80 acres. Wit. A. Guyer?, Henry J. Stewart.
vol.G-H 1869-1878 (FHL film 1,015,470; SLC 2009)
G-48: 29 Oct. 1869, William Yeates and wife Mary (X) Yeates to Wiley W. Duncan, for $1500, SE 1/4 NW 1/4 and NE 1/4 SE 1/4 and NW 1/4 NE 1/4 and NW 1/4 SE 1/4 and NW 1/4 NW 1/4 and SW 1/4 NW 1/4 and SE 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.25, and SW 1/4 NE 1/4 and N 1/2 NE 1/4 and SE 1/4 NE 1/4 and SE 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.21, and NW 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec.23, all Twp.1 Range 14N&E, 560 acres. Wit. Duval Selph, Rubin Willis. Release of dower by Mary Yeates.
G-80: 21 Jan. 1870, Chesley J. (X) Jenkins to W.J.J. Duncan, $50, W 1/2 NE 1/4 and E 1/2 NE 1/4 and NE 1/4 SE 1/4, all Sec.19 Twp.1 Range 13N&E. Wit. Nathan Shiver.
G-149: 10 Oct. 1870, appeared Angeline P. Duncan separate from her husband William J.J. Duncan and released her dower. /s/ John H. Peterson, wit. A.E. Duncan, F?.F?. Zepperer??. Rec. Nov. 28, 1870. 10 Oct. 1870, appeared Wm. J.J. Duncan, he acquired the deed of mortgage, request it be recorded.
G-437: 15 Dec. 1872, Moses L. Duncan and wife Martha S. Duncan to John Hatcher, $250, NE 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec.27 Twp.1N Range 16E, 40 acres.
G-437: 15 Dec. 1872, Moses L. Duncan and wife Martha S. Duncan to John Hatcher, $1600, NW 1/4 NE 1/4 and SW 1/4 NE 1/4 and NE 1/4 SE 1/4 and SE 1/4 NW 1/4 and NW 1/4 NW 1/4, all Sec.27, Twp.1N Range 16E, and NE 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec.28 Twp.1N Range 16E, total 240 acres, except 25 acres on north side of the branch and the land now owned by Narly? M. Lee.
"Territorial Papers, Florida Territory, 1834-1839" Vol.XXV (CA State University, Sacramento, library book)
Pg.428+: Oct. 18, 1837; list of appraisers appointed by the Union Bank of Florida to appraise property in their respective counties: County of Hamilton, James Duncan (and a few others).
Stewart Co. GA Deeds, Book D, 1833-1835 (FHL film 424,308)
D-43: Hamilton Co. FL Territory, 15 Aug. 1833, James Duncan of afsd Co. & Territory to John Standley of Early Co. GA, for $200, 202-1/2 acre lot #51 granted James Duncan in 20th Dist. Lee Co., the said "Miles Jas. Duncan" (clerk underlined "Miles"); /s/ James Duncan; wit. Silas Overstreet, James Bell JP. (MAD: James Duncan of Tattnal Co. GA in 1827 Lottery)
Florida CSA Pension Application Files Index; Record Group 137, Series 587 (Internet address as of 6/25/2000)
... The first Confederate pensions in Florida were authorized in 1885 ... The pension application files include both veterans' and widows' applications interfiled, although approved and denied claims are filed separately. ... Confederate pensions were awarded to residents of Florida regardless of the state in which their service was rendered. The index is arranged by application file number and includes the veteran's name, his unit of service, state of service (if other than Florida), widow's first and maiden name, county from which the application was filed, and the earliest year of application.
A12791, DUNCAN, Thomas S., Georgia, Sarah (--), Hamilton Co, 1896, 15 pgs (MAD: ? Wilkinson Co. GA)
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