Marietta and Atlanta National Cemetery
27th Iowa Top Banner

Roll of Honor


Names of Soldiers

Who Died in

Defense of the American Union

Interred in the

National Cemeteries


Marietta, Ga; Fort Donnellson, Tenn.;

Chattanooga, Tenn., (Additional to No. XI:)

Murfreesboro, Tenn., (additional to No. XI, )

and Knoxville, Tenn., (Additional to No. XI.)

"'Tis holy ground
This spot where, in their graves
We place our country's braves
Who fell in freedom's holy cause,
Fighting for liberties and laws:
Let tears abound."

Quartermaster General's Office
Washington, D. C., August 5, 1869

The following Roll of Honor, prepared in the cemeterial branch of this office, under the direction of Brevet Brigadier General Alex. J. Perry, Quartermaster U.S.A. and containing the record of sixteen thousand six hundred and seventy-five (16,675) Union soldiers interred in the national cemeteries at Marietta, Georgia; Fort Donelson, (Dover,) Tennessee, and (supplementary to No. XI of the Rolls of Honor) Chattanooga, Murfreesboro' (Stone's River,) and Knoxville, Tennessee, is published by authority of the Secretary of War, for the information of their surviving comrades and friends.

M.C. Meigs,
Quartermaster General, Brevet Major General U.S. A.


The Marietta and Atlanta National Cemetery is located in the outskirts of the village of Marietta, George, in full view of the Kenesaw Mountain, twenty miles from Atlanta, on the line of the Western and Atlantic railroad. It covers twenty-four acres, and was donated to the United States by Mr. Henry G. Cole, of Marietta. The ground rises gradually from all sides, and the summit near the center of the cemetery commands an extensive view of the surrounding country. It is beautifully laid out in sections, and is intersected with winding walks and avenues, macadamized and graveled.

From the summit now daily floats the national ensign, and around it lie, in solemn repose, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-four Union dead, whose remains have been gathered from all the battle-fields and hospital grounds of Sherman's advance upon Atlanta, from the banks of the Oostanaula, at Reseca, to Jonesboro, below Atlanta, and east to Augusta. The dead from Central Alabama, at first collected and interred at Montgomery, have also been transferred to this cemetery. Here sleep those who fell with McPherson at Atlanta, with Harker at Kenesaw, on the fields of Peachtree Creek, and in the forests of New Hope Church; and here, too, lie those martyr heroes who so freely sacrificed their lives on the heights of Allatoona.

This Roll of Honor has been made up from the burial sheets forwarded to the office of the chief quartermaster of the Department of the Cumberland for use in the preparation of the Roll of Honor. The entire list has been subjected to careful examination and correction by comparison with the original muster rolls of the several States.

Many names accredited to a State are not to be found upon the rolls of the organizations to which they purport to belong. Such, in all cases, are designated by a star (*), and must be left for future research.

The interments in this cemetery are now completed, and a superintendent has been appointed by the Secretary of War.

27th Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry
Roll of Honor
Marietta and Atlanta National Cemetery, Georgia

No. Name Rank Co. Date of Death Sec. No. of Grave Original Place of Interment
2934 Kelsey, John W. ? C May 13, 1865 L 217 Montgomery, Ala.