I collect bookmarks for my genealogy computer group...if you have any favorites not listed please send them to me. Please put BOOKMARKS in the subject line so I don't miss it. I do NOT claim to be a Cyndi's List or on the scale of a John Fuller site. I simply collect them and share them with my computer group. Because of the way I collect them, they are not organized very well AND you will find duplicates. Please don't be critical. If you're looking for a well organized list of links in categories that are cross referenced then this is not where you need to be, you'll be better served visiting Cyndi's list or John Fuller's pages. I have a list of those as well, they are listed in my index as "Index Sites ie Cyndi's List" check on each genealogy page for this section. One tip I can offer is to use my search engine on this site to do key word searchers which will pick up on links as well. Please remember that most search engines are indexed on intervals...if you don't find something check back in a few days.
Thanks for visiting my site.
Happy Hunting,
NON genealogy {note, I don't have as many of these :) }