WILL of Ephraim LANE

Will of Ephraim LANE

Executed 21 July 1773, proved 8 June 1774

North Carolina Wills 1663-1789, 1774 Craven Co.

North Carolina} In the Name of God Amen

I Ephraim Lane of Craven County and Province aforesaid planter Being in good Helth of Body and of sound Mind and Perfect memory Prase be to Almighty God do Make and Ordain this my present Last Will & Testament in Manner and form following.

Item I Will that my Debts and funeral Charges Shall be Paid and discharged.

Item I give and Bequeath unto my Well Beloved Wife Sarah Lane Her heirs and assigns forever One Fether bead & furniture One walnut Chest of Drawers One Ceadar Desk one Walnut Table One Square table one Chest One Horse Bridle and Saddle One Riding Chare one large Chest and one walnut Table one sett of Silver tea spoons one pare of sugar gongs and one Large Silver Table spoon and three small Looking glasses one small Tea Kettle and travat and one half of all the Cheana and Delph Ware.

Item I Lend unto my said Wife Sarah During her Natural Life seven Negroes (viz) Sam Fortin Old London Little London woman Billow Luee and Daphna the use of the Howses and Plantation Whare-on I now Live two work Horses two Plows and Harnises with howes and Axes for four Labours one Waggon one Cart one Yoak of Oxen four Cows and Calves Eight Sows and Piggs for Ewes and Lambs Nine Beads and Furniture one Chest drawers one Desk two Tables all Pewter Iron Potts and Kittels one Warming Pann Three Large Looking Glasses Eighteen Chairs one Japan Sarvers one fire Bak with all the fire Dogs shovels and Tongs three Beaufatts two wire sives and all the Tinn and Brass ware.

Item I give and Bequeath unto Fredrick Todvine son of Mary Todvine to him his hires and assigns forever the articlas hereafter menchened to him and his assigns forever and if the said Fredrick Todvine should depart this Life without Out Issue then and in that Case all the articals hereafter to be mentioned I do give and grant unto the Eldest Daughter and Son of my Brother Samuel Lane to them and theeir assigns forever and if no son: to his two Eldest Daughters in Case nither of them arive to the years of Maturity then the hool to be Equally devided betwene the Heirs of my Brother George Lane to them and their assigns forever I give unto the said Fredrick Todvine Seven Negros namely Sam Fortin Old London Little London woman Bellow Luee and Daphna the plantation whare on I now Live two work Horses two plows and Harnises with hose and Axes for four Labourours one Waggon one Cart one Yoak of Oxen four Cowes and Calves Eight sows and Piggs four Ewes and Lambs Nine Beeds and furniture one Chest of Drwers one Desk two Tables all the Pewtor Iron Potts and Kittles one warming Pann three Large Looking glasses Eighteen Chares one Japan Tea Chest Six Silver Tea spoons one Pare Tongs three Large Silver Table spoons three Japan Servers one fire Bak witth all the Dogs shovels and tongs Three Beaufetts and two wire Sives all the Tinn and Brass ware and all the Rest and Residue of my Estate Botth Real and personal of what kind or quality Soever and Wharesoever to be found I give unto the said Fredrick Todvine to him his heirs and Assigns forever and to the heires as aforesaid part of which Estate and Effects Consisting of all the Rest of my Lands that is not already Bequeathed and Ten Negroes (viz) Buck Charles Jack York Jim and Silfax woman Dynah Silva Belenda and Venous with said Lands and Negros I give unto the said Fredrick Todvine to him his heirs and assigns forever and to the heirs as aforesaid and I Do Nominate and Appoint my Trusty Friends Richard Caswell and Furnifold Green Executors to this my Last Will and Testament Revoking and Disanuling all Other Wills here to fore made by me Ratifying and Confirming this to be my Last Will and no other Signed Sealed Published and Delivered this Twentyfirst Day of July in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Three.

(Undecipherable) E...

Witnesseth time Present

Josiah Holt

Edward (his x mark) Hall

Richard Teer

The within last Will and Testament of Ephraim Lane was proved before me this 8th day of June 1774 by the oath of Richard Teer one of the subscribing witnesses thereto who swore that he was present and did see the said Testor sign seal publish and declare the same to be and contain his last Will and Testament and that at the time thereof he was of sound and disposing mind and memory and Richard Caswell and Furnifold Green the Executors in the said Will named have taken the Oaths of Executors and qualified agreeable to Law, It is ordered tha Letters Testmentary issue thereon accordingly.

E. Martin

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For further research on Lanes of Craven Co., NC go to Mike Heberts site at: https://sites.rootsweb.com/~ilhamilt/lanecrav.htm