27th Iowa Top Banner

Photos Relating to the 27th Iowa Volunteer Infantry

Note: I have many photos. See the list below the introductory remarks.

1885 Reunion - 27th Iowa

This is a really great picture of a Reunion of the 27th Iowa in 1885

Click here to see an enlargement and to download a high resolution copy of the photo. If you can identify anyone in the photo, please let me know.


27th Iowa Hat


Lela Anhorn (descendant of Frank Henry Beckman) shared with me that she had found this photo under Google Images. I do not have any indication which company it belonged to, but it appears that it was for sell in 2015 for $330.00. The description said "Rare Civil War 27th Iowa Volunteer Regiment only 1172 Muster in. Received the hat when mustered in."

Since I do not know what company it belonged to, I decided to put it here.


I have a group of "Unidentified Soldiers" that were found in the Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection at Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana.  I am hoping that someone can help identify them.

I have many tombstone photos. Check out Cemetery Records. If I have a photo of the tombstone, there is a tombstone icon link in the left column.

The photo list below for the rest of the photos that I have accumulated is just roughly alphabetized. I just add things to each section as I find them.


William Ashline Peter Adrian, Company D
Timothy G. Adams Timothy Adams (Group)
Andersonville Prison Michael Adrian
Hiram Abbott John Anderegg
Isaac Alcorn Sylvester Abbey


Daniel Brisbin George Beck
Warren Baird Jesse O. Burgess
Alonzo W. Bradley James Briar
Boyd Log House Richard R. Bean
John Boss Henry Bremer
J.W. Blacker Badge James W. Blacker
Joseph Simon Bretz Philander Allen Brant
Jonathan M. Beckner Albert Boomer
Nathaniel Prentiss Banks (Major General) Halsey Boyd
Gilbert P. Bennett James Borst
Daniel Bartke  


Civil War Vets Company B. Roster (very large photo)
Gardner S. Clough (drawing) Warren Casaday
William Cram James Daniel Chase and wife
Edwin Churchill John Churchill
Henry Case and wife Rebecca Alfred B. Cotton (with family)
William Crum Warren Chase
James H. Coffman Edward Richard Spigg Canby, Major General
Arthur W. Clyde  


Thomas J. Dudley Herman Droge
Fredrick Duwe Thomas B. Douglass
John Wesley Dickens William G. Donnan
John Luther Dawson George F. Dow
William Dubay Thomas G. Drips
Henry E. A. Diehl  


Carl Edward Ferdinand Ewringmann John Everall
Empire City (Steamboat) Joseph Ess


John Felcher Electus Frizzell
Joel Fisher and his wife Esther Frederick and Mary Franke
Christian T. Fossum  


Silas Garber Hezekiah Garber
William E. Gardner General James I. Gilbert
Charles Trumbull Granger Jedediah W. Granger
Albert M. Green G.A.R. Members of Col. Goodrich Post No. 117, Odebolt, Iowa
Henry Allen Guernsey Henry Allen Guernsey (Group)
Gayoso Hospital Andrew J. Grice


Dyer Hall Dexter H. Hutchins
John Kirchbeeler (Hirshbueller) Herman C. Hemenway
Charles Hennrich David C. Hastings
Reuben Knox Hall Hiram Parker Hawkins
Salem Hartshorn John Hermanson
James C. Haskins Charles Hoover
Newell Helms Thomas Humphreys
Company H 1885 Reunion Photo Amos Haslip
Philander J. Harrington


David Idler Iowa Soldiers Home, Marshalltown, Marshall Co., Iowa


James E. Jewel Gustavus H. Jakway
William Johnson Alexander Jones


Frederick F. Kiner, Chaplin John Kirchbeeler (Hirshbueller)
Keokuk Hospital Corner Stone James Wilson Kingrey
Company K Group Photo  


Henry Louis Lewis Abraham Littlejohn
Leaman Leonard Leaman Leonard (group)
George Birney Lathrop Samuel Howard Lathrop
Jed Lake Solon M. Langworthy
James A. Laird Daniel Lombard
John Loring William Loring


Photos at the Military History Institute Franklin McMonigal
Cornelius Morgan John Moyer
Eston McClintock Alpheas A. Morse
Isaac A. Morris Rouser Mettler 
Calvin McMullen John S. Monk
Darius C. Mather James Downing Maltbie
Meredith McGhee and Sons Silas A. Miller
Frederick Muhm Charles Wesley McKenney
John R. Minkler  


David N. Nicol David Nichol (Group)
Robert E. Noble William H. Nelings
James F. Neville William Niblock


Thomas H. Olson DeWitt Obert
Timothy Allen Olmstead  


Austin W. Perkins Andrew Patterson
Alfred R. Penney Alfred R. Penney (Group)
Daniel Pelton John E. Peck



Reunion of 27th Iowa (Sept. 1885) William C. Rizer
John E. Randall Railroad Destruction
William S. Rosecrans, General Albert C. Rupe


William S. Sims Smiley Sample
George H. Spalding Charles Schecker
Samuel O. Smith Elijah Shaff
Henry Schorg John Schmitz
John Schmidt John Sires
V. W. Sargent Tent Drawing V. W. Sargent with Fonda Vets
Joseph Henry Sweney Montraville V. Smith
John Schimek Scott Shattuck
Fredrick Saeugling Phineas Smith
Philip Schaller Civil War Monument at Sac City (Philip Schaller related)
Daniel Sherman and wife Annis Lorena Sherman George Washington Smith and wife Mary Catherine (Hyde) Smith
Benjamin S. Sager and Wife Elizabeth Charles Sweeney (and brothers)
Oliver P. Shiras John E. Sanborn
Ezra Milks Stephens William Tecumseh Sherman (Lieutenant General)
Frederick Steele (Major General) Andrew Jackson Smith (Major General)
Sallie List (Steamship) William Slack and Family
Charles A. Slocum  


Michael Thein Peter Thein
Oscar Tieman Henry H. Turner
George Henry Thomas (Major General) Charles Oscar Torrey
William H. Thornburg  

U - V

Unidentified Soldiers


William H. Walling Eri A. Wilson
Aaron W. Wilcox (Loyal Legion Badge). George N. Whait
David Wheeler David Wheeler Pen
Hiram Thomas Wilcox George M. Wilkie

X - Y - Z

Young, Ami S. and wife Adelia