1733 June 1 - King George County, VA - An inventory and appraisement of the Estate of John Holbrook,
dec'd ... Richard Bryan, Jno (X) Green, Nath. (X) Elkins, are appraisers. Katherine Holbrook is
wife of John.
1734 King George County, VA - Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of NATHANIEL ELKINS
dec'd ... Jere Bronaugh, Jon. Burn, Thos Steward appraisers ... Bond of REBECCA ELLKINS,
administrix - page 166.
1734 Dec 25 - Indenture between James Jones, bricklayer, county of King George, Brunsick Parish, and
William Fewell, carpenter of same ... to farm lett .. part of my land I bought of JOSEPH ELLKINS
.. 70 acres, pp 330- 331.
1735 Marriages of Richmond Co., VA. 1668 to 1853 - page 64, RICHARD ELKIN of King George Co.
marries by 1735, MARY GALLOP, dau of ROBERT GALLOP. (who were Richard & Mary
(Gallop) Elkins' children?) GC
1737 -1770 Index to Deeds Pittsylvania Co., VA 1737-1770 From EE by Geri Cook (EE Vol IV No3) Ralph Elkins Page 79, 108, 167
Nathaniel Elkins Page 74, 148
Richard Elkins Page 74, 100, 141, 310
James Elkins Page 353, 398, 429, 437, 440
(Note* Barbara Thompson says these are page numbers for all new info from Geri.
1738 March 2 - King George County, VA Deed Book 2 Pp 251-255Indenture between Major John Champe, Gent., and Jane his wife, and James Jones, bricklayer, by deeds of lease and release land in Parish of Brunswick up main road to North West side of Poplar Swamp to Mathews back line, down that line to a swamp or run which had its fountain from a spring on the land where RICHARD ELKINS SR, deceased, formerly lived.... to first bridge ..... the same being a part of 200 acres formerly granted unto Lt Col Sam'l Mathers by letters bearing date Patent under the seals of the Colony of Virginia at James City the 7th Sept 1654 by Richard Bennit Esqr. which piece of land is the dwelling plantation where Jones formerly lived. Presence: David Seale, Peter Nugent, John Taliafero. At a court held 2d March 1738. (Geri Cook note* The above from Geri and she points out that we now know that Richard Elkins Senior died between August 1732 and March 1738, and I add that any children born after 1738 cannot be attributed to him cbh.)
1740 Sept 5 - King George County, VA - JOHN ELLKINS & JOHN OWENS are appraisers for estate
of ANN Griffith 5 Sep 1740. (Sparacio Will Abstracts ... 1752-1780, p34.) (EE Vol IV No 3 page
85 - Note* there are now two JOHN EL(L)KINS? #1 Died in 1730. I missed this the first time
1741 Nov 9th - Stafford County, VA - DAVID ELKIN son of WILLIAM & MARTHA ELKIN born.
Register of Overwharton Parish, Stafford Co, by King 1961. (do not know if this is a birth or
baptism?)cbh - EE Vol IV No 4, page 100;
1742 Overwharton Parish Register - Boogher, 1720-1760 page 50 - David Elkin born to William and
Martha Elkin Feb. 14th.
RALPH ELKIN JR. appears at Leatherwood with a well stocked farm in what was then Halifax Co.
Leatherwood Creek and Leatherwood Village were the oldest settlements in Henry County.
1744 Jan 16 - Elizabeth City County, VA - SUSANNA ALKIN, appraisal by William Tucker, John
Nelson, John Dunn, recorded 16 Jan 1744, Book 1737-49, page 195.
1744 Oct 13th - Stafford County, VA - SALLY ELKINS, dau of WILLIAM ELKINS born. Register of
Overwharton Parish by: King, 1961. (EE Vol IV No 4 Page 100)
1745 June 4 - King George County, VA - Maxfield Brown names daughter FRANCES ELKINS in will.
She married RALPH ELKINS? per Geri Cook, see EE Vol III No 3 Page 83.
1745 King George Wills - Frances Elkins named in Will of Maxwell Brown, Prince William Co., VA Will Book, B-pg 100, 8 Nov 1753 names RALPH ELKIN and son NATHANIEL. He is also in a court case-dismissed, in Amelia Co., VA in 1745. He is not referred to as Jr.
