Descendants of Samuel W. Anderson



Generation No. 1


   1.  Samuel W.1 Anderson was born Abt. 1745, and died May 1819 in Albemarle County, Virginia.  He married Jane Lyon. 


Notes for Samuel W. Anderson:

family notes courtesy of Sharon SK [email protected]


                      Estate of Samuel W. Anderson

             Recorded in Albemarle County Will Book 7, p. 91

                             January 1, 1821


1819  In act. With Samuel L. Hart, Executor


April 26  To 6 yds Cotton Shirting, screws for Moses Maxwell          $3.92

May 6          To cash paid John Long           preceipt?                  $30.00

          " ditto pd. Wm H. Anderson  " ditto                         $38.08

          "ditto pd. Jane Anderson        " ditto                     $30.00

May 15    "ditto pd. John Anderson        "ditto                      $37.96   

June 5         "10 lb. Brown Sugar $2.10, 8 lb. coffee, $3.52              $5.62

June 21   " Cash paid John Long                             $7.93

"ditto ? John Long for Samuel Anderson Dft                  $7.93

June 25   "1/2 Gallon whiskey pd. Jno Long                       $.50

July 6         "Cash pd. Jno Long ? Samuel Anderson Dft                    $30.00

July 9         " Postage 1 letter directed to Sml w. Anderson              $.10

Augt 6         "Cash paid for weaving 25 yd cloth at ?                $1.34

Augt 14   "Ditto fr? Taxes of 1819                          $8.26

Sept. 25  "ditto pd for making cradle                            $2.00

Nov. 5         "6 yd ? Cotton, 3 lb. Sugar                            $5.16

Dec. 7         "Cash pd. Doctor Snyders Acct                     $40.50


March 6   "ditto pd Copy appraisement                            $.87

          "ditto pd for recording will & appraisement                 $5.94

March 25  "ditto pd. Nehemiah Hundley preceipt                   $2.00

Augt 28   "Alexander Blain for his a/c                           $5.17

Nov 15         "Jane Anderson pr order of Samuel Anderson Jr.              $25.00   

          "Wm Anderson                                 $73.74

Dec 7          "Cash pd Jno Long for striping prescing & hawling 1 Hhd Tob $11.22

          To Cash pd Hestards a/c                           $.66

          "ditto pd Dennis Nalley for 156lb Tob. Deducting expences        $6.89

          "ditto pd J.? Drumheller                          $2.42

          "Commission on $5089.48@ 5 p?                     $254.47   $276.66

                 "Balance                                               $4450.09


          "Moses Maxwell                                            $2.50



      1818     Cr

Feb 28    By Samuel L. Hart                                 $334.34


April 20  "Cash                                             $40.00

May 5          "ditto                                            $205.10

Augt 6         "ditto                                            $5.25

Nov 15         "ditto received at sale                                $14.95


Augt 28   "Alexander Blain for sundries purchased at Sale             $2.25

          "Cash received of Wm Faber/Taber? For sundries purchased at sale $4.75

Sept. 25  "HHd Tobaco (Nicholas's) 1252 at 5 30/100 dols. Pr 100 lb. $67.11

          Deduct for warehouse expense $2. Freight 3.09 B. Duty, toll?

          Dayagel 13? Sampling

          Commission on $67.11 at 2 + pr ? 1.68                  $59.05

Nov. 15   " John Long p? Bond due this date                      $245.16

          "Jesse B. Hamner        "     "                             $21.13

          "Terisha Turner "   "    "                             $26.56

          "Wm H. Anderson "     "                           $150.89

          "John Anderson    "     "                              $9.09

          "Wm Chewning   "     "                            $5.05

          " Wm I? Appleberry "      "                            $13.66

          "Henry Bibb     "     "                                $17.10

          " Jane Anderson     "    "                             $835.15

          "Thomas Maxwell Jr. "    "                             $17.50

          "Claibourne Gentry "      "                            $10.00

          "Obediah Johnson  "     "                              $30.00

          "John Lyon   "       "                                 $8.13

          "Nelson Dawson   "      "                              $600.00

          "Guthridge Thurmond pnote due 22nd April 1819 $7.50

               interest on ditto to 15th Nov 1820  $.70               $8.20

          "Interest on S. L. Hart's bond to 15th Nov 1819             $34.16

          "John Long & Jane Anderson p Bond at interest from 6th Aug last  $753.33

          "ditto    ditto p Bond due 6th August 1821                  $753.34

          "ditto     ditto p ditto due 6th August 1822                $753.34

          "John Long p Bond                                 $60.00

Dec 7          "Cash                                             $72.93         $5089.40

