Cann/Brewer Genealogy

Cann/Brewer Genealogy

Below are links to the genealogy we currently have posted on the Web, but much more is planned in the near future. We are very new at this, and very much "in a learning mode" at creating a web site, so please come back for a visit soon. We are still in the process of developing this web site, and have a number of ideas for future changes, so if you have any ideas and/or suggestions, please share them with us.

Before you look at our genealogy, please click here and read the information that will come up. You will also find an e-mail link at the bottom of this page. Please click on one of them and let us know what you think.

 Large Branches & Small Twigs – This is our main database. In it you will find all of the information we have currently researched and organized thus far, including the same information you will find in each of the databases below.

 Descendants Sir Thomas Cann (1565- ) – Here are fourteen generations of my ancestors, going back to Sir Thomas Cann, who was born about 1565. Sir Thomas had two sons that we have found information on, and I am descended from Sir William Cann, Lord Mayor of Bristol, England in the early 1600s.

 Ancestors of Ida Lee Brewer – Information going down Ida Lee’s ancestry only. A lot of new information has been added here recently, thanks to some very kind and helpful family members, and more is coming in the near future.

 Descendants of Johann Merkle (1725-96) – This is something of special interest to me. I am desperately seeking information on his ancestors, and am especially interested in finding information to connecting him to the so-called "Bonfeld Merkles," from the Bonfeld area of Germany. I am convinced that such a link is there, but it has thus far eluded me.

 Descendants of Andre Cochet – Andre Cochet was a French Huguenot, born about 1675, who we believe left his native France to escape religious persecution. We have reason to think he arrived in James City, Virginia in 1700, where his surname was later "Anglicized" to Cashatt.

Last updated on Saturday, June 24, 2000, using MS Word 97.

Contact David – [email protected]

Contact Ida Lee – [email protected]