Late 18th Century tax records
indicate the presence of: ANDERSON, James
Late 18th century marriage records
indicate the presence of: BELL, Robert ANDERSON, Jane 08 May 1797
Virginia patent records
indicate the presence of: James 05/01/1784 Monongalia Co 400a on Simsons Creek adj Andrew Davison Grants L/98 James 05/01/1784 Monongalia Co 400a Simsons Creek Adj JOhn Powers grants M/14 James 01/01/1785 Monongalia Co 500a Hackers Creek grants R/646 Joseph 12/18/1786 Monongalia Co 1000a ridge between Buffalo Creek and Bingamin adj his own grants 7/337 Joseph 12/18/1786 Monongalia Co 1000a Mill Creek fork of Buffaloe Creek grants 7/ 339 William 05/10/1787 Monongalia Co 1000a adj Richard Tenant, Michael Moorer on Stratlers Run branch of Dunkard Creek grants 9/222 William 11/05/1787 Monongalia Co 1000a adj his own southeast side head of Slab Camp fork of Deckers Creek grants 14/314 William 01/07/1788 Monongalia Co 2000a Cheat River adj John Overton & Thomas Evans grants 14/545 William 01/07/1788 Monongalia Co 1000a Adj Thomas Evans & John Overton on Cheat River grants 15/282 William 01/18/1792 Monongalia CO 300a co-patent John Downer grants 25/440
1810 Virginia Census
Anderson, Archibald Monongalia 406 10010-40010-0,3 Anderson, Charles Monongalia 405 22010-21020-0,0 Anderson, Dan Monongalia 408 10001-30010-0,0 Anderson, John Monongalia 406 22010-11011-0,0
I have no further information on these individuals at present, but suspect associations with the Andersons of Frederick County.
The MIDI file of "Why Have My Loved Ones Gone" (lyrics) by Stephen Collins Foster (1826-1864) is used by permission of Benjamin Robert Tubb from his website at Public Domain Music
return to Colonial Virginia Anderson Families