Transcriptions by D.G. Jones, c 2003. National Archives of Canada, Film A-1837, IL, pos. 2 file 0106 / 13 A Return of the Dates of the Officers' Commissions of the Detachment of Provincials under the Command of Lieutenant Colonel Winslow -- Louisbourg Harbour. September 6th 1762, vizt: Lieutenant Colonel Winslow -- April 1761 Major Bradford -- April 1761 *Capt. Kean [”Abel Cain” in Perry's Recollections] -- February 1756 Capt. Moulton -- February 1760 Capt. Dunbarr -- March 1759 *Capt. Barron -- February 1760 Capt. Jeffers -- February 1760 Lieutenants 2nd Lieutenant Jackson -- February 1756 1st Lieutenant Willard -- when a great 1756 4th Lieutenant Scott -- March 1759 3rd Lieutenant Martyn -- March 1759 6th Lieutenant Clapp -- March 1759 5th Lieutenant Delino -- February 1759 7th Lieutenant Wesson -- February 1760 9th Lieutenant Chubbauk -- June 1760 10th Lieutenant Cheavers -- March 1762 Ensigns Ensign Kemp -- April 1761 Ensign Phillips -- March 1762 *[Signed] Job Winslow, Lieutenant Colonel [*mentioned in Capt. David Perry's Recollections of an Old Soldier: the Life of Captain David Perry, a Soldier of the French and Revolutionary Wars.../ written by himself. Simeon Ide, printer. Windsor, Vt.: [Vermont] Republican and [American] Yeoman Printing-Office, 1822. =============================== National Archives of Canada, Film A-1837, IL, pos. 2 file 0106 / 8 Embarkation Return of the Troops for the Expedition Under the Command of Lieut. Colo. Amherst Dates of Returns / Number of Companies and from what Regiment / Battalions & Corps / Commanding Officer / Lieut. Colonel / Major / Captains / Lieutenants / Ensigns / Adjutant / Surgeon or Mates[?] / Serjeants / Drummers / Rank & file / Total Aug. 12th. 1762 / From the Recovered Men of the Regiments in the West Indies / Light Infantry / Capt. Maxwell / 1 Captain / 1 Lieutenant / 2 Ensigns / 6 Serjeants / 95 Rank & file / 105 Total Aug. 12th. 1762 / From Ditto / Ditto [Light Infantry] / Capt. McDonell [Commanding Officer] / 1 Captain / 1 Lieutenant / 1 Ensign / 4 Serjeants / 81 Rank & file / 88 Total Aug. 12th. 1762 / From the Provincials / Ditto [Light Infantry] / Capt. Barron [Commanding Officer] / 1 Captain / 3 Lieutenants / 4 Serjeants / 100 Rank & file / 108 Total *[Capt. Barron — David Perry is one of the 4 “Serjeants”.] Aug. 12th. 1762 / Three Comp. of the Royal and two Companies of Montgomery’s / First Battalion / Major Sutherland [Commanding Officer] / 1 Major / 4 Captains / 10 Lieutenants / 5 Ensigns / 1 Surgeon or Mates[?] / 16 Serjeants / 7 Drummers / 350 Rank & file / 394 Total Sept. 6th: 1762 / Five Comp. 45th Regimt. / Second Battalion / Capt. Gualy [Commanding Officer] / 1 Lieut. Colonel / 3 Captains / 7 Lieutenants / 4 Ensigns / 1 Adjutant / 1 Surgeon or Mates[?] / 16 Serjeants / 10 Drummers / 350 Rank & file / 393 Total Aug. 29th. 1762 / Four Companies of Col. Hoar’s Regiment of Provincials / Third Battalion / Lieut. Col. Winslow [Commanding Officer] / 1 Lieut. Colonel / 1 Major / 4 Captains / 8 Lieutenants / 1 Ensign / 1 Surgeon or Mates[?] / 16 Serjeants / 2 Drummers / 400 Rank & file / 434 Total *[DP’s Job Winslow again.] Totals: 2 Lieut. Colonel / 2 Major / 14 Captains / 30 Lieutenants / 13 Ensigns / 1 Adjutant / 3 Surgeon or Mates[?] / 62 Serjeants / 19 Drummers / 1376 Rank & file / 1522 Total Embarkation Return of the Detachment of The Royal Artillery Louisbourg September the 6th. 1762 — Capt. Andrew Ferguson / 1 Captain / 2 Capt. Lieuts. / 1 First Lieut. / 1 Second Lieut. / 1 Surgeon / 1 Serjeants / 1 Corporal / 4 Bombariers / 1 Drummers / 9 Gunners / 35 Mattrosser[?] / 50 Total / 1522 Total ========================= National Archives of Canada, Film A-1837, IL, pos. 2 file 0102 / 42 Return of the Killed, Wounded in Missing of the Troops Under The Command of Lieutenant Colonel Amherst from the 13th September inclusively Battalions & Corps: Killed; Wounded; Missing [listed for each = Captains, Lieutenants, Ensigns, Adjutants, Surgeons, Serjeants, Drummers, Rank & file, Total; none are listed as "Missing" for any of the Corps] Capt. Maxwell's light Infantry: Killed, 3 Rank & file, 3 Total; Wounded, 10 Rank & file, 10 Total Capt. McDonell's light Infantry: Killed, 1 Lieutenant, 5 Rank & file, 6 Total; Wounded: 1 Captain, 1 Sergeant, 15 Rank & file, 17 Total *Capt. Barron's provincial light Infantry: Killed, 1 Rank & file, 1 Total; Wounded, 3 Rank & file, 3 Total First Battalion: Killed, 0; Wounded, 2 Captains, 1 Sergeant, 1 Drummer, 3 Rank & file, 7 Total Second Battalion: Killed, 1 Rank & file, 1 Total; Wounded, 