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GenForum has forums for Fradenburg, Fraidenburg, Fredenburg, and Vredenburg.
Ancestry has message boards for Fradenburg, Fradenburgh, Fraidenburg, Fredenberg, Fredenburg, Vradenburg, Vrandenburg, Vredenburg, and Vredenburgh.
Larry Vredenburgh's Web pages ( are the source on the Web for information on Willem Isaacsen Van Vredenburgh who arrived in New Amsterdam 17 May 1658 aboard the ship de Vergulde Bever, and his descendants.
Many individuals and institutions have Web pages containing information about Vredenburgs (and Fredenburgs, etc.). Here is a selection of pages that have come to my attention.
Also, make sure you visit the GenWeb sites for the counties your ancestors lived in.
Old photographs play a special role in genealogy and family history. This small, but growing, collection would welcome your contributions.
Joshua Fredenburg was my third great grandfather. He lived in Jefferson County, New York, and died there 6 July 1864. His and his wife's parents are at the top of my most wanted list!