The most noteworthy...

Which of the BLACKADDER extended family would be the most noteworthy?
Wow, this is a good question! There are several candidates, and they lived at completely different stages in history and in different parts of the world.

Here are a few who may rank among the most notable of the BLACKADDER extended family. This list could certainly grow, and you are encouraged to contact the WEBMASTER with your opinion.

  1. perhaps the Covenantor, the Reverend John BLACKADER who defied the government and stood publicly against the appointment of bishops in the Church of Scotland;
  2. or his son, Lt. Colonel John BLACKADER who served with the Cameronian regiment under Marlboro;
  3. or was it Cuthbert, Chieftain of the South;
  4. or was it the BLACKADDER pirates Patrick, Edmond, or William. They were certainly notorious in their day, even gaining "recognition" from Queen Elizabeth I.
  5. or from more recent times could it be Marie Gabriele URACH VON WURTTEMBERG, Princess Of Urach (the eldest daughter of Albrecht, descended from the Former Ruling House of Lithuania);
  6. or even more recently the former Captain of the New Zealand All Blacks (rugby) team, Todd BLACKADDER;


This is only a preliminary list as of 21 July 2001. Let us know of others whom you think SHOULD be included here.

We will work on expanding this list.

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Page last updated 21 July 2001