Submitted by
David Yost
Memphis Tenn
7th June 1864
In conversation with Dr. Dickinson of this city today he informed me that he had seen a man from Collumbia Ark who left there Friday the 3rd inst who said that the Rebs had 30 pieces of artillery 24 pounders at that place on a neck of land so that they can readily change from one side to the other and command the river from above and below and while a boat is going around the bend can change the position of their pieces so as to bear on her again. These pieces are placed behind the livery through which are cut embrasures. He also states that Marmaduke is there with 8,000 cavalry mostly mounted on U.S. horses and mules and that a large number of infantry were expected there daily and he left.
Dr. Dickinson is acquainted with this man and thinks the statement reliable.
The Dr. is considered a reliable union man him----.
The river at that place is in the following shape:
(Note by Elaine Johnson: There was a small drawing at the bottom of the page showing the shape of the river. The drawing has the name "Greenville" written on it and identifies the location of some of the "rebel" batteries. The rest of the letter is missing. Although there is no signature on the letter, it was compared to the other letters written and appears to be the same handwriting as the letters that are signed by Jed Lake.)