Duncan research files of |
1860 San Diego Co. CA Census
Colorado Twp
Pg.807, #412, U.S. Troops (each man has his own number)
CA Death Indexes, 1905-1929 and 1930-1939 (1905-1929 from CA State Library, Sacramento, and FHL microfilm 1,686,044, A to Emerson, Geo.; 1930-1939 from FHL microfilm 1,686,048, A to Hetterman)
MAD Note: An index to California Birth Records, 1905-1995, and California Death Records, 1940-1997, has been posted at Rootsweb:
Decedent name (8 characters maximum in first name); Spouse initials; Age, Place, Date of death; Year registered - State file number (MAD: added birth year)
Duncan, Agenora; spouse R.R.; 68 years, San Diego Co., died 10/14/27; 27-51416
Duncan, Allen; 2 years, San Diego Co., died 6/17/17; 17-21661
Dunkin, Ann; spouse T.H.; 78 years, San Diego Co., died 1/8/30; 30-4752
Duncan, Archie H.; spouse C.H.; 66 years, San Diego Co., died 3/14/33; 33-17462
Duncan, Carrie H.; spouse A.; 65 years, San Diego Co., died 8/6/32; 32-44284
Duncan, Catherin; spouse R.; 60 years, San Diego Co., died 9/11/22; 22-39907
Duncan, Charles; 55 years, San Diego Co., died 1/27/27; 27-9671
Duncan, Claude W.; spouse P.; 38 years, San Diego Co., died 3/29/21; 21-11855
Duncan, Edwin; 29 years, San Diego Co., died 8/31/18; 18-28672
Duncan, Elisa S.; spouse W.H.; 83 years, San Diego Co., died 9/7/27; 27-46481
Duncan, Elizabet M.; 2 months, San Diego Co., died 7/2/20; 20-29357
Duncan, Ellen W.; spouse J.P., 70 years, San Diego Co., died 12/29/27; 27-62350
Duncan, Francis M.; spouse L.; 59 years, San Diego Co., died 2/11/21; 21-7482
Duncan, Francis O.; 28 years, San Diego Co., died 1/2/06; 06-1473
Dunkin, George W.; spouse M.B.; 72 years, San Diego Co., died 2/7/37; 37-15614
Duncan, Georgia B.; spouse E.M.; 69 years, San Diego Co., died 9/4/35; 35-53536
Duncan, Hazel; 2 years, San Diego Co., died 3/5/22; 22-13969
Duncan, James C.; 72 years, San Diego Co., died 6/21/15; 15-19003 (b.1843)
Duncan, James F.; 76 years, San Diego Co., died 6/9/31; 31-34015
Duncan, James R.; spouse N.M.; 54 years, San Diego Co., died 10/24/39; 39-63785
Duncan, Jennie V.; spouse R.W.; 59 years, San Diego Co., died 9/28/32; 32-49564
Duncan, John C.; spouse V.A.; 64 years, San Diego Co., died 6/1/30; 30-33311
Duncan, John M.; 9 years, San Diego Co., died 8/23/19; 19-32659
Duncan, John P.; spouse E.W.; 77 years, San Diego Co., died 11/27/27; 27-56559 (b.1850)
Duncan, Katie N.; spouse F.; 35 years, San Diego Co., died 3/4/20; 20-13798
Duncan, Leila M.; spouse R.; 76 years, San Diego Co., died 5/24/35; 35-30164
Duncan, Lucretia J.; 11 months, San Diego Co., died 11/30/12; 12-36788
Dunkin, Mary B.; spouse G.W.; 74 years, San Diego Co., died 4/3/38; 38-25169
Duncan, Mary E.; spouse T.; 75 years, San Diego Co., died 8/10/28; 28-42322
Duncan, Mary L.; 9 months, San Diego Co., died 1/21/19; 19-5013
Duncan, Mary M.; spouse G.W.; 69 years, San Diego Co., died 5/15/38; 38-31693
Duncan, Mortimer; 86 years, San Diego Co., died 2/22/21; 21-7542 (b.1835)
Duncan, Robert A.; spouse M.; 66 years, San Diego Co., died 5/12/28; 28-26994
Duncan, Robert; spouse E.; 70 years, San Diego Co., died 11/14/36; 36-68416
Duncan, Rose; 20 years, San Diego Co., died 10/4/28; 28-52527
Duncan, Thomas C.; spouse M.W.; 70 years, San Diego Co., died 1/14/29; 29-4722
Duncan, William P.; 72 years, San Diego Co., died 1/18/15; 15-2211 (b.1843)
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, Robert S., 1833 8? Ave., National City, [San Diego Co.] Calif.; R-36434? (dark).
