Bartlett Homepages


Do you have a web site with BARTLETT family?
Send me an Email with the address (URL) and I will be happy to put a link to it here.

American Colonial Origins: Descendants of Robert Bartlett/Mary Warren. Surnames include Bartlett, Bowles, Coats, Curtis, Dutton, England, Graham, Hearst, Patton, Rogers, Rowe, Starr and Williamson. Webmaster: Curt Rowe.

American Pioneers from the 1600s: John Light's homepage. Bartlett line surnames include Ames, Farwell, Johnson, Francis Cooke, Lanphear, Jacobs. Great photo of the George Jacobs house built in 1677, and the story of his trial in Salem for witchcraft.

Bartletts of Pendomer: The ancestors and descendants of Robert Hamilton Bartlett of Australia and the United Kingdom, including extensive history and research on the Berthelot, Bartelot, Bartlett surname back to Charlemagne. Webmaster: Martin Bartlett.

Bartlett's Familiar Quotations: A compliation of famous quotations collected and first published by Mayflower descendant, John Bartlett (1820�1905), who was originally of Plymouth and later Cambridge, Massachussetts. First privately printed by John in 1855, the book is now in its 18th edition published in 2012.

The Bartlett Society: Descendants of Robert Bartlett and Mary Warren of Plymouth, MA. Also includes information on the line of Richard Bartlett of Newbury, other Colonial New England Bartlett Families, and how to obtain a search of their databases.

Descendants of Jesse Bartlett and Frances Callaway Bartlett: Covering descendants of Major Jesse Bartlett (1791-1838) and Frances Callaway Bartlett (1792-1840), who married in Tennessee and emigrated to Texas in 1831 when it was still part of Mexico. Webmaster of this beautifully done site: Roger Bartlett.

Our Bartlett Family: Descendants of John Bartlett of Green Co., KY. Much history and many original source documents in image form. Webmaster: Mike Bartlett.

The Mayflower Web Pages: Caleb Johnson's "Mayflower" site, an excellent site with much history included.

The Last Bartlett: Bartlett families originating late 1700's to early 1800's in Somerset, UK. The ancestors of Dr. Jeremy Bartlett, webmaster. A beautiful site with many original source documents and photographs.

John Clement's Homepage: Experienced genealogist and descendant of the "Richard Bartlett of Newbury" line, this site includes sources.

Josiah Bartlett: SDI. A very thorough biography from The Society of the Descendants of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence, including photos of Josiah's home.

WorldConnect at Rootsweb: Hundreds of contributed family trees. Perhaps you will find a cousin! But, keep in mind that there may be errors and you should always confirm accuracy by doing the work yourself and obtaining original documentation. Use any family tree you find, not only here, but anywhere, ONLY as a guideline.


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This page last Updated April 17, 2021