
The Sportsman's Guide, published by The Mt. Adams Fish & Game Association, 1939


     The Lava Caves, one mile west of the Mt. Adams Ranger Station on the Carson-Guler Road, were first discovered by Jack Aerni in the summer of 1895. Since that time geologists in the Mt. Adams district have investigated the subterranean channels and expressed the opinion that all the lava flow between East Crater and the location of this main chamber is interspersed with smaller caverns. This was caused by the lava flowing over water and the outer crust of the flow cooling much faster than the core. Thus the center flowed away leaving these chambers. The main Lava Cave chamber extends for almost three-quarters of a mile in a southeasterly direction, and varies in height from six to forty-five feet, and from twelve to twenty-two feet in width. The ceiling is quite symmetrical, smooth-washed rock which juts from sandy floors. The main cave chamber veers from a north and south direction, turning southeast, at which point may be seen the "pillars", dividing that end and making two separate chambers. In 1928 new steps were put down through the ceiling, and a house was built over the opening by W.H. Dean, who experimented is using this place for a storage cellar for potatoes and cheese. It was found that for commercial uses these two products would keep very satisfactorily, However, at the present time no definite program has been inaugurated, and the Caves remain open for the general public to visit throughout the greater portion of the year.

©  Jeffrey L. Elmer