Duncan, Robert William; naval service, enlisted 1931, discharged 1931, USN. L.Sta. San Diego, CA; 1931 Nov. 16, Soldier Appl. #1706577, Colo, (cert. blank); remarks C892123.
"Report of the Selective Service Administration of California" 1922, pages 372-373 (Placerville FHC book)
Name, City and County (MAD: have added county in parenthesis if different from city)
Duncan, David Jr., San Diego
Duncan, Donald Louis, San Diego
Duncan, Frederick Marsh, San Diego Co.
Duncan, Rush F., San Diego Co.
"An Illustrated history of southern California : embracing the counties of San Diego, San Bernardino, Los Angeles and Orange, and the peninsula of lower California, from the earliest period of occupancy to the present time, together with glimpses of their prospects, also, full-page portraits of some of their eminent men, and biographical mention of many of their pioneers and of prominent citizens of to-day." (anonymous); pub. Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1890, 934 pgs. (LH13745, HeritageQuest images 4/2007; FHL film 468,743 item 2 and 1,000,098 item 2; from Kathy D. Cawley 1/2007)
ADDENDA. Page 896: MRS. JULIA J. STEWART was born in Philadelphia in 1830, her parents being JOHN R. and HANNAH E. (HOWELL) VODGES. The former was a native of Philadelphia, a prominent lawyer and a trustee of Jefferson Medical College. He and General Israel Vodges were cousins. The mother was born in Trenton, New Jersey, in 1794, and died at the advanced age of eighty-nine years.
Julia, the subject of this sketch, was educated in Philadelphia, and was a constant resident of that city until she moved to Los Angeles, California, in 1884. She removed to Spring valley, San Diego County, the same year, and bought the ranch on which she now resides. It consisted of 320 acres. The property has a fine residence on it, and has been improved since 1870. Mrs. Stewart has made many improvements in the way of fine ranch buildings and running water-pipes over it. On the place there are 900 orange trees, 200 olive, 300 lemon, and nearly every other variety of fruit, all in bearing; also many ornamental shrubs and flowers. The ranch is one of the oldest and best known places in the valley; the railroad runs near it, and Spring Valley station is within half a mile of it. Mrs. Stewart has donated a school-house site, and a nice school-house is in the process of erection.
Mrs. Stewart has been twice married, first to WILLIAM B. DUNCAN, grandson of General DUNCAN, a general of the war of 1812. They had one daughter by this union - JULIA, born in 1855 in Philadelphia, who married GEORGE WHARTON, had two children, and afterward died. The children, Edith and Helen, are now with their grandmother. In 1861 the subject of this notice was married to REV. DR. STEWART, a native of Dublin, Ireland. When quite young he was taken by his parents to Jamaica, Newark and Philadelphia. During the war he was Chaplain with Harlan's Cavalry. By this union there were three daughters, viz.: Mary, born in 1862, and married in 1879 to Frederick Phillips, of Philadelphia; Hanna Vodges, born in 1865, and married in 1887 to her cousin, W.B. Prentice, who was born of American parents while abroad. He went to Washington Territory and took up 160 acres of government land, remained one year, then went to Los Angeles and engaged in the dry-goods business for himself. They make their home with Mrs. Stewart at Spring Valley. The other daughter, Mildred Maud, was born in 1868. Having poor health, she was the cause of the family coming to California. She died in Los Angeles in 1885. Mrs. Stewart has engaged quite heavily in San Diego property, and among the rest owns the Buckingham, on the corner of D and Second streets. (MAD: nothing said about the death of William B. Duncan or of Rev. Dr. Stewart.)
1922 "City of San Diego and San Diego County : the birthplace of California" by Clarence Alan McGrew; pub. Chicago: American Historical Society, 1922 (LH11408, HeritageQuest images 2/2007)
"City of San Diego and San Diego County : the birthplace of California" by Clarence Alan McGrew; pub. Chicago: American Historical Society, 1922, 1164 pgs. (LH11408, HeritageQuest images 4/2007; FHL book 979.498 H2m v.2 and film 1,000,120 item 3-4)
Vol.2, pg.425: C.C. YELVINGTON. ... born in Jasper Co. Illinois, September 25, 1876, son of H.D. and Olive Charlotte Yelvington ... in 1911 he came to San Diego. ... He married in San Diego in 1914 Miss Ida Duncan. They have a daughter, Olive. Mr. Yelvington is an independent republican in politics and his home is at 1242 Rolinson Avenue.
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