Jessie Culinary Fame


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Cook (Culinary Fame):
  • 1993 Aunt Jessie was the well-loved cook for the Poitevent Family and she was amazing. When she was in Dallas in 1993, Ralph Poitevent came to visit her and reminisced about the wonderful goodies she made for them.
  • Terry Thompson in Eating Southern Style, A Taste of the South described how Jessie "could cook anything and fry any critter better than the most highly paid chef."
  • In a copy of Terry Thompson's book "Cajun-Creole Cooking" she had noted, "To Jessie - It is indeed my honor to present a copy of my cookbook to such a fine cook as yourself. Mr. Poitevent has bragged so about your food that I am dying to have the chance to talk 'food' with you. I doubt that this book contains anything which you don't already know, but I hope that perhaps the recipes can give you some new ideas to try. Best wishes for many more years of very happy cooking!"
  • 1989 Jan. Tue. 10 Jessie's Diary Entries: Wrote Betty; Thursday, January 12 Saw good jazz musical; cake; Monday, January 16 Purchased greeting cards; Friday, January 20 Wrote out bills. Sent Ida and Chris a greeting; Sunday, January 22 Went on a Mini Ride - beautiful day.

Tuesday April 13, 2004

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