(NOTE* GC - The designation of Sr. & Jr. does not always mean "son-of" but may mean "younger
than". A method commonly used for identity of individuals of the same name in written records).
1745 Robert Elkins born at Brunswick County, VA, moved on to Orange County, VA and died in 1822 at
Winchester, KY. (EE Vol III, No 2 p58, June 1988 - from Weiss, Colonial Clergy of VA, NC and
SC, 1955; For Virginia, 86 were Baptists and some of those migrated to KY. Olive Story says, she
read that he was the father of twenty-two children. (See EE Vol I No 1 Page 16; Mary Rusk Walker
1746 King George County, VA - David Stringfellow died intestate leaving issue by his wife, Sarah, seven
sons, (Geri Cook asks "was she a sister to Richard and John Elkins?) (Again Geri Cook asks - see
1746 May 9 - King George County, VA - Deed Book 3 - deposition by RICHARD ELKINS, aged about
47yrs, (bc1699), being first Sworn upon the Holy Evangelist' deposeth that when this deponant was
building the ware houses at Mr. George Morton's, Col. William Thornton came to him and showed
to him a small red oak full of knobs and told him it was the beginning & I corner to the land said
Thornton had bought of Robert Doniphan (EE Vol IV No 4 Page 99.)
1747 March 4 - King George County VA - Order Wm Stringfellow's estate be divided and allot David Seale
his part (husband of the widow) and remainder to RICHARD ELKINS (Geri Cook asks why?)
Another entry later in Barbara Thompson's material, is dated 1747/8, March 4 - King George Co VA
- David Bronaugh, Adam Banks and Daniel Grant are ordered to divide the estate of William
Stringfellow, dec 'd, and allot David Seale his party and the remainder to RICHARD ELKIN who
was security for the said estate. King George Order Book Circuit Court page 556. (See EE Vol IV No
3 Page 85. It appears to me that Richard Elkins, as security had probably been out of money on
estate affairs and this was the only way he co uld collect. Does anyone have, or know if they exist,
the estate settlement papers on this case? cbh} Same EE:
1747 Oct - Halifax County, VA - Surveyed for RICHARD ELKINS, 400 ac on both sides of San's or Tall
Creek - History of Halifax Co., pge 36, Extracts from records, deeds, etc. (Carrington). EE Vol
IV No 4, Page 100.
1747 Nov - Halifax County, VA - Surveyed for RALPH ELKINS, 300 ac on Smith's or Irwin Rivers. (See
EE Vol IV No 4, Page 100).
1747 7 August - Stafford County, VA - MARGARET ELKINS, dau of WILLIAM ELKINS - Register
Overwharton Parish, King 1961. (See EE Vol I V No 4 Page 100)
OLD RAPPAHANNOCK 1656-1692 | |
1748 April 1 - King George County VA - Page 722 No. 3; (1734-1803) son James Stringfellow, indenture
states he is aged 13 on 24th Nov last; he was bound to serve, RICHARD ELKINS, carpenter. (EE
Vol IV No 3 Page 85)
1748 April 1 - #4 - King George County, VA - son, Robert Stringfellow (1736-1815) was endented on 1
Apr 1748 to serve JOHN ELKINS, being then, aged 11 years on 17th September, last."
1748 Orange County, VA - NATHANIEL ELKINS patents 400 acres, (Olive E Story, See EE Vol IV No 3 Page 86)
1748 Pittsylvania County VA - RALPH ELKINS 400 acres adjacent upper line of Henry Lunsford's last
survey, when made on Sable Creek, thence up both sides. from Geri Cook, VA Archives (see EE Vol
IV No 3 Page 86)
1748 Oct 24 - Stafford County, VA - (1748-1767) WILLIAM ELKINS in Guardian's account of payment
of rent to Rawleigh Travers, guardian of Goury Waugh. In the will of Anthony Murry made 24 Oct
1748, names "my friend" RICHARD ELKINS one of his executors; WILLIAM ELKINS is a
witness to the will (Barbara, what's the source?) cbh EE Vol IV No 3 Page 86.
1749 Lunenburg County VA - From Falling River to Goose Creek (both are left-hand tributaries of the Roanoke River (present day) in Bedford County. List of Tithes taken by Matthew Talbott
Ralph Elkens 0 males over 21 (b after 1728)
Ralph Elkens 2 males over 21 (b prior to 1728)
Richard Elkens 1 male over 21 (b prior to 1728)
From Geri Cook, her ref: Landon C Bell, The Elkins of Henry County, Virginia 1748-1787; Sunlight
on the Southside, Lunenburg County, Virginia EFE Vol II, No 1 Page 4.
