November 2, 1997
LANE, James (Jim)
Looking for any info on grandfather above who died Dec. 1924 in Scott County, VA. His 2nd marriage to my grandmother, Otela Ellen Gilliam, produced 9 children.
His 1st marriage produced 7 children: Callie, Connely, Mounie, Ray, Garland, Mabel, Mary Jane, Bessie (who died at 14). I don't know who their mother was, but some of the decendents of these 1st children might have some info on James (Jim) Lane, such as DOB, where he came from, etc.
E-mail me: [email protected]
November 4, 1997
LANE, John R.
We are hunting for the ancestors of John Robert (or Robertson) Lane. He
was born on August 18, 1823 in Tennessee. He married Algemire Amanda
King, born December 5, 1829 in Kentucky. They were married in 1845 .
They had 5 children-Susie, Elzie, Radford, Irvin & Elizabeth. They moved
to Bosque County, Texas in 1875, where him and 2 of his sons built a
church - Lane's Chapel. and eventually the community was renamed Lane's
Chapel in honor of the Lane Boys .
John Robertson Lane had a brother named Samuel. Samuel married Mary Ellen Harrison and they had 4 or 5 children. They, too, moved to Lane's Chapel, Bosque Co., Texas, from Missouri.
John R Lane is my g-g-grandfather, and we have his down line, but would
like to know more about where they came from and the upline and sideline
of the family.
Thanks to anyone who can help.
E-Mail: Sylvia
LANE, Emmitt Clay
I am searching for information on my Grandmother's twin brother. His
name was Emmitt Clay Lane (she was Emma May). They were born May 22,
1888 in Waco, McLennan Co., Texas. Their parents were Elzie Lane and
Missouri Breawington Lane. They lived in Bosque County, Texas at a small
place called Lane's Chapel. Emmitt married Effie Elmore Sharp, born in
Palestine, Anderson Co., Texas on Dec 20, 1889. Her parents were Henry
Sharp and Leona Catherine Barksdale Sharp.
I would like information on his children and downline.
My mother was Ruby May Cain Keith. Her parents were George W. Cain and
Emma May Lane. They lived in Red River County.
My Dad told me that he believed they lived in Abilene
Thank you for any help you can give me.
E-Mail: Sylvia
LANE, Agnes
Looking for information on Agnes LANE who lived from around 1727 to
around 1832 and married Benjamin KIMZEY/KIMSEY.
E-mail: [email protected]
LANE, Herbert, Henry Mark, and Charles
I am trying to trace my Lane ancestors in the British Isles. I know that my
father, Herbert Lane, was born in Bristol England 22 May 1904. He and his
parents came to Canada when he was 10 weeks old.
My Grandfather, Henry Mark Lane, born 6 Jan 1869 in the Hope area of Wales, was married to Selina Kate Burnett, born 20 Sep 1867.
My G Grandfather, Charles Lane, was possibly born in Liverpool, England, and was married to Jane Gould. They possibly had 7 children; Ada, Minnie, Emily, Henry Mark, Charles, Ann, and Dorothy.
To the best of my knowledge, my father's family were the only ones to cross the big pond. I have written to a couple of the relatives in Bristol, but I have not received anything other than confirmation that they received my letter (two years ago).
If there are any Lane researchers who have any good leads in England, I would appeciate anything that they can give me.
My email address at home is: Harold Lane
LANE, Abraham
Does anyone know anything about Monmouth County. NJ LANE. I have an Abraham
LANE married to a Hannah ?? and their daughters Jane LANE married Samuel
OSBORN. His dates are 1707-1774.
E-Mail: [email protected]
November 5, 1997
LANE, Emma and Charles
I am researching Emma (LANE) Padbury born circa 1843/44 in Milton, Oxfordshire, England. She married John Padbury in Sutton-under-Brailles, Warwickshire, England on October 26, 1861. I have found them on the 1871 census that is online on the web but lose them between then and when they emigrated to Ontario, Canada sometime in the mid 1870's.