          By Balance                                        $4450.09


Dec 7          To Cash paid M Boyd for preaching funeral sermon            $6.00

          " Moses Maxwell for his services as an overseer the year 1819    $16.36

          "Cash left in the hands of the Exec. To pay the expence of order for settlement $.62

          "Balance                                     $4445.11  $4468.09

          "Cash paid Jane Anderson                          $7.93

          "ditto pd Walter Anderson                              $38.00

          "Balance                                     $4399.18  $4445.11

          To amount of Credit side paid to the Legatees               $4399.18

          By Amount brought forward                              $4450.09

          " Moses Maxwell                                   $18.00         $4468.09

          By Balance                                        $4445.11

          By Balance                                        $4399.18  $4445.11


Albemarle County to wit

     I hereby certify that John Diggs and George F. Sutherland ware by me duly qualifyed to the above report as

the order herewith ?given under my hand this the eight day of Dec. 1820

                                             John Irvin

In obedience to an order of the Court holden for the County of Albemarle bearing date the 4th of December 1820

to us directed and herewith returned we the undersigned Commissioners proceeded on this day to examine and settle

the accounts of Samuel L. Hart Executor of the Estate of Samuel W. Anderson Dec'd. and on an examination of the

said accounts we find the Credits to be correctly entered and the debits supported by vouchers by reference to the

foregoing account it will be seen that after all the charges against the Estate of the said Anderson dec'd. have been

laid off by the said Samuel L. Hart Executor there remains in the hands of the said Executor four thousand three

hundred and ninety nine dolars and eighteen cents which sum your Commissioners have divided amongst the

Legatees of said Anderson dec'd according their respective claims agreeably to statement which accompanies this

report your commissioners also find in the hands of the said Executor a bond executed by Wilson C. Nicholas to

Samuel L. hart for the benefit of the Legatees of said Samuel W. Anderson dec'd for four hundred and forty four

dollars & forty four cents due 22nd Sept. 1819 which bond remains in the hands of the said Samuel L. hart to be by

him collected and by him to be accounted for to the Legatees of said Anderson Dec'd when collected. Given under

our hands this eighth day of December 1820.

                                                       John Diggs

                                                       John Irvin

                                                       George Sutherland

Albemarle County to wit

     This day John Irvin personally appeared before me the subscriber and was duly qualifyed to therewithin

report as the order accompanying this report directs. Given under my hand this the 27th day of Dec. 1820

                                                       Garrett White

At a Court held for Albemarle County the 1st January 1821

     This report of the settlement of the accounts of S. L. Hart Esc. Of S. W. Anderson Dec'd.was returned into

Court and ordered to be recorded.


                                                       Alex. Garrett, CCC


Division Estate Samuel W. Anderson

John Long Credit by amount of his proportion of the Estate of Samuel W. Anderson dec'd.   $413.38 +

To cash                                           $39.95

"ditto                                                 $16.02

"his own bond                                          $305.16

"part of Jane Andersons bond                                $54.27 +  $413.38


                                                            $413.38 +

To Cash paid her                                       $39.93             

          " ditto ""                                             $16.02

"part her own bond                                     $359.43 + $413.38 +

"Walter Anderson by his proportion of the est.                             $413.38 +

To Cash paid him                                       $38.00

"ditto ""                                         $16.02

"part of Jane Andersons bond                                $359.43 + $413.38


John Anderson by his proportion of the est.                                $413.38 +

To his own bond                                        $9.09

"Cash paid him                                    $37.96

"ditto ""                                         $16.02

"part of Nelson Dawsons Bond                           $350.31 + $413.38 +

Samuel Anderson by his proportion of est.                                  $413.38 +

To Cash paid him                                       $62.93         1

"part of Nelson Dawsons Bond                           $249.68 +

" " Jane Andersons       "                                  $62.07 +

"  " Obediah Johnsons    "                                  $30.00         $413.38 +

William H. Anderson by his proportion of est.                              $413.38 +

