Burchett Grove

Left - LeRoy Vaughan - Son of Ayres Vaughan, Jr. ( Grandson of William Patrick Vaughan and Fair A Bee Lunah, Cherokee maid ).
William Patrick Vaughan was a descendant of Sir Roger Vaughan of Tretower Castle in Wales, who was of Royal Blood.

Middle - Thomas Andrew Burchett, son of Drury and Elizabeth ( McCowan ) Burchett. Son in law of LeRoy Vaughan.
Thomas was born 1827 in Floyd County, Kentucky. Died 1906 in Freeman, Cass County, Missouri.  He married Leticia
Vaughan Jan. 31, 1850 in Floyd County, Kentucky.

Right - Thomas Jackson ( Jack ) Burchett, son of Thomas and Leticia ( Vaughan ) Burchett.  Jack was born May 6, 1865 in
Floyd County, Kentucky.  He was a Sheriff of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and died July 1943 in Rogers County, Oklahoma.
He married Grace Randolph 1887 in Oak Valley, Kansas.  He stole her off a pig farm and married her.  Lived on an Indian
Reservation on the Oklahoma Strip.


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