Duncan research files of |
1830 Jefferson Co. AL Census
Pg.175 Jane Duncan 001 - 0000,001
1840 Jefferson Co. AL Census
No Duncan indexed
1850 Jefferson Co. AL Census (no Duncan indexed)
Baird Dist. 32
Pg.208, #20, Robert J. HAYGOOD 36 SC merchant $1000
Nancy M. 36 TN
Margaret A. 16, Elizabeth J. 14 AL
Rufus H. 11, Lucinda 9, Thomas Z. 7 AL
Isabell 5, Robert C. 1 AL
(MAD: looking for E.D. Duncan mar. R. Hagood 10/30/1842, from Vol.VI, AL Historical Society)
1860 Jefferson Co. AL Census
Pg.747, #21, Robert HUFFMAN 45 SC farmer $1000-$5725
Sarah 35 AL
Thomas 15, David 13 AL
Sarah J. 12, Margaret 8 AL
Robt. M. 3, Melissa R. 3/12 AL
M.J. DUNKIN (m) 17 AL
Porter NOLAN 21 TN farmer $0-$250
Pg.748/9, #12, L.L. ELLIS (m) 48 SC farmer $3000-$4000
Elizabeth 42 NC
Margaret 75 SC
Martha A. 25, Margaret 21 AL
William B. 17, John T. 15 AL
Lewis L. 13, Joseph H. 11 AL
David C. 3, James A. 6/12 AL
Nancy A. DUNKIN 13 TN
Martha DUNKIN 11 TN
T. ESKRIDGE (m) 26 MS physician $0-$300
(MAD: Lewis L. Ellis mar. Elizabeth E. Duncan 3/10/1853 Tuscaloosa Co. AL; see wife of Samuel Duncan 1850 Monroe Co. TN census)
1870 Jefferson Co. AL Census
No Duncan indexed
Jefferson Co. AL Deed Indexes 1812-1870, Direct V.1 and Reverse V.2 (FHL film 1,065,068)
2-216: Peyton King to W.B. Duncan
2-229: Carter Tarrant to W.B. Duncan
2-403: E.T. King to W.B. Duncan
3-200: W.B. Duncan to Johnathan Steele
(MAD: no deed indexed to 1870, Jonathan Steel to Lowry Sandifer, 3/18/1831, for slave sold "by me William B. Duncan")
Jefferson Co. AL Deeds
2-216: 11 July 1826, Peyton King of Jefferson Co. AL to Wm. B. Duncan and Edmund T. King of same, $450, house and lot on E.side public square in town of Elyton, lot #10; wit. J. Thompson, Clerk. (FHL film 1,737,747)
2-229: 19 Oct. 1825, Carter Tarrant to William B. Duncan, for six cents per annum, lot in town of Elyton about midway between the jail? and the cotton gin, the lease to include the stable, the said Duncan may build upon the lot. (FHL film 1,737,747)
2-403: 2 March 1827, Edward T. King to William B. Duncan, both Jefferson Co. AL, $225, lot #10 in town of Elyton on the public square on which is now situated the medical shop of King and Duncan; no wit. (FHL film 1,737,747)
3-200: 18 Oct. 1828, Wm. B. Duncan of Jefferson Co. AL to Jonathan Steel of town of Elyton, $445.87-1/2, sell house and lot in town of Elyton on NE side of public square, Duncan's Medical Shop, on lot #10, mortgage; if Duncan pays by 1 Jan. 1830 the $188.87-1/2 due Steele by note 17 Oct. 1828, and pays another note for $233 dated 5 Feb. 1827 to Alexander English, Steele being Duncan's security, then this indenture is void; no wit. (FHL film 1,737,747) (MAD: ?? 1830 Chicot Co. AR census, 1850 Smith Co. TX census)
4-47: 18 March 1831, Jonathan Steel to Lowry Sandifer, slave sold by me William B. Duncan and John Brown (Red). (pg.34, "Jefferson Co. AL Records" Vol.26, by Pauline Gandrud)
Jefferson Co. AL Orphans Court Records
1818-1824, 1838-1840 - no Duncan or Roy (FHL film 1,737,749 item 1)
1823-1851 (FHL film 1,064,921)
Book 1823-1830 - no index, following from probate date given in extract:
Pg.19-20: Orphans Court 16 June 1824, in town of Elyton, will of Isaac A. Roy decd. produced, witnesses Thomas Sherrer and George Duncan made oath, that James Moore, John Gibson and Penelope Duncan were also present; that the will appointed Margaret Roy and James Hale execs, they to post bond of $4,000, securities Francis Nabors, George Duncan and John B. Lucious on 19 June 1824. (MAD: she probably Penelope (Wells), 1850 Caldwell Co. TX)