To Cash paid him                                       $111.82

" his own Bond                                    $150.89

" Jesse B. Hamners Bond                                $21.13

"Terisha Turners Bond                                  $26.56

"William Chewnings "                                        $5.05

"William S. Appleberrys "                                   $13.66

" Henry Bibb   "                                       $17.10

" Thomas Maxwell Jr  "                                 $17.50

" Claiborne Gentry   "                                      $10.00

" John Lyon   "                                        $8.13

" Guthridge Thurmond  "                                $8.20

" Cash                                                 $23.34 +

                                                            $413.38 +


In addition to the sixth part of the net proceeds of the personal Estate of Samuel W. Anderson dec'd., John

Long who married Susanna Anderson and Jane Anderson according to the last will and testament of the said

Anderson dec'd. is entitled to the whole of the proceeds of the sale of that tract of Land on which the said Anderson

lived and died which proceeds amounted to two thousand two hundred and sixty Dollars which is a part of the asets

found in the hands of the executor which will be seen by referance to his account which sum is equally divided

between the said John Long and Jane Anderson.  The foregoing statement exhibits the amount of assets found in

the hands of Samuel L. Hart Executor of Samuel W. Anderson dec'd together with the division thereof amongst the

respective Legatees Given under our hands this 8th day of December 1820.


                                        John Diggs

                                        John Irvin

                                        George Sutherland


At a Court held for Albemarle County the 1st January 1821. This division of the Estate of S. W. Anderson dec'd.

was returned into Court and ordered to be recorded.


                                             Alex. Garrett, CCC.



Children of Samuel Anderson and Jane Lyon are:

   2      i.  Samuel W.2 Anderson, born Abt. 1781; died 1819.  He married Susanna Beck September 22, 1809 in Amherst County, Virginia.


Notes for Samuel W. Anderson:

Subj:  Re: Charles Anderson/John Anderson Amherst

Date:  99-01-28 21:27:49 EST

From:  SK BC79

To: PatAnder73


Thanks for the info, Patrick.  And you can add Samuel W. Anderson (who died 1819 with a will probated in Albemarle Co. May 3, 1819) m. Jane Lyon.  The Samuel W. Anderson, Jr. who married Susannah Beck was his son.


There are currently 4 of us with ties to this Anderson/Lyon connection who are comparing notes and histories and research.  We "met" via the Anderson List @ rootsweb and through the Genforum at Family Tree Maker.  One woman is making a run to the Nelson Co. Courthouse tomorrow.


I'll let you know if we find anything of interest!





   3     ii.  Walter Anderson, born Bef. 1780.

+  4    iii.  John Anderson, born 1780; died Abt. 1855.

   5     iv.  William H. Anderson, born Abt. 1782.  He married Elizabeth Ann Leake June 14, 1813 in Albemarle County, Virginia.

   6      v.  Susannah Anderson, born Abt. 1785.  She married John Long April 10, 1819 in Albemarle County, Virginia.

   7     vi.  Jane S. Anderson, born Abt. 1787.  She married Benjamin Wood October 04, 1819 in Albemarle County, Virginia.



Generation No. 2


   4.  John2 Anderson (Samuel W.1) was born 1780, and died Abt. 1855.  He married Mary Thurmond Lyon September 20, 1802 in Amherst County, Virginia.  She was born 1780 in Nelson County, Virginia.


Children of John Anderson and Mary Lyon are:

   8      i.  daughter3 Anderson.  She married James Saunders.

   9     ii.  William L. Anderson.

   10   iii.  Frances Anderson, born Abt. 1804.  She married David Drumheller September 26, 1825.

+  11    iv.  Mary Anderson, born December 19, 1809.

+  12     v.  Elizabeth B. Anderson, born 1816.

+  13    vi.  Mildred C. Anderson, born 1822.

   14   vii.  Margaret Anderson, born Abt. 1823.



Generation No. 3


   11.  Mary3 Anderson (John2, Samuel W.1) was born December 19, 1809.  She married (2) Woodson B. Fox August 29, 1829 in Nelson County, Virginia. 


Notes for Mary Anderson:

Subj: Genealogy

Date: 97-08-09 00:01:03 EDT

From: SK BC79

To:   PatAnder73




Don't know if you remember me--some time back I wrote trying to get info on Andersons in Central VA.  With help from a guy named Pete (HFerre6760) I was just able to find our connection.  Went to your website to piece it together. 


If you want to update, this is in your "Descendents of Richard Anderson" section.  Entry 177: John & Mary Thurmond Lyon. 

