The following White County and Overton County, TN records are a compilation of abstracts contributed by Carol A. Selander and Jo Carolyn Beebe. Carol is a descendant of Nathan BARTLETT and Peggy HUNTER, as is Jo Carolyn, who also has in her ancestry Joshua BARTLETT and Winney HERRING and Robert BARTLETT and Mary WARREN. There are some duplications of records, but different transcriptions. This is the result of hours of research, transcribing, typing, etc. It would be so nice if you would drop them a note and thank them for sharing it with us.
"Tennessee County Records included White County Minute Book records. The names in the index were quite clear. However, many of the pages of the records were too faded to read. These had been transcribed in 1837 and then typed as a WPA project in the 1930s. It seems that the men of White Co spent a great deal of time serving on "a jury of good and lawful men" or building roads. I've listed BARTLETT names or affiliated names that I recognized. If there was information other than jury duty or road building, I will elaborate." Jo Carolyn Beebe. [Records transcribed from AGLL Microfilm]
VOLUME E (need pg 71 of book)
". . . obtained by James ROBERTSON and entered 24 Mar 1809 by No 26 as an occupant claim, grants to James BARTLETT, asee sd ROBERTSON 227 acres lying in Jackson County in 3rd Dist on the Falling Waters of Caney Fork.
Page 345 Indenture 28 Dec 1814. James BARTLETT and Joshua BARTLETT, $167 paid, 167 acres on Falling waters of Caney fork including where BARTLETT now lives (relationship not indicated).
Page 395. Land Grand No. 2610 25 Oct 1810 TENNESSEE by Certif No. 156 dated 16 Jan 1809 to James ROBERTSON by No. 21 on 18 Mar 1809, grants to Nathan BARTLETT, assee of ROBERTSON, tr of 183 acres lying in 3rd Dist on Falling waters of Caney fork.
Page 423. Indenture 28 Dec 1814. Nathan BARTLETT and William HUNTER, senr, $91.50 paid, tr on fallen waters of Caney fork, including where HUNTER now lives, part of tr granted by TN to BARTLETT, Grant 2640 for 183 ares on 25 Oct 1810, tr conv 96 1/2 acres.
Page 433. Land Grand 2641 25 Oct 1810 TENNESSEE by virture part of Certif No. 156, dated 16 Jan 1809, obtained from W. TN by James ROBERTSON and entered on 24 Mar 1809, No. 25, as an Occupant claim grants to Joseph HUNTER, assee of sd ROBERTSON 184 acres in Jackson County in 3rd Dist, on falling water of Caney fork, adj Nathan BARTLETT and Cumberland mountain.
Page 508. Indenture 15 Jul 1816 Joshua BARTLETT and John BOHANNON, $100 paid, 12 1/2 acres, part of tr where sd BARTLETT now lives, being part of Grant No. 3650 for 12 acres, dated 17 Jan 1812.
Page 276. Indenture 19 Oct 1818. Joshua BARTLETT and Isaac WELCH, $200 paid, 12/12 acres on falling water of Caney fork in edge of the Dry valley, including where John BOHANNON now lives, being part tr granted by TN to James BARTLETT.
Page 15. Plat and Survey & Grant. 17 July 1795. Stockley DAVIDSON, DS for Middle Dist, Terr South of Ohio, states he has surv for John WILLIAMS 1000 acres in sd district on Caney fork on E side of Indian War tract Leading to Chickamaga about 3 or 4 miles SE of Three Springs. Wit: Archd LACKEY, Joseph BARTLETT, Robert KING. On 6 June 1796 Sam ASHER, Gov of North Carolina, for 10 pounds for every hundred acres granted pd into treasuring by John WILLIAMS, grands sd tr to WILLIAMS. Ack in Sumner Co. TN before David WILSON, Register.
Page 134. Relinquishment. 19 Oct 1818. John BOHANNON reconveys , for value received, to Joshua BARTLETT all right to land as conveyed to BOHANNON.
Page 361. Indenture 29 Oct 1823. Thomas HOPKINS, Warren Co., TN and Charles HUNTER, $456.50 pd, tr on Caney fork of Cumberland river, being 152 1/2 acres and beg at NW cor William WHITAKER adj. a mountain, and Thomas BARNES and Nathan BARTLETT. Wit: William HUNTER and Dawson ROCKHOLD.
