Obituary of Samuel T. Bartlett, Montgomery Co., IL

The Montgomery News
Hillsboro, IL
Friday, September 1, 1893, page 6

1818 - 1893

      SAMUEL T. BARTLETT was born in Henry County, Kentucky, Dec. 11, 1818, moved with his parents to Montgomery County, Illinois, when about 10 years of age. Was married to Martha MAXEY, Oct. 2, 1836, professed religion and united with the Cumberland Presbyterian church at Shiloh in 1840; has held on to the faith of salvation by Christ through faith since that until his departure from his home in Irving, Illinois, Aug. 27, 1893. During his last illness he exhibited in a remarkable way the power of grace to enable one to triumph in suffering and be patient and perfectly submissive to the great change of death. Mr. BARTLETT was married young, began life he and his companion with comparatively nothing of this world�s goods, but by mutual labor, sacrifice, economy and diligence, he has for years been esteemed as one of the wealthy citizens of the County.
      Nine children have been born to them, six of whom with the mother survive. These children all received more than an ordinary education and are highly respected in the communities where they reside. During the affliction of the parents they gave every witness an example of devoted affection worthy of note and imitation, certainly manifesting an appreciation of tender parents, a result of proper home culture and an illustration of bible truth that children are a blessing to parents. In his preparation for death we have the most complete in detail. Mr. BARTLETT though a man full of ambition and constant industry, he was patient in his suffering and perfectly resigned to death. He exhorted those about him most tenderly to be more devoted in good and to God. He simply smiled in the face of death and maintained perfect composure to the last, he died without fear, full of hope. His arrangements in detail for his funeral, his burial, his monument, his worldly affairs, was as complete as was the preparation of his spirit for the great change. It is sad to bury our friends but especially so when called to bury one who has been a stay in society so many years. He was one of few now living who knew the privations of pioneer life in this county more than a half century ago. Men and women like him and his companions who have helped so much and so long to make this country what it is, deserves more than ordinary notice. Peace to the dust of the worthy dead. May God give his children and surviving friends living and dying grace that we may meet where parting is no more.
      His funeral was conducted by the writer assisted by the pastor of the Free Methodist church at the C. P. church at Irving, Aug. 28th, 1893.

[Note: Samuel T. Bartlett is buried in Irving Cemetery, Irving, Montgomery Co., IL beside his wife.] Photo of gravestone
Contributed by Sandra G. Taylor

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