Claiborne Co., TN Court Records
Court Records Pertaining to the Family of
(Team 11)

John Bartlett is mentioned in many Claiborne County, Tennessee court records. He sat on juries and is mentioned in estate appraisals and settlements.

According to one researcher, John purchased land in Claiborne County, TN about 1810/11. (I need to research this if I get a chance to visit the courthouse again...additional records found in Claiborne County from my research trips are below... Barb Thomas notes).

Claiborne County, TN Court House Minutes 1812-1814
Book 1, February Term 1813, "A deed from John DOBKINS to John BARTLET for 70 acres of land is acknowledged in open court by said DOBKINS let it be registered, State of Tennessee Claiborne County".

Court Record: August 1814 Term
John BARTLET served on the court along with Reuban DOBBINS, John PARKER, John HILL, James JONES, and Wm. WATSON.

Claiborne County, TN Minute Docket 1815-1817
Book 1, Issued 20th day of November 1815, "Ordered by the court that John BARTLET be appointed overseer of the Road from the fork of the Branch above George CAMPBELL to the top of Powels Mountains in room of Solomon DOBBINS - and have for hands, signed Reuben DOBBINS, James JONES, John HILL, John PARKER, and Wm. WATSON".

February 1817, Reuben DOBKINS was appointed overseer of the above mentioned of Powels Mountain in Room of John BARTLET and have the same hands that the said BARTLET had.

Claiborne County, TN Court Minutes 1819-1821
August 11, 1818. John BARTLET served on the jury for two court cases.

Claiborne County, TN Court Records Monday February 14, 1820
John BARTLET gave an oath regarding a power of attorney from William BALEY to William CONDRAY.

John BARTLET also mentioned in court record of Wednesday February 16, 1820, Stray Book.
John BARTLET - 2 Barrows appraised $4.50.

Tuesday, August 14, 1821.
John BARTLETT served on the jury of several cases

14 Nov 1821 John BARTLETT deed to William and Jacob HILL, John bound himself for $100 to furnish to William and Jacob HILL some lumber from a certain tract. (per record sent to me from Phyllis Cotter)

Wedneday, November 15, 1821
John BARTLET and Joab HILL paid the cost and fines for Mordica CUNNINGHAM who was found guilty....

Researched and Contributed by Barbara A. Bartlett Thomas

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