Duncan research files of |
1870 El Paso Co. CO Census
No Duncan indexed
"History of Humboldt County, California : with biographical sketches of the leading men and women of the county who have been identified with its growth and development from the early days to the present" by Leigh H. Irvine; pub. Los Angeles, Calif.: Historic Record Co., 1915, 1297 pgs. (LH11018, HeritageQuest images 4/2007; FHL book 979.412 H2i and film 982,252 item 1 and 1,000,105 item 1)
Pg.712-715: LEW V. SMITH ... of Eureka ... native of Massachusetts, born Feb. 7, 1885, at Worcester, ... to Lead, S.Dak. in 1906 for a year and a half, then to Sheridan, Wyoming, and Santa Cruz, Cal., for a year and a half before coming to Eureka in 1911. ... Mr. Smith was married to Miss Ella Duncan, of Colorado Springs, Colo., and they have two children, Harold and Warren. They reside at No.1152 Myrtle avenue. (MAD: Colorado Springs, El Paso Co. CO)
DUNCAN Family material in the Ross Coller Collection, Archives and Regional History Collections, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008 (photocopy of handwritten index cards, from Sue Husband, Curator, Regional History Collections, 10/1999; permission by Sharon Carlson, Director, to post on MAD's website)
SH: Coller was an area historian and newspaper journalist whose reference card information spans over 110 years of Kalamazoo County History.
DUNCAN, Atty. William. Oct. 16, 1911, dies in Colorado Springs, Colo. Able lawyer in Kansas. Wife was daughter of Latham Hull. Buried Independence, Kan. Never lived here but represented money in Hull estate here. (MAD: Colorado Springs, El Paso Co. CO)
"Weekly Gazette" Colorado Springs [El Paso Co.], Colorado, Saturday, April 4, 1885 (transcription by and from Kathy Cawley 1/2004)
GEORGE DUNCAN Resorts to the Revolver to Hurry Himself out of the World.
About half past seven o'clock last night George Duncan, who with his family resided at the corner of Nevada avenue and Cucharas (sp) street committed suicide by shooting himself through the breast with a revolver. A representative of the Gazette who visited the house a few moment after the suicide happened learned the following facts. It seems that Duncan for a number of years has been suffering from complications of diseases and for the past few weeks has been a constant sufferer. A few minutes after seven last evening he requested his brother, who was staying in the sick room with him, to get a drink of water, which he proceeded to do. While the brother was in the kitchen at the other end of the house he heard the report of a revolver and immediately rushed to the sick room. Upon reaching there he found the room vacant and further investigation revealed the body of his brother lying on the ground directly beneath the window of the room. Blood was flowing profusely from a wound in the left breast near the heart, and death must have been almost instantaneous. The deed was committed with a large 45-caliber ?o?se (horse?) revolver, and the ball passed entirely through the body. It is thought that the man was laboring under a fit of temporary aberration of mind, and either shot himself while leaning through the window or jumped out upon the ground and then shot himself.
George Duncan came here from Glenwood [Mills Co.], Iowa, about two years ago for the benefit of his health. He has however gradually failed instead of improving, and although in good circumstances when he came, he has spent all his means and has been unable to earn more. Last December he went to Glenwood Springs, returning in about a month, since which time he has been sick in bed most of the time. He leaves a wife and four little children in destitute circumstances.
Coroner Davis has been notified and will hold an inquest today if one is deemed necessary.
"Weekly Gazette" Colorado Springs [El Paso Co.], Colorado, Saturday, February 21, 1891 (transcription by and from Kathy Cawley 1/2004)
It will be with sorrow that the many friends of James Duncan will learn of his death, which occurred Monday evening about 8 o'clock. Mr. Duncan has been sick for some days with a bad cold and last Monday was compelled to take to his bed. Nothing serious was apprehended until Saturday, when he was attacked with pneumonia, which he was unable to withstand owing to his advanced age. The remains are in charge of Hallett & Baker, but arrangements for the burial have not been decided upon.
Mr. Duncan was born in Belfast, Ireland, and was in his 77th year. He came to America when 14 years of age, and lived the greater portion of his life in Pennsylvania. In 1872 he came to Colorado Springs, being among the first to locate here. For years he was engaged in the stationery and book business in this city, being the pioneer in that line. His first store was located on Cascade avenue, about where the Colorado Springs Transfer company's barn is now situated. Of late years Mr. Duncan has conducted a small music store at 115 (?) East ?uerfano street, more that his time might be employed than for any necessary that he should engage in business, and was resting in the rear of the store at the time of his death. His son, James P. Duncan, was with him at the last, but his wife and two married daughters reside near Pittsburg [Allegheny Co.], Pa. Mr. Duncan was a kindly, genial gentleman, and there are many in this city to pay tribute to his noble qualities.
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