1749 5 April - Halifax County VA - Surveyed for NATHANIEL ELKINS, 230 ac of land on both sides
of Mulbury Creek.
1749 Lunenburg County, VA Tithes:
(Sunlight on the South Side, Landon C Bell (per Geri Cook) See EE Vol IV No 4, Page 100
1750 Lunenburg Co., VA. Land Patent Book No. 29
1747- 1751 Richard Elkin granted 150 acres of land for 15S by George Second in Lunenberg Co., on the
North side of Pigg River, now lying the the present county of Pittsylvania County, or Franklin. From
Olive Story, Unpublished manuscript, p61. See EE Vol IV No 3, Page 86.
1750 "SUNLIGHT ON THE SOUTH SIDE" Lunenberg Co., VA by Landon C. Bell. (Lunenberg out of Brunswick-1746) Taxable Tithes at Lunenberg Co., VA.
William Caldwell's list:
Ralp Elkins From Falling Creek to Goose Creek
Ralph Elkins Jr. From Falling Creek to Goose Creek
Richard Elkins From Falling Creek to Goose Creek
1750 King George County VA - JOHN ELKINS is a witness with William Dick for a deed between
Hororias Powell of Parish, St Mary's, county Caroline. Planter and John Champe of Brunswick
Parish. Sparacio, Deed Abstracts 1735-1752. Deed Bk 3 pp 353-354
1750 May 4 - King George County VA - Administration of the estate of Peter Nugent, dec'd is granted to
JOHN ELKINS and on 2 June 1750 an inventory of estate was recorded in I #2 Page 62. In
fiduciary account Book #3 pp 48- 49, is an account & settlement by JOHN ELKINS, of the estate
of Peter Nugent. From Esther Ham from King George County Virginia will book A1 1721-1752 by:
G H S King. Court Order Book (COB) #2 Page 663. (See EE Vol IV No 3, Pages 86-87.)
1750 May 4th King George County, VA - Administration on state of Samuel Withers, dec'd granted to
Sarah Withers and on the same day she gave bond in the sum of L100 current money for her
administrative duties and JOHN ELKINS was security (BB #3 Page 103 ... from Esther Ham, same
source as above. Court Order Book #2 Page 663.
1751 Index to Land Entries, Pittsylvania Co., VA.
Nathaniel Elkins Pp. 126-148
Richard Elkins Pp. 126-148
1751 May 1 - Pittsylvania County VA - Adam Banks goes on bond of MARY ELKIN to administer estate
of RICHARD ELKIN. Order Book 3 Page 1. (EE Vol IV No 3 Page 87)
1751 King George County, VA - Richard Elkins died (Inventory Rec) Torrence, page 138. (GC-wife
MARY (?)) EE Vol IV No 3 Page 87 -states, "Was this Richard's inventory? or was he an
1751 Nov 9th - Pittsylvania County, VA - RICHARD ELKINS, 400 acres adjacent to RICHARD
ELKINS JR at Davis' upper line of entry on the East Fork of Leatherwood thence up. (EE Vol IV
No 3 Page 87)
(Barbara Thompson says, Note: "Now we have two Richards? Actually I see four in 1851. One in King George County and three in Pittsylvania County": cbh (EE Vol IV No 3 Page 87), Then in the EE Vol IV No 4, page 99, Ruby Ewart writes and states just three Elkins here! She interprets the Richard of King George Co and the Richard involved with Adam Banks that goes bond for Mary are one and the same. (C Stultz, I believe she is right). Therefore we feel there are just three Richards in 1751 Virginia, as follows:)
1751 King George County, VA
#1 Richard Elkin of the Inventory Pittsylvania County, VA Same as #1 Richard Elkins that Adam Banks goes on bond for Mary Elkins.
#2 Richard Elkins whose 400 ac adj to Richard Jr
#3 Richard Elkins Jr.
