Ann's Ancestors: Home Page

Ann's Ancestors: Home Page

Ann Winder ca. 1943

Hello! My name is Ann Winder. Welcome to my genealogical world! That's me, about third grade.

I have been collecting information about my ancestors for some time now. Some of this information is verified, some of it is not. I have cited sources a good deal of the time, especially if the data is well documented. But beware! Many entries are strictly hearsay, and should be checked!

Here is a brief outline of this site:

  1. My Father, Claude Veyne Winder's Ancestry
    These are people who migrated to America in the mid-1700's and pushed westward as fast as they could. Surnames included are Winder, Sifford, Harman, Myers, Decious, Whitmore, Hiestand and others.
  2. My Mother, Harriet Owen's Ancestry
    These are people who migrated to America in the 1600's and stayed on the east coast, in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire and Maine. Surnames include Owen and Walcott.
  3. Ron Sheward's Ancestry
    These are my husband's ancestors, people who migrated to Ontario, Canada at the end of the 1800's. Surnames included are: Sheward, Briggs, Holliman and others.
  4. Genetic Genealogy, breaking down brick walls through DNA.
  5. Copyright Issues
    In which I ask you once more to honor the copyright of the many contributors to this site.

If you have / want further information, please contact me at [email protected]

Finally: Please do not copy any of this material without my permission. I have quoted fellow researchers liberally, with their permission, and only they have the right to publish their material. For more about copyrights, see Copyright Discussion.