The Captain David Perry Web Site

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IN MEMORIAM       Dr. A.G. Gudmundson (1928–2006)
                    4th great grandson of Capt. David Perry

Perry's Recollections online

Perry's memoir (or autobiography) Recollections of an Old Soldier, was written in the winter of 1818 -1819. Published, 1822 by printer, Simeon Ide. -- D.G. Jones, © 1999-2013. For copyright information, click here.
[ To order a hard copy click here. ]


Recollections book images      NEXT web page  John Adams quote

Begin at Chapter One . . .  
Summary of Perry's Life
More about his book
The 1822 Printer's Description of David Perry
Excerpts from Recollections

Also on this site, David Perry's Ancestors  |  Descendants  |  Family  | 
Photo of David Perry's son Nathaniel Green Perry (1782-1872) ca. age 80
Biographies of Some of David Perry's Descendants
Images of the original 1822 edition of Recollections
Photogallery of Some of David Perry's Descendants
Copyright notice. This entire site, including images, is protected by copyright.


[ To obtain a hard copy of Perry's Recollections click here. ]
NOTE: David Perry (not Parry) wrote Recollections (not Reflections) of an Old Soldier. Read article...

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Mission and Dedication.

jumpHIS SITE IS DEDICATED to the memory of Capt. David Perry. Its mission is: (1) to  share Capt. David Perry's memoir with as many people as possible, particularly the "future generations" of Americans to whom he spoke so compellingly* and his own posterity for whom he wrote his memoirs;*  (2) to make this valuable document available to students of history: American, Canadian, Algonquin, Mi'qmak, British, French; and  (3) to help all readers of Capt. Perry's words to discover both the man and the "times in which he lived."*
          It is hoped that this site will also provide a forum for those with information to share on David Perry.  My time to answer e-mail is very limited, but information offered, queries, suggestions, &c. will receive a reply if my health permits.  Information that adds to my 35-plus years' research will be incorporated into this site and/or the forthcoming edition, if permissible and my situation allows, and will be acknowledged accordingly.  Contributors are asked to please accurately document all material wherever possible.-- DGJ, editor, 1998-2013.

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A first edition has now come west to Utah.   All other extant first editions (except that sold to an anonymous buyer by John Johnson of White River Junction, VT), are owned by educational and historical institutions east of Michigan and Nebraska. A large number of David Perry's descendants live west of that line, it is hoped this rare copy will be available to descendants to view in the future.   (More information on first editions...)

To share information regarding Capt. David Perry, his memoir Recollections of An Old Soldier, his family, ancestors or descendants, please write by postal or electronic mail.  (Response time.)


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Write for, and obtain, permission before reproducing or copying any part of this web site, including IMAGES or PHOTOS, or quoting passages longer than a few sentences. Note: Pre-1923 photos are in public domain.

The Captain David Perry Web Site was prepared from the combined electronic edition of Capt. David Perry's Recollections of an Old Soldier..., copyright © 1998 by Denise G. Jones, editor, which was derived from the first edition, Windsor, Vermont, 1822, combined with significant subsequent editions, notably the Alden, Abbatt and DeVille editions.
To quote brief passages PLEASE CITE THIS WEB SITE, OR A PAGE OF THIS SITE, AS FOLLOWS: (Last name doesn't necessarily have to come first. To reference an image, use format below but put name of the web page where the image, or link to the image, is found; and then the URL [web address] of the image. Note: IMAGES or PHOTOS that state "COURTESY OF" are still COPYRIGHTED by Denise G. Jones, editor, the courtesy being extended to her only; permission to use must still be sought and obtained by contacting Denise G. Jones.) Note: Pre-1923 photos are in public domain.

For specific pages that ARE part of Perry's Recollections:
Jones, Denise G. "(put the name of the chapter or page here)." Recollections of an Old Soldier: The Life of Captain David Perry...written by hismelf. Combined electronic edition, 1998-2013[supply current year]. (Derived from the first edition, Windsor, Vermont, 1822, combined with significant subsequent editions, notably the Alden, Abbatt and DeVille editions.) The Captain David Perry Web Site. 1999-2013[supply current year].
(in parentheses, put the date page was last modified, see bottom of page, OR put the date the page was last accessed by you).
To quote David Perry:
Perry, David. "Recollections of an Old Soldier: The Life of Captain David Perry....written by himself." Jones. Denise G., ed. Combined electronic edition, c1998-2013[supply current year]. (Derived from the first edition, Windsor, Vermont, 1822, combined with significant subsequent editions notably, the Alden, Abbatt and DeVille editions.) The Captain David Perry Web Site. (put Chapter number here).
(in parentheses, date page was last modified, see bottom of page, OR put the date the page was last accessed by you).
For specific pages or articles that are NOT part of Perry's Recollections:
Jones, Denise G. "(put the name of the page or article here)." The Captain David Perry Web Site. 1999-2013[supply current year].
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For the web site in general:
Jones, Denise G. The Captain David Perry Web Site. c1999-2013[supply current year].
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Life of David Perry - Chapter One  NEXT web page
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Son Nathaniel
PHOTOGALLERY of descendants



Simeon Ide,

cover and title page Alden note opposite affidavit

Alden ca 1912 Alden age 80
Mary Emma [Bogue] Alden.
3rd ggdau



William Abbatt,


Winston DeVille,


D.G. Jones, editor
5th ggdau