On the marriage certificate Emma's father is listed as Charles LANE. I am trying to find siblings, her mother, and whether or not any of them emigrated to Canada or the U.S. I can go back to 1680 on the Padburys but my LANES elude me. I have most of Emma's info. from her time in Canada.
Thank you,
November 1997
LANE, Isham
Interested in hearing from other researchers of Isham Lane b. Sep 1757 Louisa Co., VA who married Nancy Lucinda Lamb.
Reply to : [email protected]
LANE'S of Scott Co., VA
I need any information I can get on the early Lane families in Scott Co., Va. ( formerly Russell Co.) before about 1800. My line is listed below:
Den Lane ( just turned 89 in Oct.) Father
James Basil Lane Grandfather d 1947
William H. Lane Ggrandfather d ? in Ky.
Corbin Martin Lane GGgrandfather d ? in Ky.
Corbin Lane GGGgrandfather d 1869 in Scott Co.
I think Corbin Lane's father was also Corbin Lane possible from eastern Va. or maybe from Baltimore Md.
Email: Wayne LANE
LANE, John
Need parents/ancestors of the John LANE, b. 1791 MD, who later m.
Elizabeth PARROTT, (also b. MD) 1821 Warren Co OH. Family lore says
that his father, James, arrived as ship's crew VA/MD, jumping ship
upon arrival (thus leaving NO immigration trail). While I might like to
link this branch to those more prestigeous/better documented, I have
found no VALID way to do so. Can you?
Email: John Lane
LANE, John Edward
I am looking for the ancestors of John Edward Lane. He was born on 14
Sept. 1885 in Phelps County, Mo. I have no records of siblings or
parents, although I believe his parents were Charles Lane and Julie Ann
Trout. Charles and Julie are buried in Dickson Cemetery, outside
Cherokee City, Benton County, Ar.
John married Lora Allan Shipley (born 28 May 1899 in Dade County, Mo.).
I believe they were married in Benton County, Ar. but have not confirmed
John and Lora had 6 children. William, Opal, Howard, Ray, George, and
William is my grandfather.
John worked/owned farms in Benton County, Ar and Delaware County, Ok. He
also served as a mail carrier in Delaware County and ran a drug store in
Delaware County (specifically in the Row/Colcord area).
John died on 30 Mar 1962 in Claremore, Ok. after suffering a stroke. I
do know he was in a nursing home after the stroke. Lora died on 22 June
1944. Both are buried in Afton, Ok. where John worked on his last farm.
After Lora passwd away in 1944, John did remarry, but no one that I have
spoken to remembers who this person was. Apparently, she did not stay
after John suffered the stroke.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I have a web page at:
All email responses are requested to go to: Jon LANE
I am researching several surnames that include LANE, HOWERTON, BRIDGES, SHIPLEY, BRYANT, MARTIN, SANDERS, STILL, and DOWNING.
LANE, Hannah Isabell
My ggrandmother Hannah Isabell LANE married William Porter 1845 in Huntingdon Co., PA. We don't know where she or William died. Their daughter Pearl was born in Warren IL.
Do you have any information on this couple?
E- Mail: Dave McCutchan
LANE'S of Franklin Co., TN
We are looking for information on any Lain/Lane families who lived in Franklin Co., TN between 1820 & 1840. We think we have found Joede's gr.-gr.-grandfather. You may be able to help.
E-Mail: Mel & Joede
LANE, Joseph and/or Syrenu/Igurenu
Does anyone have any info on this family? Either Joseph or
Syrenu/Igurenu were supposedly 1/2 Cherokee.
Joseph LANE (b. ca1807 GA) and Syrenu/Igurenu ? (b. ca1821 AL--her name
from the 1860 Fayette Co., AL census) had the following children:
James M. (b. ca1839 AL); Joseph A. (b. ca1841 AL); George W. (b. ca1844 AL); Disia S. (b. ca1847 AL); Sarah M. & Alford G.--twins (b. ca1849); AL; Richard Wesley (3 Mar 1852 Fayette Co., AL-23 Oct 1923)--my husband's ancestor; Horwood B. (b. ca1854 AL); and Mangeu/Mangau (b. ca1858 AL).
Thanks: Mary Alley
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