Duncan research files of |
1870 Arapahoe Co. CO Census
City of Denver
Pg.31, #600-593, DUNCAN, Merritt 24 KY BLACK laborer $0-$0
Mary 19 MO BLACK keeping house
BOZIER, Harrison (m) 27 MO BLACK laborer
(MAD: Merrit Duncan mar. Mary Bozier 3/10/1867)
1870 Boulder Co. CO Census
St.Vrain Dist.
Pg.114, #17-17, BROWN, Sathar? (m) PA farmer $5000-$1800
Caroline 34? (38?) NY keeping house
Lilly S. 5? (9?) CO
LaCastrun? (Labastrum?) (m) 4 CO
DANKIN, John 38 IL miner $1600-$0
1870 Clear Creek Co. CO Census
P.O. Georgetown
Pg.140, #62-60, PHILLIPS, James 42 NY miner $0-$0
& 4 other miners, including
DUNCAN, Morris 28 NY miner $0-$0, citizen of US, both parents of foreigh birth
1870 Huerfano Co. CO Census
Cuchara River Valley
Pg.335, #143-144, DUNCAN, Louis 55 NM farm laborer $0-$0
Manuela M. (f) 44 NM housekeeper
Ygnacia (f) 12 CO
CORNELIO, Jose (m) 7 NM herds help
1870 Lake Co. CO Census
Pg.376, #44-26, DUNCAN, Marshall 31 SCT miner $1200-$0, citizen of US, both parents of foreign birth
HOW, Frederick 28 MO miner $0-$400
1870 Larimer Co. CO Census
Sherwood Dist.
Pg.392, #101-99, DUNCAN, Simon 40 PA farmer $2000-$2200
Mary 36 IRE
Elisabeth 11 WI
Perry 8, Charles 2, Simon 10/12 CO
1870 Weld Co. CO Census
"Dist. 2 (St.Varain)"
Pg.503, #16-16, DUNCAN, Elisha 48 IL farmer $4000-$3000
Mary W. 38 IL
Margaret 17, Robert 15 IL
John F. 13, Mary 10 IL
Edward 7, Guy 4 CO
(MAD: indexed Charles instead of Elisha)
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