12 to 16/4=Horses mares colts mules/5=cattle
COUNTY NAME DATE:1787 LIST 1 2 3 4 5
Culpepper County, VA
Isaiah Elkin 4/7 A 0 0 0 2 5
Benjamin Elkin 4/16 A 0 3 4 1 5
David Elkins 5/7 B 0 1 9 3 6
Emanuel Elkins 5/8 B 0 0 0 3 4
Henry County, VA
William Elkins 4/19 A 0 0 0 0 2
William Elkins 5/5 A 0 0 0 0 0
Jessee Elkins 4/18 B 0 0 0 0 0
Ralph Elkins Jr 4/18 B 0 0 0 1 5
Ralph Elkins Sr 4/23 B 0 0 0 1 5
James Elkins 4/27 B 0 0 0 1 3
Gabriel Elkins 4/27 B 1 0 0 1 0
Nicholas Aikin 5/1 - 0 0 0 4 11
King George County
Jeremiah Elkins 4/3 A 2 0 0 2 7
Nathl Elkins 5/17 A 0 1 0 3 15
(Note - if this is the same Jeremiah & Nathaniel of 1752, then they would be in age category of c56 years)?
Montgomery County, VA
Richard Elkins 7/7 B 2 0 0 2 4
Archibald Elkins 9/10 C 0 1 0 3 15
Russell County, VA
Drury Elkins 6/14 A 0 0 0 2 2
Jesse Elkins 9/10 C 0 0 0 2 5
Stafford County, VA
William Elkins 4/20 A - - - - -
Nathaniel Elkins 4/9 B - - - - -
Washington Co, VA
Samuel Akins 6/1 B 0 0 0 1 4
William Akins 6/6 B 0 0 0 2 4
Alexd'r Akins 6/12 B 1 0 0 2 2
Following we will list the index of the Virginia Elkins along with variable spellings - by: Netti Schreiner-Yantis & Florence Speakman Love: 1787
Augusta County, VA | Anthony Ailor | Henry County, VA | William Elkins |
Augusta County, VA | George Ailor | Henry County, VA | William Elkins |
Campbell County, VA | Joseph Akin | King George County, VA | Jeremiah Elkins. |
Chesterfield County, VA | Arthur Akin | King George County, VA | Nathaniel Elkins |
Chesterfield County, VA | James Akin | Mecklenburg County, VA | Matthew Akin |
Chesterfield County, VA | Thomas Akin | Montgomery County, VA | Archibald Elkins |
Chesterfield County, VA | William Akin | Montgomery County, VA | Richard Elkins |
Culpeper County, VA | Benjamin Elkin | Nansemond County, VA | Jno Akin |
Culpeper County, VA | Isaiah Elkin | Norfolk County, VA | John Elks |
Culpeper County, VA | David Elkins | Petersburg County, VA | Hugh Aitkin |
Culpeper County, VA | Emanuel Elkins | Pittsylvania County, VA | Joseph Akin |
Cumberland County, VA | James Aikin | Rockingham County, VA | William Akins |
Fayette County, VA | Robert Elkin | Russell County, VA | Drury Elkins |
Frederick County, VA | Thomas Aikman | Russell County, VA | Jesse Elkins |
Frederick County, VA | John Elkins | Stafford County, VA | Nathaniel Elkins |
Halifax County, VA | Edward Akin | Stafford County, VA | William Elkins |
Halifax County, VA | Joseph Akin | Washington County, Va | Alexander Akins |
Hanover County, VA | Wm Aison | Washington County, VA | Samuel Akins |
Henry County, VA | Nicholas Akain | Washington County, VA | William Akins |
Henry County, VA | Gabriel Elkins | ||
Henry County, VA | James Elkins | ||
Henry County, VA | Jesse Elkins | ||
Henry County, VA | Ralph Elkins, Jr. | ||
Henry County, VA | Ralph Elkins, Sr. |
A list of the Elkins/along with variant spellings, by given name now, to see how many with
the same names appear in 1787:
Alexander Akins | Washington County, VA | John Elkins | Frederick County, VA |
Archibald Elkins | Montgomery County, VA | Joseph Alkier | Harrison County, VA |
Anthony Ailor | Augusta County, VA | Joseph Akin | Pittsylvania County, VA |
Arthur Akin | Chesterfield County, VA | Joseph Akin | Halifax County, VA |
Benjamin Elkin | Culpeper County, VA | Joseph Akin | Campbell County, VA |
Charles Akin | Amelia County, VA | Matthew Akin | Mecklinburg County, VA |
David Elkins | Culpeper County, VA | Nathaniel Elkins | King George County, VA |
Drury Elkins | Russell County, VA | Nathaniel Elkins | Stafford County, VA |
Edward Akin | Halifax County, VA | Nicholas Aikin | Henry County, VA |
Emanuel Elkins | Culpeper County, VA | Ralph Elkins, Jr. | Henry County, VA |
Gabriel Elkins | Henry County, VA | Ralph Elkins, Sr. | Henry County, VA |
George Ailor | Augusta County, VA | Richard Elkins | Montgomery County, VA |
Hugh Aitkin | Petersburg County, VA | Robert Elkin | Fayette County, VA |
Isaiah Elkins | Culpeper County, VA | Samuel Akins | Washington County, VA |
James Akin | Chesterfield County, VA | Thomas Akins | Chesterfield County, VA |
JamesAkin | Chesterfield County, VA | Thomas Aikman | Frederick County, VA |
Jeremiah Elkins | King George County, VA | William Aison | Hanover County, VA |
Jesse Elkins | Henry County, VA | William Elkins | Henry County, VA |
Jesse Elkins | Russell County, VA | William Akin | Chesterfield County, VA |
John Akenk | Nansemond County, VA | William Ekins | Rockingham County, VA |
John Elks | Norfolk County, VA | William Elkins | Stafford County, VA |
William Akins | Washington County, VA |
1787 Samuel Ritchie's Property Tax List: Lower District of Russell County VA.:
DRURY ELKINS 1 titheable none 16-21yrs of age
JESSE ELKINS 1 titheable none 16-21yrs of age Page 48, Russell Co. VA Records by:
Albert & Albert 1973.
