Duncan research files of |
AL Confederate Service Records, 1861-1865, cards in AL State Archives; Driver to Elich (FHL film 1,462,918)
MAD: most items were small typed cards, 3x5; some items were very blurred in the filming and were double images and hard to read. Cards had name and rank in upper left corner, service unit usually in upper right corner, notation if Home Guard, details from source were given in center of card, and the "Authority" as the last line on the card. The service record from the Historical Record Roll frequently listed several engagements he served in, dates wounded, absent, present, etc., and I usually did not copy all the details.
Duncan, Charles, Private, Co.G, 6th FL, born June 9, 1845 at Fort Valley in Houston Co. GA; enlisted Nov. 1861 at Apalachicola [MAD: Franklin Co.], FL, and continued until May 1865, captured at Cornet, MS, 1865 and stayed under guard 3 days and was recaptured; Address Dothan. Authority: Census Tax Assessor, Houston Co., 1907. (MAD: birthdate as given)
Duncan, C.F., Henry Co., Pension 34038; Private, Co.G, 6th Regt. FL; enlisted Nov. 1861 at Apalachicola [MAD: Franklin Co.], FL; discharged April 1865; wounded at Chickamauga; wit. Dan Hall, Isaac M. Foote.
Duncan, Charles Franklin, Private, Co.G, 6th FL; enlisted at Camp Bellton, FL, May 15, 1861, and served until April 26, 1865, Durham, NC, by taking the oath of alegiance; born Jan. 19, 1843, Ft. Ralling, Houston Co. GA; address 1921: Dothan, Houston Co. AL. Authority: 1921 Census of Confederate Soldiers. (MAD: birthdate as given)
AL Confederate Pension Applications, in AL State Archives, Duke - Dunn (FHL film 1,502,781)
MAD: Did not extract all pension applications for the same person if they gave no other genealogy information. Documents were extracted in order on film. Did not usually copy reason for pension request, which was frequently old age or rheumatism or feebleness; did not always copy witnesses names, which sometimes only said they knew the applicant was of good character and in need of the pension. "Cavalry" was frequently abbreviated "Calv" and spelled "Calvary." Did not usually copy the schedule of property unless it listed land. The complete pension papers should be rechecked individually, following is very brief extract of contents.
DUNCAN, Charles F., widow Elizabeth A. Duncan, Henry, Barbour and Houston Cos. AL, Private, Co.G, 6th FL. Appl. 4 April 1923, Elizabeth Ann Duncan, of Houston Co., widow of C.F. Duncan, pensioner #4384, who died Feb. 19, 1923, at Dothan, AL, she of Dothan, Houston Co. AL; married at Cottonwood, Houston Co. AL, on 19 Aug. 1865, she born at Clayton, Barbour Co. AL, on Nov. 27, "1848", she now age 77; now living with her daughter; children: Monroe Duncan, farmer of Clayton, AL; Mrs. Ella Jones of Sidney, FL; Mrs. Anna Holmes of Dothan, AL; Nora Sellers of Columbus, GA; Willis and Lizzie Staidkin (MAD: listed together, no residence given). Appl. 14 Dec. 1925, Elizabeth Ann Duncan, now living with her dau. Mrs. B.J. Kent; Elizabeth Ann b. 27 Nov. 1845, her father Benjamin Spears died Clayton, AL; her husband Charles F. Duncan, married Campbellton, FL, he died 19 Feb. 1923 at Dothan, AL; have also lived in FL and AL, in Jackson (Co. FL) and Houston Cos., lived in FL 2 years, P.O. Campbellton, and in Dothan, AL, moved here 1867; her husband enlisted Campbellton, FL, in 6th FL Co.G, Capt. Grace, drew pension Houston Co. AL. Appl. 2 July 1926, her husband Charles Franklin Duncan; she b. Nov. 27, 1845, her father Benjamin Spears died Aug. 9, 1852, at Clayton, AL; her husband Charles Franklin Duncan, married Aug. 17, 1865 in FL, he died 19 Feb. 1923 at Dothan, AL, .... Appl. 30 July 1902 in Henry Co. AL of Chas. F. Duncan, enlisted as Volunteer in Co.G, 6th FL Reg. about 25 Nov. 1861 at Appalachacola, FL, discharged April 1865, now age 59, P.O. Howard, Henry Co. AL; wit. Isaac M. Toole, Dan (X) Hall. Appl. 7 July 1914, C.F. Duncan on pension roll, Houston Co. AL, born at Co?urt T?aby [MAD: Ft. Valley, Houston Co.], GA, over age 70, wounded in right hip. (other applications not copied). C.F. Duncan, estimated age 59, undated report from doctor. (MAD: 1907 census shows b. 9 June 1845 at Ft. Valley in Houston Co. GA; first entered the service as Private in Nov 1861 at Apalachicola [Franklin Co.], FL in "G 6" FL and continued until May 1865, captured at Cornet, MS 1865 and stayed under guard 3 days and was re-captured. I belonged to Colored Guards. From pg.5, Vol.3, Houston Co. AL, "1907 AL Census of Confederate Soldiers" by The Gregath Co.; FHL book 976.1 X22c 1907 v.1 to 5)
Letter in C.F. Duncan papers. Mrs. C.J. Duncan, unable to go to Montgomery to appear before the pension board; this applicant is the widow of Jno. A. Duncan (who) died 1903. /s/ Thomas Duncan, MD., July 6, 1903, Fleta, AL. (MAD: Fleeta, Montgomery Co. AL) (MAD: see pension file for John A. Duncan, Montgomery Co. AL)
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