(MAD: 1824 Orphans Court Book pg.59, Will of Isaac A. Roy, 6 June 1824, prob. 16 June 1824; wife Margaret; 5 children Sarah Malding Geroam Bonaparte Martha Elution (no commas); wife Margaret & James Hall execs; wit. Thos. Sherrer, Geo. Duncan. From pg.50-61, Vol.93, "Jefferson Co. AL Records" by Pauline Gandrud. Among purchasers at estate were Allen Whittington, Thomas Sherrer, Jacob W. Brooks, Margaret Roy, John Smith, John B. Lucious, James Hall, Dudley Groce, James Armstrong, Stripling Byars, Solomon Shook, Samuel S. Earl, Aquilla Pearce, George B. Fergason, John A. Drake, John Hulsy. From pg.54-56 of Vol.170, "AL Records" by Pauline Gandrud)
Book 1830-1837 - no Duncan
Book 1837-1844 - no index
Book 1844-1851 - no index
1824-1838, 1841-1844 (FHL film 1,064,926)
Book 1824-1831 - partial index, no Duncan
Book 1831-1838 - no index
Book 1841-1844 - no Duncan
Jefferson Co. AL Will Records, Vol.A 1818-1880 (FHL film 1,299,229)
No Duncan or Roy
"AL State Militia 1820-1865" alphabetical card file in AL State Archives, Clyde - D (FHL film 1,462,799; mostly in alphabetic order, Dunkin cards found later in file)
Duncan, Jesse H., Capt., 15th Regt., Jefferson; Com. Aug. 9, 1824, Vice Jno. McWilliams. Authority: Military Register, State Militia, 1820-32.
AL Confederate Service Records, 1861-1865, cards in AL State Archives; Driver to Elich (FHL film 1,462,918)
MAD: most items were small typed cards, 3x5; some items were very blurred in the filming and were double images and hard to read. Cards had name and rank in upper left corner, service unit usually in upper right corner, notation if Home Guard, details from source were given in center of card, and the "Authority" as the last line on the card. The service record from the Historical Record Roll frequently listed several engagements he served in, dates wounded, absent, present, etc., and I usually did not copy all the details.
Duncan, Alex, Private, Co.D, 28 AL Inf. Reg.; Feb. 6, 1862, Elyton [MAD: Jefferson Co.], AL. Authority: Payroll, Bridgeport [MAD: Jackson Co.], AL, Nov. 3, 1862.
Duncan, Henry H., Pension 34912, Jefferson Co., pensioner Marcella C. Duncan, widow of Henry H. Duncan, Pvt. Co.G, 25th Regt. NC, release as prisoner of war.
AL Confederate Pension Applications, in AL State Archives, Duke - Dunn (FHL film 1,502,781)
MAD: Did not extract all pension applications for the same person if they gave no other genealogy information. Documents were extracted in order on film. Did not usually copy reason for pension request, which was frequently old age or rheumatism or feebleness; did not always copy witnesses names, which sometimes only said they knew the applicant was of good character and in need of the pension. "Cavalry" was frequently abbreviated "Calv" and spelled "Calvary." Did not usually copy the schedule of property unless it listed land. The complete pension papers should be rechecked individually, following is very brief extract of contents.
DUNCAN, D.L., Blount Co. AL, Private, Co.B, 48th AL. Report 8 Sept. 1913, name of D.L. Duncan not found on rolls of Co.B, 48th Reg. AL Inf. CSA, May 1863 to Oct. 31, 1864 (several of these letters). Letter 27 Sept. 1913, Bangor, AL, from D.L. Duncan enclosing affidavit of Eli Frost. Affidavit 29 Sept. 1913 by William (X) Tidwell who also served in Capt. Graves Co., organized at Blountsville in 1863, part of Stuart's Battallion, Roddy's Command. Affidavit 24 April 1915, Blount Co. AL, D.L. Duncan, born Guinette Co. GA, over age 70; witness E.M. Cox, acquainted 50 years; 26 May 1916, D.L. Duncan desires to be transferred to Jefferson Co. Affidavit 26 May 1916, Lawrence Co. AL. Application 3 June 1904, D.L. Duncan, resides Blount Co. AL, enlisted as soldier in Co.B, 48th Reg., 29 July 1863 at Blountsville, AL, discharged 20 July 1865, now age 59, P.O. Bangor, AL, wit. E.B. Scott, J.P. Calwell.