1787 Drury Elkins, to be on grand jury, OBL(Order Book L), Page 61, Russell County, VA.
(Note here: "Grand jury is in error. Another update from G. Christy of Richmond, Virginia to Carol Stultz, photo-copied this data : Court Order Books 1786-1904 (Defendants, reel 21) Taken from Book 1, Page 61, so we are certain this is the same case. I am typing this data and find the copied page at end of this report, as follows:
(Date: yr 1787 - Plaintiff is Commonwealth, Defendant is Drury Elkins, Kind of Action: Subpeona,as follows: "Ordered that the Clerk of notify by subpoena, the following persons: Robert Gravat, William Hiton, Charles Scaggs, Joseph Meredith, Nathan Blevens, William Frame, DRURY ELKINS, Joseph Johnson, James Fuget, William Ratliff, Junior, John Ratliff, John Vandike, William Ratliff senior, William Mullen, Joseph Hatfield, (to page 62) George Hatfield, Alexander McFarland, Robert Vickers and John Burns to appear before our Trustees of our Court of our said County at the courthouse on the Third Tuesday in October next to show cause if any they can why they should not be fined and liable excet, for failing to give William Webb Commissioner a List of their Taxable property according to law." (This leads us to believe that the above persons are not there, wouldn't you think? Does this group go on later to Kentucky and return just long enough to sell their holdings in Virginia?)cs
1787 Tax List of Russell County, Virginia to check out data on the above Subpeonas which were given out on above: Upon checking the Personal Property tax lists of 1787 of Russell County, VA, (Netti Schreiner-Yantis & Florene (Speakman) Love, we turn to the page in which they list the taxpayers by dates which shows neighbors, etc., as follows:
Page 490 - The Commissioner was required to note the day he visited each taxpayer. This makes it possible to re-arrange the lists and determine probable neighbors:
Russell County, VA Tax List "A" ("t a court held April 18, 1787 "Ordered that William Webb be Commissioner in the upper district of Russell (it being fromthe mouth of Dumifs or Dumps Creek across to Grumbly Mt. . ." -Russell County Law Book I, p. 27 (1786-1791): Hi-lited & marked are the ones that appear on the list to receive subpoena (following page:
05/17 Jones, Benjamin
05/17 Monk, Shadrach
05/17 Pride, Thomas
05/17 Smith, Charles
05/17 Smith, William
05/18 McFarland, Robert
05/18 Merridith William
05/18 Mullen, Margaret
05/18 Pain, Obadiah
05/18 Pemberton, James
05/18 Pemberton, Richard
05/19 Merridith, Joseph *
05/19 Preece, Samuel
05/19 Preece, William
05/20 Green, George
05/20 Green, Thomas
05/21 Prator, Arch.
05/21 Prator, Jonathan
05/21 Prator, William
05/23 Pickett, Jeremiah
05/29 Barrus, Robert
05/29 Bazel, Benjamin
05/29 Bowen, Louisa
05/29 Bristow, Isaac
05/29 Bristow, Jas.
05/29 Bristow, John
05/29 Cockrell, Simon
05/29 Oney, Benjamin
05/29 Oney, William
05/29 Scaggs, Jerey
05/29 Scaggs, Zachariah
05/29 Young, Dudley
05/29 Young, Edward
05/29 Young, John
05/29 Young, Samuel
05/30 Asberry, Henry
05/30 Garrison, William
05/30 Gravat, Robert *
05/30 Green, John
05/30 Haney, John
05/30 Kendrick, Pat.
