Lockerbie Memorial Services 1
DUMFRIESSHIRE -- Churches and Graveyards
Dryfesdale Cemetery
Commemoration Services of Remembrance
held on the 10th Anniversary of the Disaster.
Full text of the arrangements as detailed on the public information sheet issued in Lockerbie.
This is a copy of the actual information sheet prepared to let people know about the arrangements that were made to commemorate the 10th Anniversary of the Lockerbie Air Disaster on Monday 21 December 1998.
The Commemorative Committee tried hard to keep the events of the day Community based and there were three main events which  provided people with the opportunity to join with others in remembrance services and events.
To respect the wishes of the Community there were no official invitations, but everyone was welcome to attend.


This is a simple event which will be introduced with a few words from Father Patrick Keegan.
Wreaths will be laid on behalf of the community of Lockerbie and the victims. 
Other organisations or individuals may then lay a wreath if they wish and they will be helped to do this by people at the event.
Because of limited parking at Dryfesdale Cemetery, a shuttle bus, starting at Lockerbie Town Hall, will run from 1.30 p.m. and will also be available to take people back to town. 
You are reminded it will be wet underfoot.

SERVICE OF COMMEMORATION - Dryfesdale Parish Church
The Service in Lockerbie will be part of a larger commemoration consisting of four separate events which will happen simultaneously. The organisers of all the events have worked closely together and while they are not identical, all have a common spirit and theme.

In Westminster Abbey the service has been organised by the British family support group - UK Families Flight 103. Frank Gourlay, Assistant Convener Dumfries and Galloway Council, will attend the service on behalf of local people. The service will be followed by a concert in Westminster Cathedral.

President Bill Clinton will attend a service at Arlington National Cemetery Virginia U.S.A. Lord Monro of Langholm will represent the people of Lockerbie at this service and the former Chief Executive of Dumfries and Galloway Regional Council, Neil McIntosh will lay a wreath.

In Syracuse in New York State, the University has organised the service. The community of Lockerbie will be represented here by Fiona Drysdale and Alison Younger who are currently studying in Syracuse on the Lockerbie Scholarship established after the disaster.

In Lockerbie the practical arrangements are as follows:
12 noon   High Street will be closed to traffic from the Clydesdale Bank to the British Legion until
approximately 10.00 p.m.  Special arrangements will be made for disabled access.

600 p.m. The door of Dryfesdale Parish Church will be opened.

6.45 p.m. Everyone wishing to attend should be in church and seated by this time.
If the church is full, arrangements have been made to relay the service to the Church Hall
and the British Legion across the road.

6.55 p.m. The Service of Commemoration will begin and is expected to last till approximately 8.00 p.m.
The order of Service is detailed below.  Fuller details will appear in local press. 
The printed Order of Service will be available on Monday night or from Lockerbie Library next week.

The Service will be broadcast live on Radio Scotland if you wish to follow it at home.

If you want to meet friends the town hall will be open and some light refreshments will be available
at the conclusion of the service.

While every attempt has been made to keep things low-key, it is a fact that there is intense interest
in the 10th Anniversary from the world's media. Arrangements have been made to try and minimise
the impact, but a large media presence is inevitable.
A Press Office will be manned in Lockerbie Town Hall from Thursday. 
You should direct journalists there if you don't wish to speak to them.
The phone numbers are: 01576 204 662 / 204 663    Fax 01576 204 665.

In addition, an information point for local people and visitors has been set up in
Lockerbie Library   phone: 01576 204 568 / 204 659    Fax 01576 204 661.

Lockerbie Town Hall and the Library will be open from 9.00 am -9.00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. 
Members of Lockerbie Friendship Group will be on hand to help visitors.


7.03 p.m. Welcome and Call to Worship - Rev David Almond

One Minute Silence

Pipers Lament (Flowers 0' the Forest) - Piper Fiona McCall

Prayers - Rev Martin Dobson

Hymn - The King of Love my Shepherd is

Scripture Reading - Major John Howie

Hymn - Be Still for the Presence of the Lord

Scripture Reading - Major John Howie

Address - Rev David Almond

The Children's Tribute - Lockerbie Primary School

Song - Let there be Love

Reading of Message from Prime Minister Tony Blair

Reading of Message from President Bill Clinton

Hymn - Lord of all Hopefulness

Prayers - Father Gerry Donnelly

Hymn - Make me a Channel of Your Peace

Benediction - Rev David Almond

Lockerbie 1998                    
Commemorative Committee

Dryfesdale Cemetery