1751 Dec 21st - Pittsylvania County VA - NATHAN ELKINS enters 400 acres on Rocky Branch, begins
at corner of maple on the fork of said branch thence up both sides. Geri Cook at VA archives. (See
EE Vol IV No 3 Page 87)
Pittsylvania County (according to Everton's Handy Book for Genealogists, Seventh Edition) was not
formed until 1766/7, from Halifax County. Is this an error in the Handy Book? Halifax Co was
formed in 1752 from Lunenburg County and Lunenburg in 1746 from Brunswick. cbh) EE Vol IV No
3 Page 87.
1751 Jno Elkins, deceased - inventory (Wills & Inventories of Virginia 1632-1800, micro-film SW16-0025).
C Stultz files.
1751 May 3 - King George Co, VA - Administration on estate of JOHN ELKIN(S), deceased, granted to
his widow, ELIZABETH ELKIN(S), estate ordered appraised. She gave bond of L200 with
William Stringfellow and John Crouch, securities. Inventory of JOHN ELKINS deceased,
recorded 7 June 1751 (I #2 pp 82-84.) Court order Book #3 Page 2. From Esther Ham, same source
as above. See EE Vol IV No 3 page 87.
1752 King George County VA - Poll Tax - NATHANIEL ELKINS, BENJAMIN ELKINS (King George
Deed Book). See EE Vol IV No 3 Page 88.
1752 King George County, VA - MARTHA ELKINS witness to will of Thomas Armstrong. Sparacio,
Will Abstracts 1752- 1780. See EE Vol IV No 3 Page 89
1752 Dec 20/21st - King George County, VA - Indenture between Richard Bryan of County Culpepper and
Parish Brumfield and Frances Bryan his wife and John Campe of parish Brunswick in County King
George ... by deeds of lease and release ... tract of land and plantation containing 344 ac being in the
parish Brunswick in county King George, 195 ac part thereof being purchased by Richard Bryan late
of Stafford Co, dec'd, grandfather to said Richard Byran, party to these presents of James Lunsford
& of William Rowley, Jr and William Grigsby ... marked trees that divide this land from Rowleys'
land and land belonging to the estate of THOMAS MONTEITH deceased, ... land of Widow
Somerton ... west side of branch called the Cabbin Branch .. branch which divides this land from Wm
& Jon Lunsford .. land now in possession of BENJAMIN ELKIN ... Sparacio, Deed Abstracts of
King George County, Virginia 1753-1773 page 2, Deed Book 4 pages 23-29 (see EE Vol IV No 3
Page 88).
1752 Virginia Magazine of History & Biography, Vol 23, page 256: Abstracts of lists of Wills and
administrations from British Probate Court Records: Elizabeth Elkin, 1752 - Vol. II, p. 72,
Elizabeth Elkin, late of Barbados, but of Virginia in parts beyond the seas, spinster, deceased,
Administration, August 28, 1752 to her brother, John Elkin.
1752 May Term - Halifax County, VA - RALPH ELKINS vs John Talbot on an attachment against
defendant's estate, dismissed for reasons appearing to court. "Halifax County Pleas, #1 - May Term
1752 - March Term 1755," from Magazine of Virginia Genealogy, Qtrly, VA Gen. Soc. Vol 24, No
1 Feb 1986 page 55.
1752 20 April - Halifax County, VA - Surveyed for NATHANIEL ELKINS 400 ac on both sides of the Rocky or West Branch of the Leatherwood Creek ...(See map of Christopher Bolling. EE Vol IV No 4 Page 100-101
1753 In Virginia (what county?) EMANUEL ELKINS was born (per Olive Elkin Story - See EE Vol IV
No 4, Page 100.
1753 August 10/11 - King George County, VA - Indenture between Robert Hughes of Prince William, taylor
(sic/tailor) and Howson Hooe of St Pauls Parish in Stafford County, VA ... in consideration of two
negroes four feet high ... sold all that parcel of land now in the occupation of William Dearing and
Richard Owens, Jr. situated in the Parish Brunswick and county of King George ... adjacent land of
Richard Owen, William Fitzhugh, Maj. Samuel Skinker, dec'd ... John Stuart, James Jones dec'd,
Edward Humstone and also land of MR NATHANIEL ELKINS ... Sparacio, Deed Abstracts of
King George County, Virginia 1753 - 1773 pp 4-5, Deed book 4 Pp 48-52. (See EE Vol IV No 3
Page 88)
1753 Nov 3 - King George County, VA - RALPH ELKINS of the Parish Brunswick, leases land in Prince
William County, from George Mason lying at the head of Dogue Creek, Prince William County,
Parish of Truto. ELKIN to pay yearly rent of 600 lbs tobacco in casque, Names wife, FRANCES
ELKIN and son NATHANIEL ELKIN. Unpublished manuscript by Olive Elkin Story; Prince Wm
Co Will Book B-P pages 48-52. See EE Vol IV, No 3, Page 88-89.