DUNCAN, Henry H., widow Marcella C. Duncan, Jefferson Co. AL, Private Co. G, 25 NC. Application 11 June 1901 by Mrs. Marcella C. Duncan (/s/ M.C. Duncan) of Jefferson Co., widow of Henry H. Duncan, private, Co.G, 25th NC Vols.; her husband died 6 Aug. 1880. Appl. 14 April 1915 by Mrs. M.C. Duncan, Jefferson Co. AL, widow of H.H. Duncan, private in Co.G, 25th Regt. NC Vols., she born Flat Rock, Henderson Co. NC, 19 Sept. 1838, now 76 years of age, now on pension rolls #34912; H.H. Duncan was familiarly called Jack Duncan by his comrads and friends.
DUNCAN, T.A., Jefferson Co. AL, Private, Co.B, 22nd SC. Application 31 May 1898, Jefferson Co. AL, by T.A. Duncan (X), Private in Co.B, 22nd Reg. SC Vols., disabled from old age and sickness, P.O. Birmingham, AL.
TN Confederate Pension Application (FHL film 969,678)
#11055, J.C. Duncan, filed March 22, 1909, accepted; applicant J.C. Duncan, native of TN, res. Lewisburg, Marshall Co. TN; Co.H, 17th TN; born Marshall Co. TN 1844; enlisted May 1861 in Co.H, 17th TN, Col. Newman & Marks, Capts. McCrory & Ensal?; wounded in right ankle by a bayonette; family consists of wife and 2 children; wife age 48 and daughters 18 and 20; own house and lot worth about 6 or 700 dollars; lived TN all my life; /s/ 18 March 1909; wit. J.T. Killingsworth, J.A. Bryett. Letter, March 19, 1926, board is just in receipt of letter that J.C. Duncan died in Birmingham [Jefferson Co.], AL; reply on bottom, some years ago this man moved to Chattanooga from here, he had children in Birmingham. Letter April 11, 1926, Uncle Jim and his wife ... died some time in Feb., he was with his son in Birmingham, buried in his old home, Lewisburg, TN, she is wife No. 2 and step mother; certify that Mr. J.C. Duncan died Feb. 12, 1926, at the home of his son, Mr. O.L. Duncan, Birmingham, AL (in response to request to know how long J.C. Duncan was living in AL).
"Jefferson County and Birmingham, Alabama : historical and biographical, 1887." by John Witherspoon DuBose; pub. Birmingham, Ala.: Teeple & Smith, 1887, 597 pgs. (LH8532, HeritageQuest images images 4/2007; FHL book 976.178 H2d and film 1,036,121 item 3)
Pg.55: The seat of justice was moved to Elyton in 1821. The principal citizens there at that time were ... The population increased rapidly, ... William B. Duncan ... being among the early settlers. (pg.56) ... Our physicians were ... and William B. Duncan.
Pg.94: Members of the Birmingham Bar; Names, Where from, No. years in Birmingham: Robert P. Duncan, Clarksdale, Miss., 6 mos. (another reference to Robert P. Duncan not copied) (MAD: Clarksdale, Coahoma Co. MS; 1880 Bolivar Co. MS)
Pg.115: The Medical Profession. ... Dr. Henderson Stallwart Duncan, Vanderbilt University, 1880, Birmingham.
Pg.117: ... Dr. J.J. Duncan, Kentucky School of Medicine, 1886, Birmingham.
Pg.269: Ensley Land Company - the petition to incorporate this company was filed December 7, 1886, ... the principal place of business is to be at Ensley, Jefferson County. ... The directors elected were ... William N. Duncan, and ...
"The Story of Thomas Duncan and His Six Sons" by Katherine Duncan Smith, 1928, (Los Angeles Public Library book R929.2 D911)
See this book for information about descendants of Thomas Duncan, wife Jane, who died in 1776 at Carlisle, Hopewell Twp., Cumberland Co. PA, including Daniel Duncan, b. 11 May 1803 Shippensburg, PA; mar. Rachel Harrington 3 Dec. 1835; d. 28 Oct. 1891 Birmingham [Jefferson Co.], AL.
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