Sponsored Genealogy Surname Lists
Clan Scott Society
Sponsored Genealogy Surname eMail Lists

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The Clan Scott Society accepts membership Regular membership is offered to any person whose surname is Scott or can trace their ancestry to a forbearer with the surname Scott or an acknowledged associated family (sept). These associated surnames currently include: Balwearie, Buckalew, Geddes, Harden, Laidlaw, Langlands, and Napier – however spelled.

Membership is also offered to any person whose ancestry can be traced to the Middle March of the Borders of Scotland. It should be noted:

o The surnames Balwearie, Buckalew (Buccleuch), and Harden are derived from branches of the Scott family and are often referred to in print as Scott of Balwearie, Scott of Buccleuch, or Scott of Harden. (Sir Walter Scott of literary fame was a Scott of Harden.) People with these surnames may descend from Scotts who changed their surname from Scott to distinguish themselves or disguise their past.

o Those with the surname Napier should be made aware there is an active Clan Napier Society and the association of Napier with the Scott surname is tenuous and disputed by some Napiers. The Clan Napier Society may be contacted through Brig. Gen. John H Napier III, Kilmahew, Route 2, Box 614, Ramer, Alabama 36069-9254 or [email protected]. While the Clan Scott Society welcomes Napiers, they may find more commonality and relevance with the Napier clan society. At the request of the Clan Napier Society, we no longer actively advertise that we accept the Napier surname but since many Scottish heritage books list Napier as a sept of Scott, we will accept anyone with the Napier surname who wishes to join.

o Those who trace their ancestry to the Middle March of the Borders of Scotland should be made aware there are clan organizations for many of the major surnames found in the region. They may find more commonality and relevance with those organizations but are welcome to join the Clan Scott Society.

The Clan Scott Society also offers Associate membership to those without a Scott family connection and a Life membership to regular members who would like to ensure life-long membership.

To find out more about the Clan Scott Society, please visit www.ClanScottSociety.org

Other Surname Email Lists
The lists above are not sponsored by the Clan Scott Society but are the personal project of David Scott, the Clan Scott Society listmaster.  These surnames are a part of his family tree.  To contact David, please send an email to [email protected].

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