DeVore DNA

DeVore Surname

Y Chromosome DNA Project


DNA Results

DNA Links


 DeVore DNA Project Genealogies:

G14 Philip DeVore

J16 John DeVore

H9 John DeVore

Welcome to our DeVore (and variants) Surname Y-DNA Project Website.  Through Y-DNA testing we hope to establish links between the numerous connected and unconnected DeVore lineages.  Males with the surname DeVore, or one of its variants, are all cordially invited to become test participants.  Women and descendants who do not have the DeVore surname can participate by encouraging a male relative whose surname is DeVore to provide the Y-DNA sample.  If you are new to anthropological genealogy (genealogical research using DNA results) or could just use a refresher, our DNA Links page might be of some help.

UPDATE: We now have three and possibly four different lines that appear to share the same haplotype, and therefore the same ancestry.  Check out the DNA Results page to see how they compare, or read their short genealogies (see Project Genealogies links - left).   We're doing our research and their will be more to come soon!


How You Can Participate

  1. If you are a male descendant of a DeVore or some variant surname (Devor, Devour etc.) you can order either the "Y-DNA 12 marker" ($99.00) or better yet the "Y-DNA Plus: 25 marker" ($169.00) paternal test from Family Tree DNA. Click here for the order form. (Feel free to email me if you have any questions.)
  2. If you are a researcher, male or female who wants to join us in this line of research but don't carry the Y-Chromosome or the DeVore surname, you can help by recruiting someone who shares the line to take the test.  You can even order the test for them and let them stay totally anonymous if they prefer.
  3. Give us moral support and talk it up to other DeVore researchers.  Any help in getting this project going will be appreciated.


  1. To provide other DeVore researchers access to a tool that can help them expand their knowledge of their DeVore surname, connect with other DeVore researchers and to expand their knowledge of their family tree.
  2. To help us sort the connections between the many early DeVore immigrants and establish is there are connections between DeVore, DeFoe, Devereaux, Dever, Dovor etc.  (There are currently DNA projects being developed for Devereaux, Dever, Dovor and so far no connections are apparent.
  3. To investigate and expand on, whenever possible, the research done by the many contributors to The  DeVore Families 1500-1992 edited by Betty Mann.
  4. As the project progresses, to learn more about our deep roots and even attempt to answer the question "Were we Huguenots from Walloons/Belgium/France"?

PLEASE email me if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions.  My name is Nancy (DeVore) Williams.

This project is new and this website even newer.  Created on Saturday, 07/10/ 2004

Last updated 11/02/2008