Page 405. Indenture. 16 Sep 1824. Charles HUNTER and Nathan BARTLETT, $50.00 pd 24 (acres?) in 3rd Dist, on Caney fork, adj Thomas WILLIAMS Entry No. 216 and William BOHANNON Line. Wit: John MAILWELL, William BARTLETT.
Page 430. Indenture. 22 Jul 1824. Henry HUNTER and John MADEWELL, $300 pd, tr on falling water of Caney fork of Cumberland river, beg on S of entry in name of William PHILIPS where MADEWELL formerly lived, including where HAYS now lives. Wit: Nathan BARTLETT, William BARTLETT (relationship not stated).
Page 563. Indenture. 13 Sep 1826. Lloyd ROCKHOLD and Jesse WILLIAMS, $425 pd, 122 acres, part Grant No. 15805 issued by TN to sd ROCKHOLD for 50 ares and also Grant No. 16855 for 45 acres. Also Grant 3458. Wit: James BARTLETT, Elisha JOBE
Page 565. Indenture. 3 Oct 1825. John ROGERS and William BARTLETT, $550 pd, 80 acres on Caney fork and opposite of William ROGERS, being granted by TN to James P. TAYLOR and Isaac TAYLOR, Junr, on 1 Oct 1821 by Patent No. 15858. Wit: Isaac ROGERS, Jessee ROGERS
Page 569. Bill of Sale. Nathan BARTLETT conveys to James BARTLETT for $200. pd, title to Negro girl Harriet. Wit: Joseph HUNTER
Page 310. Indenture. 10 Jul 1831. William PRYOR and Joseph BARTLETT. $640 pd, tr in the Dry Valley, and being 90 acres, part of B. Pryer 50 acres, Entry No. 458. Tr adj foot of Cumberland mountain.
Page 507. Indenture. 30 Aug 1832. William BARTLETT and John ROGERS, $550 pd, part of tr of 80acres, being on Caney fork, adj William ROGERS.
Pag 508. Indenture 13 Aug 1832. William BARTLETT and John ROGERS, $650 pd (very dim), (name of Daniel ALEXANDER appears). Wit: Jonas R. ROGERS, James W. ROGERS.
Contributed by Carol A. Selander.
BARTLETTe, Charles
BOHANON, Henry also executor of a will. Who? Couldn't read.
, John
, Lewis also Recorded his stock mark to wit:"A smooth crop and slit in the left ear and a smooth crop and under bit in the right."
Friday, May 17, 18ll.
, William
BOUNDS, James, Thomas, William
ELLEDGE, Boon, Whitefield
HUNTER, George, John, William
PRYOR, lots
Contributed by Jo Carolyn Beebe.
BOHANNON, John, Lewis
Bounds, lots
HUNTER, George-Assee, Nov 15, 1811
, William--surviving executor of John GOOD, decd
PRYOR, William
Contributed by Jo Carolyn Beebe.
Joseph BARTLETT sold land to John BUCKHANON. Josiah BARTLETT acknowledged in open court for the purpose therein mentioned. [I wonder if Josiah was Joseph..jcb]
Contributed by Jo Carolyn Beebe.
BARTLETT, Elijah "This day the death of Elijah BARTLETT in the county of
White [blurred] Nathan BARTLETT sworn admin [blurred] Thomas BROWN entered their [blurred]..."
BARTLETT, Elijah Decd--Nathan BARTLETT verified inventory in the estate [blurred]...
BARTLETT, James vs. issd Jemima HUGHES
BARTLETT, James v Josiah HUGHES Snr
BARTLETT, Joseph to John MADWELL Transfer of platt
BARTLETT, Joshua adm of the estate of James BARTLETT
, Joshua Land deal between Joshua and ____ BOHANNON
BARTLETT, Polly (This film too blurred, but previously noted in Elijah's will as daughter along with Sarah BARTLETT.)
HUNTER, Dudley, Joseph, William
HARGIS, William
Contributed by Jo Carolyn Beebe.
Jan 18 1815. Ordered as Jurors at next Circuit Court, White Co. Nathan BARTLETT, Joseph BARTLETT (m Millicent RICE) William HUNTER (m Sarah BOONE), William WHITAKER (m Dorcas BARTLETT), Lewis BOHANNON (Thomas BOHANNON m Pruna BARTLETT).