Their daughter, Mary, was born Dec. 19, 1809.  She had a child out of wedlock (my great-great grandfather, John William Anderson) on June 24, 1826.  She married a Woodson B. Fox in August 1829.  That's all I know about her, but if you like, I can furnish info about John William Anderson's descendants.  Don't know how to do gedcom stuff, but I can e-mail if you're interested.





Child of Mary Anderson is:

   15     i.  John William4 Anderson, born June 24, 1826; died November 11, 1902.  He married Sarah Jane Rhodes January 29, 1846.


Notes for John William Anderson:

I, John W. Anderson of Nelson County, Va, being of sound mind and memory, do declare this to be my last will and testament in manner following:

Item 1st: I direct that all my just debts be paid, as soon as practicable, after my decease.

Item 2nd: I direct that all my personal property, of whatever description, be sold and the proceeds from such sale be equally divided and given to my six children.

Item 3rd: I direct that my executors collect as far as possible, all debts due me, and make an equal division of such funds thus received, and give the same to my six children.

Item 4th: In consideration of valuable services rendered me and my family for a long period of time, by my sister in laws Cynthia F. Rodes and Cornelia E. Rodes, I give and devise to them jointly all my real estate with the appertenances thereon, to be used for their comfort and maintenance during their lives. After their death I direct said real estate to be sold, and the proceeds to be equally divided and given to my six children.

Item 5th: I select and request that my son Willard O. Anderson to remain with his two aunts and keep the land, in good condition, and retain thereon whatever may be most advantageous to the support of the family. All over a support for his aunts, and after paying necessary expenses, I direct him to retain for his own use.  I desire that my two grandsons and granddaughter remain in the family and if from any cause the said Willard O. Anderson should not comply with my request, I then select my grandson J.E. Anderson for the position on the same terms proposed to my son.

Item 6th: Should it be necessary at any time to employ someone outside the family to see to the interests of my sisters in law, I direct that my executors do, with their approval, what will be most advantageous to them and see that they are comfortable and well cared for in all respects.

Item 7th: I appoint my two sons James T. Anderson and Samuel M. Anderson executors of this my last will.

Witness the following signatures and seal this the 9th day of February 1899.


John W. Anderson (seal)

F. A. Williams

P.G. Williams

Virginia: In the Clerk's office of the Circuit Court of Nelson County--(too difficult to read)



Child of Mary Anderson and Woodson Fox is:

   16     i.  Elizabeth Ann4 Fox, born March 16, 1831; died Bef. 1870.  She married William Hicks.


   12.  Elizabeth B.3 Anderson (John2, Samuel W.1) was born 1816.  She married Moses H. Dodd December 17, 1836 in Nelson County, Virginia. 


Children of Elizabeth Anderson and Moses Dodd are:

   17     i.  Zachariah4 Dodd, born 1838.  He married Margaret Jane Berry April 23, 1862 in Nelson County, Virginia; born 1846.

   18    ii.  James Dodd, born 1839.

   19   iii.  Nancy Ellen Dodd, born 1840.  She married Benjamin B. Gentry.

   20    iv.  William David Dodd, born June 1843; died 1911.  He married Maria Ann Berry March 31, 1864 in Nelson County, Virginia; born 1848.

   21     v.  Aylett Harris Dodd, born December 28, 1851.  He married Sarah Snead August 28, 1871.


   13.  Mildred C.3 Anderson (John2, Samuel W.1) was born 1822.  She married Thomas S. Berry December 23, 1843 in Nelson County, Virginia. 


Children of Mildred Anderson and Thomas Berry are:

   22     i.  John A.4 Berry, born July 1844.  He married Mildred Kidd September 30, 1864 in Nelson County, Virginia.

   23    ii.  Margaret Jane Berry, born 1846.  She married Zachariah Dodd April 23, 1862 in Nelson County, Virginia; born 1838.

   24   iii.  Maria Ann Berry, born 1848.  She married William David Dodd March 31, 1864 in Nelson County, Virginia; born June 1843; died 1911.

   25    iv.  William P. Berry, born June 1850.  He married Hester J. Howell January 16, 1879 in Nelson County, Virginia.

   26     v.  Henry N. Berry, born 1855.

   27    vi.  Ella Frances Berry, born October 02, 1856.  She married (1) Dyer Critzer December 15, 1875.  She married (2) Howard Pugh October 07, 1926 in Albemarle County, Virginia.

   28   vii.  George W. Berry, born May 1858.

   29  viii.  child Berry, born 1861; died 1861.

   30    ix.  James N. Berry, born 1864.