Capt. Thomas BARTLETT, two months at Williamsburg, 276. [p. 45]
CASH, BARTLETT.�Amherst, Oct. 15, 1832. Born in Amherst, 1757. In 1776 served three months under Capt. John SALE and Lt. James FRANKLIN, of Col. CHRISTIAN�s brigade. The force he was in was to protect the frontier from the Cherokee Indians, then very troublesome. There was no battle. In 1781, under Capt. James FRANKLIN. Joined Gen. GREENE shortly after the battle of Guilford, serving then under Capt. Younger LANDRUM, Col. John HOLCOMB, and Gen. LAWSON. Served in all six months, being drafted the second time. [pp. 61-62]
GREEN, WILLIAM.�Bath, Sept. 11, 1832. Born, 1755. Drafted three months in September, 1776, as guard against Indians in Warwick�s Fort, under Capt. John LEWIS. In May, 1777. John WILSON applied to Col. John DICKENSON for six men as a guard at his own fort on Jackson River. Declarant was drafted as one of these, serving three months. In September, 1777, drafted for three months under Capt. Samuel VANCE at Clover Lick Fort. In 1778, drafted for four months against the Indians, serving on JACKSON�s River. Marched to Fort McIntosh on Ohio at Mouth of Big Beaver Creek, being under Capt. Samuel MCCUTCHEON, of Gen. MCINTOSH�s command. Was in no engagement, 1780, drafted for three months� tour under Capt. John MCCOY. Marched to Richmond, remaining there eight or ten days, and was discharged after 24 days� service. 1781, drafted and served 34 days under Capt. David GWIN. Joined army at Hickory Neck Church near Williamsburg. In May, 1782, drafted for three months, serving under Capt. George POAGE, at Warwick�s Fort. [p. 70]
ROBERTS, WILSON.�Albemarle, Oct. 12, 1832. Born in Albemarle, May 13, 1762. Volunteered for eighteen months under Lt. Robert JOUETT, and rendezvoused at Fredericksburg. April 25, 1779. The new recruits were there laid off into divisions and marched to Baltimore, his own under Capt. (?) HOWARD. They proceeded by water to the head of Elk. and the vessel running. aground, the command marched to the Blue Ball Tavern, thirteen miles from Philadelphia. Then they were ordered south, going by way of Fredericksburg to Petersburg, where the men were laid off into regiments. Declarant was in the Third Regiment. commanded by Col. Abraham BUFORD, of Gen. SCOTT�s brigade. The regiment marched south the middle of March, 1780. About this time two field pieces were wanted at Charleston, S. C., and declarant�s company volunteered to guard them. The regiment got within 25 miles of Charleston, which then, was under siege. There was then a retreat through Camden toward Salisbury. The day after leaving Camden they were overtaken at Hanging Rock, otherwise the Waxhaw Settlement, by the British Light Horse and infantry under TARLETON. This according to recollection was May 29th. BUFORD was defeated and it was the general opinion that out of about 500 men not more than 25 got entirely away without harm. Declarant made his way to Salisbury, where a remnant gathered and proceeded to Chesterfield C. H., Va. The regiment was again made up, still under command of Buford, and sent to Hillsboro, N. C., where declarant was discharged. About September, 1781, he was drafted for two months in the militia, and marched under Capt. Robert SHARP, to Richmond. Thinks his colonel was one RICHARDSON. Soon after arrival at Yorktown, CORNWALLIS surrendered, and he was ordered back to Richmond to guard some prisoners or refugees. He was there discharged by Capt. FALKNER, the tour being of two or three months. [p.88]
STEUART. EDWARD.�Bath, Sept. 12, 1832. Born, Feb. --, 1759 in Augusta (now Highland). About 1779 substituted for Joseph BEATHE, in a three months� tour under Capt. MCCREERY, at Clover Lick Fort. Drafted about 1778, serving two months or over at Vance Fort under Capt. Andrew LOCKRIDGE. About 1780, drafted and served two months against the British. Marched under Capt. John MCCOY to Richmond and Camp Holly. Drafted three months, 1781, serving at the siege of Yorktown, under Capt. Thomas HICKLIN, Maj. John WILSON, and Col. Samuel VANCE. Drafted three months, 1782, serving as ensign under Capt. George POAGE, guarding the Augusta frontier at Clover Lick fort. [p. 92]
