Missouri Census (Page 2)
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Missouri Census

(Page 2)

William Crosslin,
Federal Census Enumeration,1830, Ray County1

Contributed by: Janet Seamon,


William Crosslin

Males between 20/30         1
Females under five          3
Females between 5/10        1
Females between 20/30       1

Total household:            6


James Crosslin,
Federal Census Enumeration,1830, Saline County1

Contributed by: Janet Seamon,

Arrow Rock Township 236

James Crosslin  Males  under 5         1
                Males  5 to 10         2
                Males 10 to 15         1
                Males 20 to 30         1
                Female under 5         1
                Female 20 to 30        1
                Total household:       7

Contributor comment: family at the time of the Census:

James Crosslin              born:   1/2/1800    TN
Sarah Baldridge Crosslin    born:   10/18/1802  TN
John William Crosslin       born:   1820        TN
Sarah Crosslin              born:   1822        MO d bef 1830 Census
Meredith Calvin Crosslin    born:   8/29/1824   MO
James M. Crosslin           born:   1828        MO
Mary Ann Crosslin           born:   1829        MO
Unknown Male:               born:   1825/1830-he must have died before
the 1840 census because I have figured out all the household members 
for the next census.


James Croslin,
Federal Census Enumeration, 1840, Saline County1

Contributed by: Janet Seamon,

Marion Township

James Croslin

Males 5/10          2
Males 10/15         1
Males 15/20         2
Males 40/50         1
Females Under 5     1
Females 10/15       1
Females 30/40       1
Total Family        9
# of Person employed in Agriculture     3

Contributor comment: family at the time of the Census:
James Crosslin              b.         1/2/1800   TN
Sarah Baldridge Crosslin    b.       10/18/1802   TN
John William Crosslin       b.             1820   TN
Sarah Crosslin              b.             1822   MO
                            d. bef         1830   MO
Meredith Calvin Crosslin    b.        8/29/1824   MO
James M. Crosslin           b.             1828   MO
Mary Ann Crosslin           b.             1829   MO
William Henry Crosslin      b.        4/16/1832   MO
Calvin Crosslin             b.             1835   MO
Female Infant Crosslin      b.             1836?  MO*

Contributor comment: *This must be the 2nd child they lost in infancy-she appeared on this census as a female under 5 yrs and never appeared again.


Darkus Crosslin, Federal Census Enumeration, 1850, Ray County1

NameAgeSexOccupationPlace of BirthComment
Nicholds, John45MFarmerSC
Nicholds, Isabella40FNC
Jeffrey, George21MLaborerMO
Crosslin, Darkus18FMO


Calvin Crosslin,
Federal Census Enumeration, 1850, Saline County1

Contributed by: Janet Seamon,

90th District
August 29, 1850
Dwelling #53, Family #53

Thomas Shumate      Age 21 Male   Occup: Farmer      POB: VA
             Married within year, Over 20 unable to read & write
Elizabeth Shumate   Age 18 Female                    POB: KY
             Married within year, Over 20 unable to read & write
Calvin Crosslin Age 15 Male Occup: Laborer           POB: MO 


James Crosslin,
Federal Census Enumeration, 1850, Saline County1

Contributed by: Janet Seamon,

90th District
August 29, 1850
Dwelling #55, Family #55

James Crosslin      Age 50 Male   Occup: Farmer      POB:  TN
                      Val of Real Est:    $1800 
Sarah Crosslin      Age 50 Female                    POB:  TN
Meredith Crosslin   Age 24 Male   Occup: Farmer      POB:  MO
James M. Crosslin   Age 22 Male   Occup: Farmer      POB   MO
Mary Crosslin       Age 21 Female                    POB:  MO
William Crosslin    Age 18 Male   Occup: Farmer      POB:  MO


John Crosslin,
Federal Census Enumeration, 1850, Saline County1

Contributed by: Janet Seamon,

90th District
August 29, 1850
Dwelling #56, Family #56

John Crosslin       Age 30 Male   Occup: Farmer       POB:  TN
Fama Crosslin       Age 30 Female                     POB:  MO
William Crosslin    Age  9 Male   In-school           POB:  MO
Martha Crosslin     Age  7 Female In-school           POB:  MO
James M. Crosslin   Age  5 Male   In-school           POB:  MO
Mary A. Crosslin    Age  3 Female                     POB:  MO
Sarah M. Crosslin   Age  1 Female                     POB:  MO
William Tennill     Age 19 Male   Occup: Farmer       POB:  MO


Ephriam McDaniel,
Federal Census Enumeration, 1850, Saline County1

Contributed by: Janet Seamon,

90th District
August 29, 1850
Dwelling #14, Family #14

George Rhoades      Age 46 Male    Occup:  Farmer    POB:  Va
                  Value of Real Estate:  $5000
Jane Rhoades        Age 33 Female                    POB:  Ind.
Littleton Rhoades   Age 21 Male    Occup: Farmer     POB:  MO
Felix Rhoades       Age 18         Occup: Farmer     POB:  MO
Richard M. Rhoades  Age 16 Male    Occup: Farmer     POB:  MO
Sarah L. Rhoades    Age 15 Female  In-school          POB:  MO
Marcus M. Rhoades   Age  9 Male    In-school          POB:  MO
Henrietta Rhoades   Age  8 Female  In-school          POB:  MO
George Rhoades      Age  6 Male    In-school          POB:  mo
Miriam Rhoades      Age  3 Female                     POB:  MO
John Rhoades        Age  1 Male                       POB:  Mo
Ephriam McDaniel    Age 28 Male    Occup: Farmer      POB:  MO
                  Value of Real Estate:  $300

(Contributor comment: Ephriam McDaniel is the future husband of Mary Crosslin, daughter of James and Sarah Crosslin, above.)

J. J. Crossland
Federal Census Enumeration, 1860, Pulaski County1

Contributed by: Janet Arnold,

Township 35, Range 11, Post Office Waynesville, Dwelling #207

NameAgeSexOccupationPlace of BirthComment
J. J. Crossland55MFarmerTNCan't read/write
Elizabeth45FTNCan't read/write
Mary Ann15FTN
Samuel T.13MTN
Jefferson T.11MTN

Personal property and land valued at $200 and $300.

(Contributor comment: This is the same John Crossland of Grundy Co, TN in 1850.)


Samuel Crossland, Federal Census Enumeration, 1860, Pulaski County1

Contributed by: Janet Arnold,

Township 35, Range 11, Post Office Waynesville

NameAgeSexOccupationPlace of BirthComment
Samuel Crossland66MFarmerSCCan't read/write
Mary56FSCinsane caused by fever

Personal property and land valued at $200 and $100.

Contributor comment: This appears to be the same Samuel Crossland of 1840 Bradley Co, TN.


John Crosslin,
Federal Census Enumeration, 1860, Pemiscot County1

Contributed by: Janet Seamon,

Gayosa Post Office
Dwelling #341, Family #336

Everton W. Speers   40  M   Occup:  Farmer          POB:    MO
            Real estate:  $10,000   Personal property:  $2,130
Ann                 15  F   Occup:  Housework       POB:    MO
                                    In school
Amanda              13  F   Occup:  In school       POB:    MO
Mearia               7  F   Occup:  In school       POB:    MO
Willis               6  M   Occup:  In school       POB:    MO
John Crosslin       20  M   Occup:  Farmer          POB:    MO
            Real estate:  $300      Personal property:  $150



1U.S. Government, Federal Census Enumeration

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