1753 Index to land entries, Pittsylvania Co., VA. Ralph Elkins pp. 167-203
1753 Halifax Co. VA. Antrim Parish Records, p. 15: Halifax Co. ordered that 100 pounds of tobacco be
paid to the church warden for maintenance of Richard Elkin. (See EE Vol IV No 4, page 100) Clovis
(Byars) Herring, wondered where Antrim Parish was located? Of course, in Halifax County!
1753 Sept 15 - Halifax County, VA - Thomas Callaway, Merry Webb and Henry Lansford returned a signed
report on the improvement on Leatherwood Creek made by RALPH ELKINS, viz: 26 acres of
cultivated orchards, buildings and other improvements with expenses to value of 396/10 pounds.
Magazine of Virginia Genealogy, Vol 24 No. 2, Page 36. (See EE Vol IV, No 3, Page 89)
1753 Halifax County, VA - Ordered 100 lbs of tobacco be paid unto church warden for maintenance of
RICHARD ELKIN. (Geri Cook asks "it is due to age? Does he die? Are his sons, RALPH,
RICHARD and JESSE who settle on New River?) From Wirt Johnson Carrington, A History of
Halifax County, Virginia. (See Vol IV No 3, page 89)
1753 Halifax County, VA - page 31 of same book "History of Halifax County, VA" by Carrington:
RALPH ELKINS is sued for a debt by John Peak, associate attorney of Abram Venable. (Question:
is this the same John Peak who is in Stafford Co c1689? I have the same account as above but from
"Magazine of Virginia Genealogy" Vol 25, No 1 Feb 1987 Page 29. The record is page 451. On
the same page is a petition of Robert Wade against John Owen who appears in almost all of the
Elkins' deeds in King George County, VA. Are they the same man? I believe they are! bmt) As
follows: Halifax Co Debt case of John Peak, assignee of Abraham Venable by Charles Cupples,
his attorney against RALPH and JAMES ELKINS ...Virginia Magazine of Genealogy, Vol 25, No
1 Feb 1987 page 29. See EE Vol IV No 3, page 89.
1753 Feb 14 - Pittsylvania County, VA - RALPH ELKINS, 400 acres at red oak mark thence running up
both sides of the Grassy fork of Fishin fork of the Leatherwood. Geri Cook, VA Archives - (see EE
Vol IV No 3, page 89).
Here we have three Ralph Elkins in 1753? King George Co
#1 Ralph Elkins with wife Frances & son Nathaniel Halifax Co
#2 Ralph Elkins of the improvements & the one being sued, probably one and the same. Pittsylvania "
#3 Ralph Elkins that bought 400 acres in Pittsylvania County.
1753 Prince William County Will Book, B-P 100, Nov. 3rd. George Mason leases to RALPH ELKIN of
the Parish of Brunswick, King George Co., planter, 150 acres of land lying at the head of Dogue
Creek in Prince William Co., Parish of Truto. Elkins to pay yearly rent of 600 pounds of tobacco in
casque. Names wife Frances Elkin and son Nathaniel Elkin.
1755 16 April - Halifax Co., VA. JAMES ELKIN born, DAR Patriotic Index Vol 1 pg 217 mrd Martha
Jackson 23 Sept 1782, Washington Co VA, she born 1765. James died 6 June 1836, Clark Co., KY.
Both buried on Elkin farm on Lulbregrud Creek Clark Co., KY. (Kentucky Cemetery Book I, pg
131)GC. Per EE Vol IV No 4, page 101 - This James Elkins later of Clark County, KY may be son
of James ELKIN, b 1720 at Stafford County or King George Co (per Olive Elkin Story, unpublished
manuscript, pages 66-67), moved from Henry Co VA to New River, Botetourt Co VA (See Vol III
No 4 Page 110. Newspaper clipping, evidently info taken from Rev. War Records says he was in
Botetourt in 1775).
