ELKINS Genealogy Data - Elkins Web Sites
Elkins Genealogy Data

Elkins Places

Elkins, Elkuns, Elkens, Alkins, Alkuns, Alkens, Alking,
Alkung, Alkeng, Elkings, Elkengs, Elkungs and any other variational spellings

We are looking for Elkins place names. If you have information about a place that is called Elkins or has Elkins in the name please let us know. Send your email to Darlene.


Elkins, Madison County, AR

Elkins Park, Randolph County, AR

Elkins, Washington County, AR


Elkinsville, Brown County, IN - was located about 20 miles southeast of Bloomington, Indiana. To make way for Lake Monroe the government bought out the town and surrounding fields in 1963 as a flood plain. The place where Elkinsville once sat is still marked by the town cemetery. The former residents of Elkinsville gather once a year at the former townsite.


Elkins, Merrimack County, NH

Elkins, Chaves County, NM

Elkins Park, Montgomery County, PA

Elkins Landing, Decatur County, TN

Elkins, Franklin County, TN

Elkins, Hickman County, TN

Elkins Junction, Randolph County, WV

Elkins, Randolph County, WV

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Copyright 1998-2008, Elkins Genealogy Data
and Darlene Anderson