05/30 Kendrick, Patrick
05/30 Kendrick, William
05/30 King, Martha
05/30 Ogden, Stephen
05/30 Oney, Richard
05/30 Scaggs, Jacob
05/30 Scaggs, Moses
05/30 Vandike, John *
05/30 White, Shadrach
05/31 Asberry, George
05/31 Asberry, William
05/31 Boling, Jarrett
05/31 Brewster, Ebenezer
05/31 Higanbothan, Moses
05/31 Higanbothan, Robt.
05/31 Scaggs, Henry, Jr.
05/31 Ward, David
06/01 Asberry, John
06/01 Brown, James
06/01 Fletcher, William
06/01 Price, Reuben
06/02 Belchey, James
06/02 Belchey, Robert
06/02 Belchey, William
06/02 Churchill, Ephraim
06/02 Hankins, John
06/04 Blevins, Nathan *
06/04 Daniel, James
06/04 Daniel, James, Sr.
06/04 Daniel, Wyatt
06/04 Deskins, John
06/04 Fields, Joseph
06/04 Fugate, James *
06/04 Hatfield, George *
06/04 Jackson, Simeon
06/04 Johnson, Thomas
06/04 Lash, Adam
06/04 Lash, George
06/04 Lawson, Drury
06/04 Ratliff, John *
06/04 Ratliff, Wm., Jr. *
06/04 Ratliff, Wm., Sr. *
06/04 Scaggs, Frederick
06/05 Frame, William *
06/05 Fugate, Josiah
06/05 Fugate, Randolph
06/05 Kelly, Derby
06/05 Kelly, Edward
06/05 Kyzer, Joseph
06/05 Price, Francis
06/05 Price, Richard
06/05 Roarkl, Reuben
06/05 Roark, Timothy
06/05 Robertson, George
06/05 Robertson, Saml
06/05 Scaggs, Solomon
06/06 Scott, Alexander
06/06 Scott, James
06/07 Fields, John
06/07 Mash, Henry
06/08 Johnson, Joseph *
06/08 Johnson, Thos.
06/08 Jones, James
06/08 Ratliff, Richard
06/08 Rodgers, James
06/08 Rodgers, William
06/09 Jackson, James
06/09 Johnson, William
06/09 Musick, Elexus
06/10 Burns, John *
06/11 Horton, John
06/11 Jackson, Lydia
06/11 Preece, David
06/11 Price, Thomas, Sr.
06/11 Scaggs, Henry, Sr.
06/11 Wilson, Harris
06/11 Wi lson, John
06/11 Wilson, Richard
06/12 Hyton, William *
06/12 Scaggs, Charles *
06/14 Elkins Drury *
06/14 Hatfield, John
06/14 Hatfield, Joseph *
06/14 Mullen, William *
06/14 Neil, Charles
06/15 Lewis, John
06/16 Brown, Robert
06/16 Davis, Henry
06/16 Emmett, Jas.
06/16 Emmett, Wm.
06/16 Leith, James
06/16 Martin, Alexander
06/16 Millard, Abraham
06/16 Millard, Chrs.
06/16 Scott, William
06/16 Smith, Eli
06/16 Smith Eneus [?] Jr.
06/16 Smith Eneus 1?3 Sr.
06/16 Smoot, Briton
06/16 Smoot, Edwd.
06/16 Stanly, Harris
06/16 Thompson, Jno.
06/16 Thompson, John
06/16 Thompson, Richard
06/16 Thompson, William
06/16 Willard, Henry
06/16 Williamson, Aldain
06/17 Breeding, James
06/17 Breeding, John
06/17 Breeding, John, Sr.
06/17 Dowell, Patrick
06/18 Alderson, Benjamin
06/18 Arthur, John
06/18 Bays, Peter
06/18 Browning, Francs.
06/18 Deane, Daniel
06/18 Elam, Isaac
06/18 Elam, Wm.
06/18 Elam, Wm.
06/18 Elliott, Michael
06/18 Hays, Charles
06/18 Kelly, William
06/18 Litton, Solomon
06/18 Ramey, James
06/18 Ramey, Matthew
06/18 Vanhook, Samuel
06/19 Hansford, Benjamin
06/19 Henderson, Richard
06/19 Musick, David
06/19 Webb, Robert
06/20 Alderson, Aaron
06/20 Breeding Spencer
06/20 Buster, John
06/20 Conway, Thomas
06/20 Gilmore, Jer. [or Jno./Jas.
06/20 Gilmore, Wm.
06/20 Gilmore, Wm.
06/20 Hains, Christopher
06/20 Hendrickson, James
06/20 Hendrickson, Zachariah
06/20 Hurst, Henry
06/20 Jackson, Jesse
06/20 Jackson, John
06/20 Roman, William
06/20 Scaggs, John
06/20 Short, John
06/20 Short, Thomas
06/20 Vickars, Robert *
06/30 Alexander McFarland *
McFarland is on Page 491 and not close to the others, but still of Tax List A.
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