1756 20 April - Halifax County, VA - Surveyed for NATHANIEL ELKINS AND RALPH ELKINS, 150
ac on branch of Leatherwood Creek ... Bollings line ... Bk2 Page 137 from Esther Ham of Baltimore
MD. EE Vol IV No 4 Page 101.
1756 ARCHIBALD ELKINS born in Virginia (where?) cs See EE Vol IV No 4 Page 101.
1758 Halifax Co., VA. Military Entries, (GC-Virginia Colonial Records by Crozier-1954) 1758 French
& Indian War-Halifax Co., VA.: Henning's Statutes, Vol VII - James Elkins, Sgt. in Capt Thos.
Calloway's Co.
1758 Halifax Co. Statutes at Large, Henning, Vol 7 p.220 List of pay to soldiers of Virginia Militia, Sept. 1758, George Second. "To James Elkin and John Edwards that are Sgts. 30s, 8d each.
1758 GC* Court Orders Henry Co., VA. Reel #21 page 103 Proclamation of 1763 granted a bounty of land
for military service by King of England: JAMES ELKINS, Sergeant in French & Indian War.
1759 February 10th - King George County, VA - MARTHA ELKINS is a witness to the Will of Thomas
Armstrong as is William Benson. Will Book A Page 96. (EE Vol IV No 4, page 101).
1761-1764 County Unknown - Correspondence and census records of Indiana, Kentucky, etc., Drury Elkins, born in Virginia and his probable father is Richard Elkins of Montgomery Co., VA. Drury
and wife Margaret come to Clark Co., KY. ca 1790s then on to Pulaski County, KY by 1802 (per
tax records, Pulaski Co), son William, born c1797. There is a Drury Elkins living next door to
Richard Elkins Sr., Richard Elkins Jr. and Zachariah Elkins, in 1789 Montgomery Co., VA. We
find Drury Elkins in Jackson Co., IN. living close to his sons Jesse & William Elkins in 1830 and
by son, Jesse in 1840. He isn't found in 1850 so assume he died c1840s.
1761 December 9th - King George County, VA - RICHARD ELKINS born (per Norma J Blasdel of Enid,
OK - Richard died 26 April 1838 at Davidsonville, Coffee Co, TN, father of Eli Elkins born c1780-90
in North Carolina. (EE Vol I No 1 Pages 16-17) later cited in EE Vol IV N o4 Page 101.
1763 Dec 21 - (GC-The first land entry for James Elkins on Grassey Creek of Smith's River.
1763 Index to Land Entries - Pittsylvania Co., VA.
Richard Elkins (no page number here)
1763 See 1758 above-Court Orders, Henry Co., VA. RE: James Elkin in French & Indian War.
1764 Nov 10th - King George County, VA - JEREMIAH (X) ELKINS witness to a deed with John Cox
on a Deed of Gift, Deed Book 4 Pp 562-564.
1765 Henry County, VA - GABRIEL ELKINS born (Hoyt B Elkins - Vol III No 1 Page 7) "GABRIEL
ELKINS bc1765 Henry County, VA?, mrd STACY DILLARD dau of COL THOMAS &
MARTHA (WEBB) DILLARD, Stacy born c1785. The 1790 census showed Gabriel in Burke
County, NC, with one male and one female. He was in Buncombe Co NC 1800- 1810, Warren Co
TN 1820-30, Cannon Co (TN?) 1840 and moved to Paris TX c1845. He and his wife died in 1846
leaving daughter, MARTHA ELKINS, age 16 years. Gabriel bought land in Warren Co TN in 1812
as received by Clerk of Court there Dec 1812 and recorded in early 1813 at McMinnville, TN.
1765 Index to Land Entries - Pittsylvania Co., VA. James Elkins, pp. 336-354
1767 Index to Land Entries - Pittsylvania Co., VA. James Elkins, pp.385-414
1767 HISTORY OF PITTSYLVANIA CO. VA by Carrington Peter Perkins' list:GC Pittsylvania Co., VA. Titheables:
Ralph Elkins, Jr. 1 white tithe
Richard Elkins, 1 white tithe
Nathaniel Elkins, son Jessey 2 white tithe
James Elkins of Leatherwood 1 white tithe
Jesse Elkins, 1 tithe 1 white tithe
1767 Pittsylvania Index to Land Entries see above:
James Elkins, pp 336-354
Ralph Elkins Jr (Peter Perkens tax list)
Richard Elkins Jr (1 tithe)
Nathaniel Elkins, son Jessey
Jesse Elkins, (1 tithe)
1768 Index to Land Entries Pittsylvania Co., VA.
James Elkins pp. 414-440
1769 /1773 microfische JACKSON's ACI-Rental Roll-King George Co. (Vol IV No 4 page 102)
JOHN (of Richard) ELKIN (3)
1770 WILLIAM P. ELKINS bc in Virginia (per Mayme Turner).
1771 Henry County Deed Book EFE, Vol 2 No 1 Page 5 - LDS Microfilm: Henry Co formed 1776-7 from Pittsylvania & Patrick Count, VA cbh.