Deed conveyance for 90 acres of land - Nathan BARTLETT to William HUNTER
William HUNTER to Sarah BARTLETTt and Polly BARTLETT, heirs of Elijah BARTLETT Dec�d. Platt and certificate of Survey of 20 acres of land... acknowledge by William HUNTER.
Book 2, p. 446
27 Jan 1817. William HUNTER to Dudley HUNTER - Platt certificate 25 acres of land.
Elijah BARTLETT Decd. late of County. Nathan BARTLETT was the administrator of all and singular goods and chattle rights and credits of Elijah...
Contributed by Carol A. Selander.
BARTLETT, Elijah Witness to John CLARENDON vs issd James COLE
BARTLETT, Joshua-Bond with John WELCH and William BURTON
-Deed to William WELCH
-Deed to Isaac WELCH
BOHANNON, Elijah, John, Lewis, Thomas, William (Decd)
, William A. In addition to jury charged with trespassing and was witness to a deed
HUNTER, Charles, Henry, James.
, Capt. Joseph Witness William WHITACRE deeds to William HUNTER
, Polly, along with William HUNTER were adminstrators of estate of George DICKISON, Decd.
SUTTLE, John--Deed to John HENRY
HORNE, Sherod
Contributed by Jo Carolyn Beebe.
Sat, April 18, 1824. Charles HUNTER to George WOOD (He witnessed Joshua�s will). Deed conveyance for 77 acres of land.
Charles HUNTER to James BOHANNON, Deed conveyance for 78 acres of land.
Charles HUNTER and Henry HUNTER to George WOOD. Deed conveyance for 20 acres of land.
Fri, 23 Jul 1824. Thomas HOPKINS to Charles HUNTER. Deed conveyance 152 1/2 acres land, William HUNTER witness.
Mon, 17 Jan 1825. Charles HUNTER to Nathan BARTLETT. Deed conveyance 25 acres land. Witnesses: John MADEWELL and William BARTLETT.
Henry HUNTER to John MADEWELL. Deed conveyane for 50 acres of land. Witnesses: Nathan BARTLETT and William BARTLETT.
Thur, 19 Apr 1827. Ordered by court to be commissioners to lay off and mark a road from William HUNTER�s mill, by Joseph HUNTER�s, through William HUNTER�s and Nathan BARTLETT�s farm to intersect the road leading from George WOODS to the head of little Caney Fork: Mack WHITAKER, William PRYOR, Sr., Jesse BOUNDS, Thomas BOUNDS, Hodges ENGLAND, et al.
Contributed by Carol A. Selander.
From Microfilm. Microfilm available at the Tennesse State Library & Archives in Nashville. (Obtained through inter-library loan). All below are White Co., TN.
Elijah BARTLETT 1815 Will Book A, pg 37
James BARTLETT 1815, Will Book A, pg 39
Nathan BARTLETT 1837, Will Book B, pg 270
Winnay BARTLETT, 1852, Will Book D, pg 85
Joshua BARTLETT, 1828, Will Book A, pg 335
Contributed by Carol A. Selander.
BOHANNON, Henry Decd Will
BARTLETT, Elijah decd inventory
BARTLETT, James Decd Will
BOHANNON, William Inventory
BOHANNON Henry Decd Nuncuperative Will
SUTTLE, Bushrod Decd Will
Contributed by Jo Carolyn Beebe.
BARTLETT, Nathan Sr. Sales
BARTELOTT N Decd (too faded to read)
Contributed by Jo Carolyn Beebe.
[Page 6]
"The establishment of a town by name Monticello took place about the time of the re-organization and the commissioners of the new town were duly empowered to sell lots in the proposed town, and with the proceeds establish a fund to be used in the purchase of land and erection of public buildings. This was proposed to be the new county seat. The members of this commission were James BARTLETT, William H. VANCE, John BOHANNON, Edward ANDERSON and James JACKSON. After a long delay the commission finally in 1844, decided upon a location about a mile east of the present town of Cookeville - - The Buck College site - - but this place and their plans were never to mature."
Deed E, Page 455. 13 Feby 1824. George PRICE of White County, Tennessee, sells 20 acres of land to Joseph BARTLETT of Overton County, Land in Overton County.
Deeds F, Page 210. Indenture 20 July 1826. John JOHNSTON of Hardeman County, Tennessee, 200 acres land in three tracts to Joseph BARTLETT of Overton County.
Contributed by Carol A. Selander.