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Your form has three search options: Any, All, and Boolean.

bulletAny will return results for pages which have any of the listed words on it. FOr example, selecting "Any" and then searching for Moses Smith will return results for any page which contains the word Moses OR the word Smith.
bulletAll returns results for pages which contain every word input into the search form. A search using "All" and Moses Smith will show only those pages which contain the words Moses AND smith.

Note: This does not necessarily mean that the name Moses Smith will be on the page showing hits. A page containing the names Moses Jones and William Smith will show up as a "hit" because it contains both words, Moses AND Smith, though not necessarily in close proximity to each other
bulletA boolean search allows for more complex searching. Examples of Boolean searches:
bulletJames and Smith: Gives pages which contain both Moses and Smith (much like the "All" search)
bulletMoses or Smith: Gives pages which contain the word Moses or the word Smith (much like the "Any" search)
bulletMoses not Smith: Gives pages which contain the word Moses BUT NOT the word Smith
bulletBoolean searches also allow grouping using parentheses:
bullet(Moses and Smith) or (William and Dennett): pages will contain either Moses and Smith or William and Dennett, but not necessarily both
bullet(Moses and Smith) and (William and Dennett): pages must contain Moses, Smith, William, and Dennett to be returned as a "hit"
bullet(Moses not Smith) or (William or Dennett): pages will contain Moses but not the word Smith OR they will contain the words William or Dennett