1 Rank & file, 1 Total *Provincial Battalion: Killed, 1 Rank & file, 1 Total *[Perhaps David Foster, the man wounded severely by grape shot — but David says he lived to get home, and no provincial is listed as wounded. On the other hand, there are the men of Capt. Barron’s light infantry listed above.] [Totals:] Killed, 1 Lieutenants, 11 Rank & file, 12 Total; 3 Captains, 2 Sergeants, 1 Drummer, 32 Rank & file, 30 Total [Total Killed: 12; Total Wounded: 30] [British officers killed and wounded:] Killed: Lieut. Schuyler of Royal Americans; Wounded: Capt. McDonnel of Frasier's, Capt. Baillie of the Royal, Capt. McKenzie of Montgomery's [who died on Sept. 24th of his wounds, and Wm Amherst lamented his loss; see file 0102/48] [Signed] Wm Amherst St. John's September 20th. 1762 =============================== National Archives of Canada, Film A-1837, IL, pos. 2 file 0102 / 47 [Copy of letter from Lt. Col. William Amherst to Col. Hoar] St. John's Sept 30th. 1762 Sir. I embark the detachment of your Regt. With the Regulars for Halifax, this day. The Zeal for the Service, which you shewed informing this detachment has been continued by Lt. Col. Winslow, and I have always found the Officers and men of his Corps, ready upon every occasion. I am etc. [Lt. Col. Wm Amherst] [to:] Col. Hoare* [This is Col. Jonathan Hoar, commander of the regiment of provincials under whom David Perry’s patron and friend Lt. Col. Job Winslow authorized him to enlist “what troops [he] could.” Another attestation to the provincial soldiers’ value as an integral part of the forces that retook St. John’s and thus Newfoundland.] ============================== National Archives of Canada, Film B-215, IL, pos. 2 [Colonial Office] file C.O. 194 / 26 p. 61 [William Amherst to the Earl of Egremont] New York January 27. 1763 My Lord: I am to acknowledge being honored with your Lordship's letter of the 27th November. The high sense I have of His Majesty's gracious approbation of my conduct, must make it the business of my Life, to endeavor always to do serve His Royal Favour. I have according to your Lordship's directions communicated to the Officers and Soldiers, that were under my command, the King's satisfaction in their Bravery, and Intrepidity.* [This includes Perry, even though he was probably too sick to remember if he heard of “His Majesty’s approbation” or not, which would have come from New York as a letter read to assembled troops, I imagine. The letter Wm Amherst hereby answers is transcribed in “The Recapture of St. John’s Newfoundland” and is found in NAC A-1837, IL, pos. 2, file 0102/50.] I am, with the most profound Respect. My Lord. Your Lordship's most Humble and most obedient Sert. Wm Amherst [to:] Rt. to Honble. Earl of Egremont ============================= National Archives of Canada, Film A-1837, IL, pos. 2 file 0104 / 5 [Memorandum: from Lt.-Col. Tulikens to Lt.-Col. Wm Amherst] Mem To ask the Genl. How the Troops are to be paid that are lived at St. Johns, as it will be absolutely impossible for the paymaster of the 40th Regimt. to send the money from Louisbourg. No Dollars to be had here for bills on England the Five shillings......... of the Dollar in the men should receive them that Four Shillings and Eight Pence. Capt. Mitchell the paymaster intends if he can get money to pay them up to the 24th Febry 1763. Upon whom or how is Captain Gually to to draw for the money that shall be....... Of the fort to etc. etc. Bedding is much....... for the garrison of St. Johns. It may be had at Halifax as a large quantity was sent therefrom Louisbourg. The garrison of Louisbourg can easily supply St. Johns in Newfoundland And Halifax with Coals, the shipping would be wanted for this purpose. As there is but few troops now left at Louisbourg Col. Tuliken desires and hopes that Col. Amherst will think of him, that should the Major joined Regimt. He may have leave if but for a few months to go to England. And as Col. Tuliken has been at an extraordinary expense by acting as govr. for the time being at Louisbourg, he hopes the Genl. Will consider him, And if a Governor should be appointed for Louisbourg, humbly begs he may be recommended. Captain Baron who Commanded the Light Infantry Compy. Of the Provincials, and who behaved himself so well, begs to be recommended to Col. Amherst for Commission in the regular Forces.* *[This is the closest document found to an actual “lieutenant’s commission” for David Perrys "Captain William Barron," however, "lieutenant" was the commission usually awarded in such cases.]