Instructions for Genealogy info

First, click on any underlined surname in the Surname Index to see a list of people with that surname.  Then click again on any person you are interested in to see that person's position in a family.  From there you can navigate to other generations of that family.  Please notice the NOTES & Sources and now PHOTOS.  You may go back to the surname tree or home page.  GEDCOM's can be obtained by contacting Ruth.  If you haven't read the information in the key & info on documentation you may want to access it below or from the homepage.  If you find a photo missing, please contact me.  If you have a photo to add, let me know!

All information I have on these people is here for you to see.  If you don't see it, I probably don't have any more information.  If you are wondering what sources I possess, they are either in the notes and sources for that person or on either the Surname Resources Page or Favorite Links Page.  Please access the WorldConnect information to see Pedigrees and Descendancies and Register Reports by clicking on this: Baker Helvy Database   If you find a connection, or even suspect one, I'd be happy to hear from you and exchange information.  Thanks.

To get back to the page you were just in please use your back button or arrow on your broweser or use one of the following: