Chapter 8. Winter in Providence, RI, 1776-1777 - Recollections of An Old Soldier - the Life of Captain David Perry (1741-1826)

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Revolutionary soldier by A. Chappel

(Chapters Six through Nine Inclusive.)  

Chapter VIII
Winter in Providence, Rhode Island 1776-1777.
Sixth Campaign (2nd Campaign of the Revolution). 
Rank: 1st Lieutenant.
[ To order a hard copy of Recollections click here. ]  

jumpbout this time several regiments were raised for one year's service. Col. Durgee [John Durkee•], who commanded one of them, pressed me hard to take a Captain's commission in his regiment.  But as I was poor at that time, and had a wife and five small children to support, or if I went, to leave without the proper means of support, I could not comply with his wishes.  I told him a soldier ought not to have any thing to think of at home.  


But they could not raise men enough, without making large drafts of militia.  In the Fall of the year, a number of regiments were ordered to be raised for the winter.  I had the appointment of a first Lieutenant, and was ordered to march with my company to New-York.  We accordingly set out, and had proceeded one day, when I had counter orders, to go to Providence, the enemy having taken possession of Newport.  I was put into Col. John Ely's regiment, which was under the command of Gen. Spencer,• and remained at Providence• till the expiration of the term for which we were called out, without any occurrence of importance, and then returned home.  

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