Descendants of Simon Bridwell
Born 1757 Stafford County Virginia
Died after 1837 Spencer County Kentucky
Listed in the birth records of the Register of Overwharton Parish, Simon Bridwell is the son of John and Lucy Bridwell. Simon appears on the 1785 Stafford County census and the 1786 Stafford Co voters list.
Stafford Co Deeds 1780-1786, p 132-133:
Stafford County Deeds 1780-1786, p 393a-394:
In 1807 Simon Bridwell removed to that part of Nelson County,Kentucky that in 1824
became Spencer County. Simon's son, Presley Bridwell, and his daughter, Lydia, the wife of Seth Jewell, also came
to Kentucky at that time. It is probable other children, among them George Bridwell and Cuthbert Bridwell,
accompanied them to Kentucky, as both purchased land in Nelson County on the same date and from the
same seller as did Presley Bridwell on March 16, 1807. Simon, Presley and Cuthbert Bridwell are listed in
the 1810 census of Nelson County; Simon and Presley are listed in the 1830 census of Spencer County.
In 1830, Simon is between seventy and eighty years old; there is a female of similar age listed in his home,
probably his wife Elizabeth. He is listed between his son Presley Bridwell and William Jones, the husband
of his granddaughter Henrietta Bridwell.
Simon did not own property in Spencer County; he evidently lived on property owned by his son
Presley Bridwell. In his will filed 8 Oct 1832 Spencer County, Simon's son Presley Bridwell reserved for them "that portion of my land whereon my father and mother live, during their lives."
Simon Bridwell's petition, accompanied by several statements from clergymen and neighbors attesting
to his good character, was approved for a veterans pension 26 January 1833. He received back payments of $80 and a pension of $40
per year thereafter.
Spencer Co KY Deed Book C, p 324:
Spencer County Court Order Book B, p 426:
This 1837 Spencer County record is the last we find
of Simon Bridwell. The next year his grandson Fielding Bridwell sold his land in
Spencer County and in 1839 bought a farm in Bullitt County and moved his
family there. We presume Simon died before that time as he does not appear with
Fielding's family in the 1840 census.
Indenture between William Bredwell and Elizabeth his wife of Stafford Co
and Overwharton Parish of one part and Symon Bredwell of other part;
witnesseth that for sum five shillings lawful money...sell land beginning in
line of Carty Wells Sr. decd, and in line that is allotted for George Bredwell..
down the road until it includes 50 acres, the old plantation where John Bredwell,
decd, formerly resided and now in occupation of Sarah and Elizabeth Bredwell,
daughters of the said deceased. Presence Willm. Botts, John Hardy, Smith Hansbrough.
14 Apr 1783
Indenture between Symon Bredwell and Elizabeth his wife of Stafford Co of one part and
William Carr of Prince William Co of other part; witnesseth that for 37 pounds, 10 shillings
hath sold tract in Stafford Co conveyed to me by William Bredwell by Deed of Feoffm't dated
14 Apr 1783 (no acres listed); presence John Murray to SB; David Forbes, Joshua Barker,
Robt. Overall.
18 May 1786.Revolutionary War file S10417 contains Simon Bridwell's Pension Application, which was filed 12 November 1832 in Spencer County Kentucky. At that time he was aged seventy-six years old.
Articles of agreement between Simon Bridwell and Fielding Bridwell,
both of Spencer County. The record is very difficult to read as the deed books were damaged by water many years ago, but it is evident Fielding Bridwell agreed to care for Simon and his wife as long as they should live,
in exchange for all that Simon "now possesses or shall possess in the future".
Witnesses: Stephen Beard and Coleman Bridwell. 16 Mar 1833.
John Barr and Simon Bridwell, both Revolutionary War pensioners, were excused from the payment of county levies
in the present year and in future. 6 Nov 1837.
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