Ralph Elkins Smith River 467 acres
James Elkins Gravely Creek 215 acres
James Elkins Smith River 442 acres
Ralph & Jas Elkins Smith River 776 acres
1771 Sept 5th - King George County, VA - lease of William Champ to Thomas Jordan, Survey map, Deed Book 5 Page 873, following is survey map showing where the homes of MARY ELKINS AND MARTHA ELKINS were located. From EE Vol IV No 4 Page 102.
1771 Botetourt County, VA - list of titheables, Lower District of New River:
Ralf Elkins, Senr
Jessey Elkins
Richard Elkins
From Early Adventurers on the Western Waters - Vol I, by Mary Kegley, page 93 - (EE Vol IV No 4 Page 103) (NOTE- from EE Vol IV No 4 Page 103 - "Are some of these names being taken from different areas, when in fact they are one and the same? It is possible that someone has gotten the location of the Lower District of New River confused? We desperately need someone to look at the extent tax lists themselves instead of relying on secondary records. Are they available to anyone in our group??cbh
1771 Fincastle County, VA - Jacob Norrick, assignee of Wm Withers, assignee of RALPH ELKINS, 100
acres at the mouth of Crab Creek settled 1771. from Mary B Kegley, Early Adventurers of the
Western Waters, Vol II page 111. (Note - Crab Creek, a small right-hand branch of New River in the
present county of Pulaski, by Gannett, Gazeteer of Virginia. bmt) EE Vol IV No 4 page 103.
1772 Recorded Oct 1st - King George County VA - undated Will of Stephen Hansford. Leaves wife,
Elizabeth Hansford. . ., grandson Stephen Hansford, eldest son of "my son Alexander Hansford
and Ann his wife; grandson William Hansford; daughter, Ann Tutt; daughter Alice Hansford;
grandaughters, Mary Ann Armstrong and LUCY ELKINS. Witnesses: JAMES MONTEITH,
LEAH MONTEITH, WILLIAM BRUCE. Will Book 1752-1770, pp 330-332. (EE Vol IV No
4 Page 103)
1772 May 7th - King George County, VA (Ashton is an important connection to the Elkin(s) family and this is offered here in the hope that the connection will be made more clear:
Know all men ... I John Ashton, the elder, of Parish Washington County, Westmoreland, am held and firmly bound unto Francis Thornton of the County King George in the penal sum of Two hundred pounds, current money ... ( ) 1768. Whereas Richard Watts, late of county Westmoreland, died, seized of a parcel of land in county King George which upon his death, intestate, descended to Mary the wife of John Ashton, now deceased & to Ann, the wife of William Robinson, Gent. of county King George, in copossession and whereas John Ashton and Mary, his wife in her lifetime and William Robinson and Ann his wife, has executed a deed of conveyance of the parcel of land to Francis Thornton, late of county King George which deed having been executed in the infancy of Mary, one moiety of the land descended to Chas Ashton, her eldest son and heir at Law in whom the title thereof now is and Whereas John Ashton hereby acknowledging to have received from Francis Thornton full payment for Mary's moiety is desirous of securing the title in the land to Francis Thornton, deceased, or to secure him that he may be indemnified in case he should be evicted of the said moiety of land by Chas Ashton ... indemnify him ... obligation to be void ... Presence of Willm Bernard, Francis Wilson; Signed: John Ashton
Deed proved 7 May 1772, Deed Book 5, page 126
1772 Fincastle County VA - Tithes for New River and Sinking Creek (a right-hand branch of New River bmt) Sect. x, List #16 - John Bowman's list:
Nathaniel Elkins 1 male over 16 (bc1756 or earlier)
Ralf Elkins Jr 1
Richard Elkins Sr 1
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