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Setting Goals

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It is really important that you have a defined goal in mind whenever you begin to schedule your student's school year.  Whether you are a relaxed home schooler or a traditional/structured one, it will give you a great sense of accomplishment to know that by year's end you will have actually achieved specific goals for your child.

My first couple years were really hit or miss as far as goals were concerned.  I was more worried about getting through each day rather than focusing on what we wanted to achieve.  In hindsight, my lack of focus and planning caused us to be disorganized and to lose track of what we were doing.  I often made curriculum changes mid-stream simply because I thought something wasn't working right.  This jumping from ship to ship left some marks on my son and caused him to feel uncertain about our entire school program.

Setting simply yet achievable goals should be top priority no matter your schooling method.  This year, I made sure to add goals to our curriculum plans and have felt more in control and more directed than ever before.

Six Easy Steps to Goal Setting

First of all, you need to know what are reasonable and attainable goals for your child.  Consider using the WorldBook Typical Course of Study by grade for a guideline.  See what an average 1st, 2nd, 3rd or high schooler's curriculum looks like and then use this overall program as a checklist to make sure you are teaching similar things.  
  • Create a Goals Sheet  (Simple Goal Sheet / More Complex Sheet)  
  • Add Your Subjects
  • Add All Requirements (reading, writing, special projects, reports)
  • Decide How You Will Assess Each Subject (tests, quizzes, narration, etc.)
  • Pick a Date to Finish a Book or Part of a Book -- end of semester, year's end.
  • Setup Your Curriculum to Support Your Goals and Create your Lesson Plans

Once you know your goals, you can then determine how you will go about achieving them.  You can schedule your curriculum weekly to make sure you are keeping on track and will make your goals.  

**Next:  Create Your Lesson Plans


Home | About Our Family | Home School Methods | Teaching CM Subjects
Getting Started | Getting Organized | Some Schedules and Forms | PDF Files


Copyright 1998-2010. Carol Hepburn.