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Welcome! This site is a tool for Genealogists to research their Baptist roots. This project was begun after learning about one of my husband's ancestors, Daniel David Mullins (1825-1894). This man organized 30 Baptist churches, 18 of them in Indian Territory. I am fascinated with his perseverence in the face of adversity and his personal sacrifices. Although D.D. did not affect Baptist doctrine or theology per se, his personal belief was unshakeable and he worked tirelessly to better the lives of his fellow man. |
BAPTIST-ROOTS-L The BAPTIST-ROOTS-L email list was created to discuss Church history and the genealogy of America's Baptist pioneers.
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GenConnect Baptist Roots Boards - GenConnect is a project of RootsWeb. These Boards are provided to assist in your research and help you find fellow researchers. For instructions on the use of these boards for your genealogical research, please visit the GenConnect Visitor Center. Queries (questions) submitted to non-query boards (Bible Records, Biographies, Obituaries) will be deleted without notice.
Special thanks to Jan Daamen of the International Internet Genealogical Society (IIGS)
Information last updated on 12 Apr 2000. © Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, Kelly Mullins P.O. Box 491731, Redding, CA 96049