Will of Polly LANE


I Polly Lane of the County of Wake being at this time much indisposed in body, but perfect in my understanding do hereby declare it as my will and desire that no part of my Estate whatever be sold, except such as my Executor shall in his discretion deem advisable.

Requesting that my Executor keep the same in the best manner he can for the use & benefit of my children, hereby discharging him from all liability on the score of loss or waste.

The whole of my estate I devise to my children and appoint my Brother John Hinton my Executor of this will.

The foregoing published I declare to be the last will of Mrs. Polly Lane by the Testator this 11th day of May 1813 in presence of us the [Executors?]

Henry Lane [US?]
Wm. Hinton

Wake County May [next word: "June?"] 1813 The within last Will & Testament of Mrs. Polly Lane was exhibited in open Court for probate and was proven by the Oaths of Henry Seawell & William Hinton Esquire Subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded
B. L. Kingley

Recorded in Clerks Office of Wake County In Book [all 2 page 97?]
(1813) B. L. Kingley

The above was submitted by Susan T. Meier

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Feel free to drop me a line! Heather W. Bowers