Duncan research files of |
1830-1850 St.Francis Co. AR Census
No Duncan indexed
1860 St.Francis Co. AR Census
Union Twp.
Pg.476, #575, Sarah R/K?. DAWSON 50 TN farmer $6480-$9410
Martin 21 AR overseer
William BURTON 34 KY mill master
Mary A. 30 KY
Mananda HERROD? (f) 18 AR
Sallie HOLBERT 13 AR
Edmand B. DUNKIN 10 AR
(MAD: 1870 Arkansas Co. AR census)
Pg.476, #581, Walter S. PHILLIPS 53 GA com.laborer $0-$100
Millie 41 "Miss"
Nancy J. 15, Pleasant (m) 14 "Miss"
William 12, Isaac 11, Andrew 9 "Miss"
Robert A. DUNKIN 35 VA school teacher $0-$0
(MAD: Robert Alexander Duncan age 41 mar. Meranda Harris age 32, ca 5/1864 Phillips Co. AR; from Louisa Co. VA; 1870 Phillips Co. AR census; 1880 St.Francis Co. AR census)
1870 St.Francis Co. AR Census
Greggs Twp.
Pg.405, #5-5, KEYSACKER, Geo. 35 IN (blank) $0-$0
Margaret 26 TN
William 2 AR
Pg.405, #5-6, DUNCAN, Sarah 25 AR (blank) $0-$0
Ann (f) 8 AR
Martha 5 AR
CROUSE, John 25 IN (blank)
DUNCAN, Eliza ("m") 20 TN
St.Francis Twp.
Pg.430, #79-85, DUNCAN, James 62 TN farmer $0-$0
WAST, Rachel (f) 22 TN (blank)
Elija (m) 20 TN
David 17 AR
John 5 AR
RAY, Thedore 25 VA (blank)
SMITH, George 27 NY (blank)
(MAD: ? 1860 Crittenden Co. AR census)
Tellico Twp.
Pg.445, #66-66, ABEL, Midager? (m) 50 TN farmer $0-$300
Jane C. 45 AL k.h.
William B. 18 AR
Rebecca M. 13 AR
Bassell D. (m) 10 AR
Josephine 6 AR
DUNCAN, Maria 28 IN (blank)
1880 St.Francis Co. AR Census, partial
Blackfish Twp., Pg.9 and 10, S.D.1, E.D.265
Pg.224C, #80-83, FARMER, John N. 31 GA head farmer GA GA
Timpie (f) 20 AR wife keeping house AR AR
Dorah 10 AR dau. at home GA AR
Mary 1 AR dau. at home GA AR
DUNKIN, Eliga (m) 30 TN boarder clerk in store TN TN
Martha 17 AR boarder house work TN AR
THOMAS, George B. 20 KY boarder clerk in store KY KY
SHEDRCK, William 12 TN boarder farm laborer TN TN
Pg.224D, #93-96, JAMES, Columbus 24 TN head farmer TN (blank)
Annie 17 AR wife keeping house TN AR
WEST, John 14 AR cousin farm laborer (blank) AR
DUNKIN, David 27 AR boarder farm laborer TN TN
Index of MO and AR and Partial IL (C-D) Land Patentees, War of 1812; Warrants (Index on FHL film 983,163)
Sec. 2, AR Patentees, from G.L.O. (General Land Office) Patent Book; with added date and Tract Book page; added county from Rand McNally Commercial Atlas (tract books on FHL film 1,302,833)
Volume, page, name, warrant #, quarter (unless noted otherwise), section, township, range; date from tract book pages by Twp & Range; present county.
Vol.2 p.433: Dunham, Ephraim, heir of Leml. Dunham, #24,262; SE 18 2N 3E; 5/21/1821, p.130; present Lee Co. (Phillips or St.Francis Co. AR in 1830)
Hughes Cemetery, Forrest City, St. Francis Co., AR (information from another researcher)
David Duncan, born 4/1/1853, died 12/28/1942
wife Mary F. Duncan, born 6/15/1847, died 12/2/1916
Crittenden Co. AR Deed (FHL film 1,022,227)
H-275: (blank) March 1857, Robert A. Duncan of St.Francis Co. AR to Bryant Lynch of same, $1000, 160 acres, the SW 1/4 Sec. 25 T3N R5E except 40 feet square around a mound known as the family burying ground in SW 1/4 SW 1/4 to be held by Duncan. No wife. Wit. John A. Brictian?, Abrm. Menun?. (MAD: from Louisa Co. VA to Phillips Co. AR)
MAD: Robert Alexander Duncan, Confederate Field Officer, Major, Lt.Colonel 13th AR Infantry (from pg.380, Appendix, "Lee's Colonels, Biographical Register of Field Officers of Army of Northern VA" by Krick, 2nd Ed. Revised, 1984, FHL book 973 D36kca)
1890 "Biographical and historical memoirs of eastern Arkansas : comprising a condensed history of the state, a number of biographies of distinguished citizens of the same, a brief descriptive history of each of the counties named herein, and numerous biographical sketches of the prominent citizens of such counties" White, Woodruff, Cross, Ciittenden, St. Francis, Monroe, Lee, Arkansas, Prairie, and Phillips counties; by Goodspeed (FHL book 976.7 H2bhm and film 934,823 item 3, and from Evelyn Sigler 11/1983)
Pg.483, St.Francis Co. Jesse W. Mahaffey, native of GA, brought to AR by his parents when 9 years of age, reared on a farm in St.Francis Co.; fall of 1849 went into timber business, engaged in getting out timber from the forest and rafting it down the St.Francis River since then in connection with farming; he owns farm on river bottom of 520 acres, 90 acres under cultivation, the rest timber, land lies partly in this county and in Cross and the balance in Crittenden Co. Mr. Mahaffey born in GA on March 15, 1831, son of John and Lucinda (Wright) Mahaffey, natives of Eastern TN. John Mahaffey born near Knoxville in 1804, mar. on Jan. 9, 1825, soon after he removed to GA and in 1840 to St.Francis Co. AR, living here until his death in 1859, member Christian Church, father of 7 children: Jesse Woods (principal of this article), Elizabeth P., William R., Lutishia, Belinda, Winnie and David R. Subject of this sketch the only member of the family living. He has been twice mar., first to Sarah Duncan in 1854, a native of TN who died the following year leaving one dau., the latter also died when 5 years old. He married second on May 19, 1857, she formerly America E. Dixon, dau. of Thomas Dixon and a native of TN; parents of 8 children, five living: James W., Jesse W., Thomas F., Lucinda and Mary E.; Mr. Mahaffey a Democrat, formerly old line Whig, Christian.
(MAD: Harvey Mahathey and James Mahathy indexed pg.45, St.Francis Co. AR 1850, Richland Twp; both single men, no obvious connection, no good match in 1850 or 1860 TN; see Decatur Co. TN 1850 census for Duncan families)
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