AUGUST, 1790.
Page 135
George LANKFORD acknowledged deed to William BARTLETT. M.O.R.??
Page 237
William and Samuel BARTLETT to lay out a road.
Deed from John MAYFIELD to Jeremiah BUSH acknowledged.
Page 57
Samuel BARTLETT a juror in case against Sarah KENDRICK, for licentious behavior. She was considered so, and John WHITE was appointed as her guardian.
Page 58
George LANKFORD acknowledged deed to Samuel BARTLETT.
Page 58
Noncupative will of Elizabeth KELLY proved by Devereux BALLARD.
MAY, 1795.
Page 64
George ALLEN appointed as overseer to keep road in repairs with hands of Mrs. Urith [Uriah?] BARTLET and others.
Page 81
Deed from William BARTLET to Samuel BARTLET proved by Richard MARSHALL.
Page 87
Jurors for next court session to include Samuel BARTLETT.
MAY, 1796.
Page 95
Samuel BARTLETT posted security for bond for George ALLEN to keep an ordinary in his home.
Page 129
Samuel BARTLET and others to lay off a road and have it burned clear.
AUGUST, 1799.
Page 164
Samuel BARTLETT to lay off a road.
MAY, 1800.
Page 186
State VS Allen BARTLETT, warrant for bastardy returned; not found.
[Researched and contributed by Judi Dyckman, 1997]