WILSON, RICHARD.�Amherst, Aug. 23, 1832. Born in Caroline, Dec. --, 1762. Drafted as Orderly Sergeant in 1779, and marched under Capt. LONG to Williamsburg, where he was under Gen. TALIAFERRO guarding lower Virginia. Was in four other tours, of three months each, also as Orderly Sergeant. Remembers Gen. Lafayette, Gen. MUHLENBERG, Col. MCWILLIAMS, Col. MATHEWS (at Jamestown), Col. JOHNSTON, Col. INNES at siege of Yorktown, Maj. DABNEY (whom he joined at Culpeper), Maj. DUCKLEMAN. Maj. BOYCE, Maj. CAREY (at Yorktown), Captains JAMISON and STEVENS of the Port Royal Infantry, Captains CLARK and TAYLOR, and subalterns: TYLOR, HAMPTON, and WOOLFOLK. Was stationed at Port Royal, and during siege of Yorktown at Gloucester, and passed through at least thirteen counties. [p. 99]
WILSON, WILLIAM.�Augusta, Sept. 25, 1832. Born in Augusta, Nov. 7, 1745. Volunteered late in August, 1774, under Capt. Alexander MCCLENAHAN, Lt. William MCCUTCHEN, and Ensign Joseph LONG, and marched to Point Pleasant together with the companies of Captains John MORRISON, Samuel WILSON, George MATHEWS, and John LEWIS. Captains MCCLENAHAN, MORRISON, and WILSON were killed, the total loss being about 160. The army then advanced about eighty miles toward the Indian towns, returning to Point Pleasant, and waited there a week for provisions before resuming the return. In second tour volunteered in July, 1776, under Capt. John Lyle, Lt. William MCCUTCHEON, and Ensign Joseph LONG. From the rendezvous at Lexington the troops marched under Col. William CHRISTIAN to the Holston river to protect the frontier against the Indians. There were only some light skirmishes. Disbanded in December. Drafted in 1781, serving under Capt. Thomas RANKIN, Lt. Alexander SCOTT, and Ensign William BUCHANAN, his colonels being Sampson MATHEWS and William BOWYER. Rendezvous at Waynesboro, Jan. 11th, marching to Richmond, then Fredericksburg, then Portsmouth, where they joined Gen. STEUBEN�s army. Was in two slight skirmishes. Disbanded at Portsmouth. Next volunteered in cavalry company under Capt. Zachariah JOHNSON, Lt. Charles RANKIN, and Ensign Richard MADISON. Marched about June 1st for Richmond, the British then retiring toward Williamsburg and the Americans pursuing. After the battle of Jamestown the troop returned, in August. His colonel was William CHRISTIAN. Total service, about fifteen months. [p.126]
MITCHELL, JOHN.�Montgomery, Sept. 3, 1832. Born about 1760. Drafted from Amelia in 1776 for no definite term. Served as fife major six weeks under Capt. Rowland WARD and Ensign ROBERTS. Only two companies were out on this service, the other being under Capt. WILSON. Marched to Hampton to prevent the British from landing, their fleet lying in the Chesapeake in full view. Drafted in fall of 1777, under Capt. William CRADDOCK and Lt. Richard CRADDOCK. The major in command was Dr. CLUMAN, a Frenchman. Marched to Cabin Point and Williamsburg. Was out six weeks. Served again in 1780 under Capt. William CRADDOCK and Col. RICHARDSON. Assembled at Hillsborough, N. C., and marched under Gen. STEVENS, joining Gen. GATES the day before the battle of Camden. Next morning the action became general, and in the defeat, each man had to look out for himself. At Hillsborough remained about two weeks until the stragglers had pretty well come in. The forces to which applicant belonged were reduced to a regiment and placed under Col. FAULKNER, Capt. PRICE commanding the company. They marched to New Garden to protect the Whigs from the tories, and finally applicant was discharged at Guilford C. H., after five months� service. Later, he was employed a month in Amelia collecting beeves for the army, this being in lieu of service in the ranks. [p.139]
