Lane Websites
Lane Websites!
Sunday, 03-Mar-2002 10:20:25 MST
- Join the Lane List Server on the Internet! This list server is for ALL Lane Researchers, where you can be in contact with all the Lane Researchers who have subscribed to this list. Once you have subscribed to the list you will receive a welcome letter. The Lane list was on the Maiser list, it has now changed over to Rootsweb and is up and running again! Email Lane List In the body text only type the word: subscribe. Happy Hunting!
- Aquilla's Lane Branches
- Clan Maclaine of Lochbuie Check this great site out for Lanes of Scotland and Ireland! It includes information on the Clans for Lanes, Laine, Layne, Lain, McLaine etc. There are also links to find out the history, how to join the Clan, and also links to view photo's of Castles! So don't miss this wonderful site!
- Check out Sarah Sharpless web site on Joel Lane and his Descendants
- For further research on Lanes of Craven Co., NC and Summer Co., TN. go to Mike Heberts site at:
- Lanes of Hingham, MA go to Don Stanwyck site at
- Lane's of Orange Co., IN
- Mary Bosnal Lane's
- Lanes of MO, AK and OK
- The Lanes of Indiana
- Cindy Siegrist LANE Web Site
If you have a WEB Page that is dedicated to your Lane Ancestors and / or Allied Famlies you may want to consider joining the Lane And Allied Famlies Webring that I have created. A Webring is where all those pages with similar interests are connected together in a ring. To find out more go to:
Lane And Allied Familes Webring!
If you have a Lane Web site you would like to add to this list email me at: Heather W. Bowers
Reurn to Lane Descendants Home Page
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