Duncans in 1870 Colorado census


Duncan research files of
Mary Ann (Duncan) Dobson
the Genealogy Bug

Last revised March 20, 2007

Duncans in 1870 COLORADO Census

1870 Arapahoe Co. CO Census
City of Denver
Pg.31, #600-593, DUNCAN, Merritt 24 KY BLACK laborer $0-$0
                  Mary 19 MO BLACK keeping house
                  BOZIER, Harrison (m) 27 MO BLACK laborer
                  (MAD: Merrit Duncan mar. Mary Bozier 3/10/1867)

1870 Boulder Co. CO Census
St.Vrain Dist.
Pg.114, #17-17, BROWN, Sathar? (m) PA farmer $5000-$1800
                  Caroline 34? (38?) NY keeping house
                  Lilly S. 5? (9?) CO
                  LaCastrun? (Labastrum?) (m) 4 CO
                  DANKIN, John 38 IL miner $1600-$0

1870 Clear Creek Co. CO Census
P.O. Georgetown
Pg.140, #62-60, PHILLIPS, James 42 NY miner $0-$0
                  & 4 other miners, including
                  DUNCAN, Morris 28 NY miner $0-$0, citizen of US, both parents of foreigh birth

1870 Huerfano Co. CO Census
Cuchara River Valley
Pg.335, #143-144, DUNCAN, Louis 55 NM farm laborer $0-$0
                  Manuela M. (f) 44 NM housekeeper
                  Ygnacia (f) 12 CO
                  CORNELIO, Jose (m) 7 NM herds help

1870 Lake Co. CO Census
Pg.376, #44-26, DUNCAN, Marshall 31 SCT miner $1200-$0, citizen of US, both parents of foreign birth
                  HOW, Frederick 28 MO miner $0-$400

1870 Larimer Co. CO Census
Sherwood Dist.
Pg.392, #101-99, DUNCAN, Simon 40 PA farmer $2000-$2200
                  Mary 36 IRE
                  Elisabeth 11 WI
                  Perry 8, Charles 2, Simon 10/12 CO

1870 Weld Co. CO Census
"Dist. 2 (St.Varain)"
Pg.503, #16-16, DUNCAN, Elisha 48 IL farmer $4000-$3000
                  Mary W. 38 IL
                  Margaret 17, Robert 15 IL
                  John F. 13, Mary 10 IL
                  Edward 7, Guy 4 CO
                  (MAD: indexed Charles instead of Elisha)


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