RATLIFF, NATHAN.�Montgomery, July 1, 1833. Born, 1762. Entered service about June 1, 1778, serving one month against the Indians under Capt. Joshua WILSON and Lt. William HUNGATE. Went out again about July 1, 1780, under Capt. Abram TRIGG, afterward a general. Marched to the Yadkin in North Carolina and defeated the tories in a skirmish. Eight months� service in all. [p. 139]
CHEW, HARRY.�Spotsylvania, Aug. 7, 1832. Born Sept. 23, 1758. First tour of duty was at the first of the Revolution under Capt. BROCK, John BROCK being a comrade. The second was under Capt. Beverley WINSLOW, whose company with that of Capt. John CRAIG was under Maj. George THORNTON, and later, Col. Sampson MATHEWS. This tour was also to Williamsburg, which Gen. SCOTT abandoned at Arnold�s approach. Col. MATHEWS retreated to Richmond and was there joined by Col. Samuel TEMPLE, of Caroline. After Arnold�s retreat, the command was ordered forward to Williamsburg, but was dismissed at Dincastle�s Tavern, twelve miles west of that town, by Col. INNES, who succeeded MATHEWS. Third tour was under WINSTON, quartermaster of regiment under MATHEWS. Fourth tour, under Capt. William MILLS, was to Williamsburg to join MATHEWS. Last tour was as ensign under Capt. Francis TALIAFERRO, First Lt. Henry BARTLETT, Second Lt. John WIGGLESWORTH, and Thomas TOWLES, quartermaster. From rendezvous at Fredericksburg to Hampton the minute men were under Maj. Andrew BUCHANAN. Affiant was always a volunteer. (Note.�The tours were given as remembered and not in order of time.) [pp. 165-166]
STANARD, LARKIN.�Spotsylvania, Aug. 6, 1833. Born in County, May --, 1760. Cadet in U. S. service under Col. Mordecai BUCKNER, Lt. Col. Thomas AYLETT, and Maj. James HENDRICKS. Later was private under Captains Joseph BROCK, Thomas BARTLETT, ---- WINSLOW, and ---- CRAIG. Under Richard YOUNG was purchasing commissary. Enlisted Jan. 1, 1776, and served in New Jersey. Being oldest cadet was entitled to preference in case of vacancy, but Col. BUCKNER appointed his nephew, a junior cadet. Therefore affiant and several others went home at the close of the year, having ranked and messed as an officer. Was subsequently a volunteer private in four tours, campaigning about Williamsburg. Total service, twenty-three months. [pp. 166-167]
ALSOP, BENJAMIN.�Spotsylvania, Nov. 6, 1832. Born in County, March 17, 1758. Marched about June 1, 1780, to Hillsboro, N. C., and made quartermaster there. Was under Capt. Thomas MINOR, Lt. John HOLLADAY, Second Lt. Lewis HOLLADAY, En. Robert DURRETT; regimental officers being Col. George STUBBLEFIELD, Lt. Col. Joseph SPENCER, Maj. William MOSELEY. Was in battle at Camden, after which the army partially rallied at Hillsboro. In May, 1781, was nominated Lieutenant under Capt. Thomas BARTLETT, and was transferred to the company of Capt. James TAYLOR. Joined Lafayette�s army at Raccoon Ford, the regimental officers being Col. James MERIWETHER, and Majors HARDIMAN and MCWILLIAMS. Total service, nine months. [pp. 167-168]
PIERCE, JOHN.�Spotsylvania Sept. 3, 1832. Volunteered in August, 1775, under Capt. (later Col.) Joseph BROCK. Guarded the public buildings at Williamsburg under Gen. Charles SCOTT. Discharged two years later. Second tour of two months also at Williamsburg and under Capt. Thomas BARTLETT and Col. Thomas NELSON. Third tour began Jan. 10, 1781, when he served under Capt. John CARTER as orderly at Fredericksburg and Hanover C. H. The fourth was next fall and under Capt. Nicholas PAYNE, he collected beeves and drove them to Williamsburg. [pp. 169-170]
WILSON, ABRAHAM.�Spotsylvania, Aug. 7, 1832. Born in Spotsylvania, 1759. Drafted from Culpeper in February, 1779, under Capt. Joseph STROTHER, serving at Albemarle Barracks and on the seaboard. A second tour, under Capt. Frank COLEMAN, was at Yorktown. Service, eighteen months. [p.174]
BARTLETT, Thomas, Cp., 1781. [p. 231]
BARTLETT, Harry, gent., S. L., S. Sept. 18, 1777. [p. 231]
COLLINS, Bartlett, F. L., S. Nov. 17, 1780. [p. 232]
TANKERSLEY, John, Cp., R. July 19, 1781--vice T. BARTLETT. [p. 232]
COX, Bartlett, Cumberland Co., 82. [p. 238]
BARTLETT, Edmund, 74, Randolph, Missouri [p. 262]